The Reunion 4

Stephen's eyes struggled to focus, but he managed a nod before stumbling towards the stairs. Each step felt like an eternity, his head pounding in protest.

As he reached the bathroom, he splashed water on his face, trying to shake off the haze. Memories of the previous night's events were hazy, but the weight of his responsibilities as CEO of SM company bore down on him like a crushing force.

He thought back to the power struggle with his uncle, James Mackenzie, who sought to usurp his position. The board of directors was breathing down his neck, demanding results or else. The pressure was suffocating, and his heart longed for a respite from the constant stress.

After a refreshing shower, Stephen dressed up in a blue Italian suit and made his way downstairs, his stomach growling in anticipation of Kyra's hangover soup. She greeted him with a warm smile, and he devoured the soup in silence, savoring the flavors that danced on his taste buds.

As he finished, he rose to leave, but Kyra's gentle touch on his arm halted him. "Stephen, wait. Why are you like this? Is work stressing you out?" Her eyes probed deep, seeking answers he wasn't sure he was ready to give.

He hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. But something in Kyra's expression put him at ease. "It's just...the pressure, Kyra. The constant battle to stay on top. My uncle wants my position, and the board is breathing down my neck. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning in responsibilities."

Kyra's gaze softened, her voice filled with empathy. "You're not alone, Stephen. We all have our struggles. But maybe it's time to reassess your priorities. Is being CEO worth the cost to your well-being?"

Stephen's eyes met hers, and for a moment, he saw a glimmer of hope. Maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to choose between his heart and his head. Maybe Kyra could help him find a way to balance both, but he didn't want to show that he still love her or longed foe her.

"Kyra... I will try as much as I can to keep my distance, and thank you for the soup." Stephen said, his eyes cast down, preparing to leave.

But Kyra's grip on his arm tightened, pulling him back. "Are we really over? What made you think that it's over between us, Stephen Mackenzie?" Her voice was laced with a hint of frustration and confusion.

Stephen's eyes widened in surprise. "Kyra, I thought... you wanted a break. You left me." He stuttered, unsure what she was getting at.

Kyra's eyes narrowed, her voice firm. "Stephen Mackenzie, sit down." She pulled him back to the chair, her gaze piercing.

"I remember everything. The first time you walked into my bakery shop, six years ago. I'm McDonald's daughter, and my father owed you a loan. I was working in your company to pay it back, and my father's debt to Justin too..."

Stephen's eyes were fixed on hers, his mind racing. "How... how did you remember? Kyra, are you Lyra? What happened to you? Why did you change your name and hid your identity?" He stuttered, his world spinning.

Kyra's eyes filled with a mix of emotions. "It all came back to me, Stephen. The memories, the pain, the joy. Everything. And I realized that I can't just walk away from us. From what we have."

Stephen's heart raced, his mind reeling. "Kyra, I... I don't know what to say." He stammered, feeling like he was drowning in her gaze.

Kyra's voice was soft, her eyes pleading. "I lost my memory, that was why I didn't recognize you when I first saw, but at the restaurant, that night as the fire burnt down everything, the fear I felt, I remembered everything about me, my real name, identity, my real family."

Stephen's eyes welled up with tears as he gazed at Kyra, her words piercing his soul. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of emotions, his heart overflowing with joy and gratitude.

Without a word, he pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her as if he never wanted to let her go. Tears streamed down his face, his body shaking with sobs.

Kyra wrapped her arms around him, her own tears mingling with his. "Stephen," she whispered. "Someone had found me and sheltered me for the past few years "

Stephen's grip only tightened, his fingers tangling in her hair. He couldn't speak, couldn't form words to express the overwhelming joy that threatened to consume him.

In that moment, all he could do was hold her, cherish her, and never let her go. The realization that she still wanted him, that she still loved him, was almost too much to bear.

As they held each other, the world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in their love and their tears.

Stephen finally loosened his tight embrace, his eyes searching Kyra's face as if to confirm that she was really there, that this was really happening.

"Kyra... Can you tell me in details.. what happened to you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "All these years, I thought I'd lost you forever."

Kyra's eyes dropped, her gaze faltering. "I... I don't know, Stephen. I'm still trying to remember."

Stephen's eyes narrowed, his mind racing. "What do you mean? You remembered everything else, but not what happened?"

Kyra hesitated, her voice barely audible. "I... I'm still trying to piece it together. But I promise, I'll tell you everything as soon as I remember."

Stephen's eyes searched hers, sensing that she was hiding something. "And Sophia? Do you remember anything about her?"

Kyra's gaze faltered, her eyes darting away. "No... I mean, I'm still trying to remember. That part is still fuzzy."

Stephen's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. Why was she evading his questions? What was she hiding? But he pushed aside his doubts, his heart still reeling from the shock of her return. He would wait for her to remember, to tell him the truth. For now, he just wanted to hold her close and never let her go again.