The Investigation 1

Detective Jameson sat in the police investigation room, a small, windowless space with gray walls and a metal table in the center. The room was dimly lit, with a single flickering fluorescent light overhead. He had been investigating the fire incident at Taste of Heaven restaurant, where Kyra was almost burnt to death, but the CCTV footage was destroyed in the blaze.

Just as he was about to pack up and leave for the day, a knock on the door broke the silence. "Enter," he called out, and a young woman, Olivia, was led into the room by a police officer. She looked nervous and fidgety, her eyes darting around the room.

"Olivia, thank you for coming forward," Detective Jameson said, his voice firm but friendly. "I understand you have some information about a crime?"

Olivia nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, detective. I want to confess. I was involved in a crime, and I have information about another one."

Detective Jameson's eyes narrowed. "What crime are you talking about, Olivia?"

Olivia took a deep breath before speaking. "Dorothy, Sophia's house help. I helped Sophia kill her. And Sophia was also involved in Lyra's disappearance six years ago."

Detective Jameson's eyes widened in surprise. "Lyra McDonald?"

Olivia shook her head. "I don't know her surname, but I know her face. I have a video on my phone, from that night. It's blurry, but you can see Sophia and another woman whose name I know nothing of, pushing Lyra off the cliff."

Detective Jameson's eyes locked onto Olivia's phone, his mind racing with possibilities. "Let me see the video," he said, his voice firm.

Olivia handed over her phone, and Detective Jameson played the video. It was grainy and dark, but he could make out the figures of Sophia, Ms. Johnson, and Lyra. He couldn't see their faces clearly, but he could tell that Lyra was struggling before she was pushed off the cliff.

"This video is six years old," Detective Jameson said, his voice thoughtful. "And it's blurry. I need to get it enhanced to see the faces clearly."

Olivia nodded. "I understand. I was afraid it wouldn't be enough."

Detective Jameson smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, Olivia. This is a big break in the case. We'll get the video enhanced and see if we can identify the faces."

He stood up and walked over to the door, calling out to one of his officers. "Get the video to forensics and see if they can enhance it. And bring me the photos."

The officer nodded and left the room, returning with a photos of Sophia, Ms Johnson and Lyra. Detective Jameson showed it to Olivia, who nodded immediately. "That's her. That's Lyra."

Detective Jameson's eyes locked onto Olivia's, his gaze intense. "You're doing the right thing, Olivia. We'll get this Sophia and whoever her accomplice must be, and we'll make sure they pay for their crimes."

And with that, the detective took Olivia's statement, and the investigation into Lyra's disappearance and Dorothy's murder will soon begin in earnest.

Detective Jameson and his team were eager to start investigating Sophia and Ms. Johnson, but they faced a hurdle - their chief, Captain Lewis, was skeptical about the case.

"I don't know, Jameson," Captain Lewis said, rubbing his chin. "This video is blurry, and we don't have any concrete evidence. We can't just arrest someone without a warrant."

Detective Jameson tried to convince him. "Sir, Olivia's testimony and the video are enough to at least investigate further. We can't ignore the possibility that Sophia and this other woman are involved in Lyra's disappearance and Dorothy's murder."

But Captain Lewis was unconvinced. "I understand your enthusiasm, Jameson, but we need solid evidence. We can't risk arresting someone without a good case. It'll be a waste of resources and could lead to a lawsuit."

Detective Jameson and his team tried to persuade Captain Lewis for days, but he refused to budge. It was after few more days that Captain Lewis finally relented.

"Alright, Jameson," he said. "You can start investigating, but be careful. We don't want to risk anything that could compromise the case. Get me something concrete, and then we'll talk about arrests."

Detective Jameson nodded, relieved. "Thank you, sir. We'll be careful."

And with that, the investigation

Detective Jameson and his team were determined to crack the case, but they knew they had to tread carefully. They decided to dig deeper into Kyra's connection to Lyra McDonald, and what they found surprised them. Kyra and Lyra were the same person, and she was currently living in Stephen Mackenzie's mansion.

The detectives realized that they had stumbled upon something big, and they needed to approach Stephen Mackenzie to get to the bottom of it. They decided to pay a visit to SM Company, where Stephen was the CEO.

As they arrived at the company, they were greeted by a receptionist who offered to escort them to Stephen's office. The detectives were impressed by the lavish decor and the bustling atmosphere of the office.

When they arrived at Stephen's office, they found him sitting behind his desk, looking every bit the successful businessman. He greeted them warmly and asked what he could do for them.

Detective Jameson got straight to the point. "Mr. Mackenzie, we're investigating a case involving Lyra McDonald. We believe she may be living in your mansion."

Stephen's expression changed from friendly to guarded. "I don't know what you're talking about," he said.

Detective Jameson pulled out a photo of Kyra. "This woman is Lyra McDonald. We have reason to believe she's been living in your mansion. Can you tell us about your relationship with her?"

Stephen nodded, a look of determination on his face. "I'll tell you everything I know. But I need some time to talk to Lyra first. She needs to know what's going on."

Detective Jameson hesitated, unsure if they should allow Stephen to talk to Kyra before they did. But something in Stephen's eyes made him trust him.

"Okay, Mr. Mackenzie," he said finally. "You can have some time to talk to Kyra. But we need to be present during the conversation. And we need to make it clear to her that she's not in any trouble. We just need her help to uncover the truth."

Stephen nodded, relief washing over his face. "Thank you. I'll go talk to her now."

The detectives followed Stephen to his mansion, their minds racing with possibilities.