The Reunion 5

"Stephen, can I ask a favor?" Kyra's voice was laced with vulnerability.

"Anything, Kyra. Always," Stephen's response was immediate and sincere.

"I want to see my family, my mom and my brother, Ken, they might have been searching for me, now that I remember them, I miss them like crazy," Kyra's words were barely above a whisper.

Stephen's heart skipped a beat. "I understand how you feel, kyra. I'll take you to them, but on one condition: we go together."

Kyra's eyes locked onto his, her gaze searching. "Why?"

Stephen's voice cracked. "Because I can't bear the thought of being apart from you, even for a moment. And I want to be there for you, to hold your hand through whatever emotions come flooding back. Those years without you felt like hell... those crazy years"

Kyra's eyes welled up with tears. "Do you still love me Stephen?"

Stephen's eyes misted, his voice barely audible. "How can you ask such a question, you deserve all the love in the world, Kyra. And I want to be the one to give it to you."

Their eyes held each other's, the air thick with emotion. The weight of their past, the depth of their love, and the longing for a future together hung precariously in the balance.

Lyra's eyes were filled with remorse as she said, "Stephen, I'm so sorry for judging you and your lifestyle. I was wrong to lash out at you like that."

Stephen's expression was serious, his voice filled with understanding. "I know, Lyra. I understand why you were upset. But I want you to know that my business, my lifestyle, it's all just a part of who I am. And I promise to always be honest with you, even if it's hard to hear."

Lyra's face was etched with regret, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know, Stephen. And I'm sorry for the way I reacted. I was wrong to assume the worst about you."

Stephen's expression turned solemn, his eyes locked onto hers. "I accept your apology, Lyra. But..." He paused, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I have to admit, I've been feeling a little... sick lately."

Lyra's concern was immediate. "What's wrong? What's happening?"

Stephen's hand rose to his cheek, his eyes closing in exaggerated pain. "My cheeks, Lyra. They ache. From the hot slap you gave me that night at the restaurant."

Lyra's eyes widened in surprise, then burst out laughing. "Oh, Stephen! You're such a drama queen!"

Stephen's grin was sheepish, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "Hey, it's a real condition, Lyra. Slap-induced cheek pain. It's a thing, I swear!"

Stephen wrapped his arms around Lyra, holding her close as they savored the moment. Then, with a gentle squeeze, he released her and headed towards the door.

"Where are you off to?" Lyra asked, her eyes following him.

"Work," Stephen replied, his back to her. "I have a meeting to get to."

Lyra's curiosity got the better of her. "And where have you been sleeping?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Stephen hesitated, his hand on the doorknob. He hummed a tune, avoiding the question.

Lyra's eyes narrowed. "Stephen, where have you been sleeping?"

The humming grew louder, more exaggerated. Stephen refused to answer, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Lyra laughed, shaking her head. "You're impossible, Stephen!"

With a final hum, Stephen slipped out the door, leaving Lyra to wonder where he had really been sleeping.