"Make it a tragic mishap"

Sophia and Ms. Johnson looked at each other, then back at Kyra, their eyes searching for any glimmer of recognition. But Kyra's expression remained friendly and curious, with no hint of hidden memories.

"Well, Lyra had long, dark hair and piercing green eyes," Sophia said, her voice filled with nostalgia. "She was petite, with a small tattoo of a sun on her ankle."

Kyra listened intently, her eyes never leaving Sophia's face. But when Sophia finished speaking, Kyra's expression remained unchanged, with no flash of recognition or memory.

"I'm afraid I don't match that description," Kyra said with a laugh. "My hair is short and blonde, and my eyes are blue. And I don't have any tattoos."

Sophia and Ms. Johnson looked at each other, their faces falling in confusion why Kyra is not showing signs of remembering them or noticing their lies.

But as they prepared to leave, Kyra's voice stopped them. "Wait, ladies. Can I ask you something?"

They turned back to her, their eyes questioning. "What is it?" Sophia asked.

Kyra's eyes were filled with curiosity. "What happened to Lyra? Why are you looking for her?

Sophia and Ms. Johnson exchanged a glance, their faces filled with a mix of emotions. They had never expected to have this conversation, but now that they had started, they couldn't stop.

"We are old friends," Ms. Johnson said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She went missing few years back, but seeing a face like hers, we thought you and Lyra were the same person, but now we're not so sure."

Kyra's eyes widened in shock, her face filled with compassion. "Oh, ladies, I'm so sorry. I had no idea."

As they left the restaurant, Sophia and Ms. Johnson couldn't help but wonder if they had been wrong about Kyra. Was she really just a coincidence, or was she hiding something? They didn't know, but they were determined to find out.

"Do you think she's pretending not to know?" Sophia asked as they both entered the car

"Why would she not know that we lied about Lyra's description? Does it mean they look alike? Apart from her hair being short which I can say she might have cut, she looked exactly the same," Ms Johnson continued, after putting on her seatbelt. "For her to have a gap in her life for 5 years means that she went missing at some point."

"She had that? I looked up her information but it says that she came from one village a year ago, I think she never lived here," Sophia said.

"My instincts have never lied to me, Sophia, whether Kyra or Lyra, if we ignore this matter, it might come back to haunt us," Ms Johnson said in a more serious tone.

"What are you trying to say? Kill her? What if we mistook her for Lyra? We can't kill an innocent...," Sophia tried to refuse the idea before Ms Johnson caught her off.

"Don't act like you are righteous, we have killed before, even if we do it now, it won't be so much of a big deal, Sophia," Ms Johnson said, insisting that they do something about Kyra before it's too late.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson discussed their encounter with Kyra, debating whether she was pretending not to know them or genuinely had no memory of her past. Ms. Johnson's instincts told her that Kyra was Lyra, and she convinced Sophia to take action, suggesting that they might have to eliminate her to protect themselves. Sophia initially hesitated, but eventually agreed, and they pulled over at the back of the Global Innovation Company to devise a plan. With a sense of determination and a hint of unease, they began to discuss the details of their next move, their conversation laced with a sense of urgency and a willingness to do whatever it takes to silence Kyra, who they believed might be Lyra.

3 days after, Sophia paid his accomplice, the man who was involved in Lyra's case, Dorothy's case too and this time, Sophia want him to kill Kyra again whether she is Lyra or not.

Sophia handed the envelope filled with cash to the accomplice, his face stern and serious. "I want you to take care of Kyra. Whether she's Lyra or not, I don't care. I just want her gone."

The accomplice, a burly man with a scruffy beard, took the envelope and nodded. "Consider it done. I'll make sure she doesn't bother you again."

Sophia's eyes narrowed. "I want it to look like an accident. No traces back to us."