The Investigation 2

As they arrived at the mansion, Stephen led them inside, Kyra was in the sitting room, reading a book. She looked up as they entered, a look of surprise on her face.

"Stephen, what's going on? Who are these men?" she asked, her voice husky.

Stephen took a deep breath before speaking. "Kyra, these detectives need to ask you some questions about your past."

Kyra's eyes narrowed, her face pale. "What do you mean?"

Detective Jameson stepped forward, his voice gentle. "Ma'am, we're investigating a case involving your disappearance six years ago. We ask for your cooperation."

Kyra's eyes widened, as she looked at the detectives, her mind racing with memories of that night six years ago. Stephen took her hand, leading her away from the sitting room and into the kitchen.

"Kyra, have you remembered what happened before you went missing?" he asked, his voice low and urgent.

Kyra hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I...I don't know," she stammered.

Stephen's eyes filled with understanding. "It's okay, Kyra. You don't have to say anything you're not ready to."

"But why are these men here, investigating my past?" she asked, pointing towards the sitting room where the detectives were.

Stephen replied. "They're investigating your disappearance. But don't worry, I'll make sure they don't pressure you. You can tell them as much or as little as you remember."

Kyra nodded, taking a deep breath. "I...I remember being at the cliff," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. "And then...and then I was pushed."

Stephen's eyes narrowed, his face darkening with anger. "Who pushed you?" he growled.

Kyra hesitated, unsure if she should reveal the truth. But something in Stephen's eyes made her trust him. "Sophia," she whispered. "She pushed me off the cliff."

Stephen's face went white with rage, but he remained silent, assured Kyra that he will be by her side.

They returned to the sitting room, and sat across the detectives, the men were ready with their notes and pens.

"Officers, what can I offer you? Please make yourselves comfortable, I will cooperate," she asked.

"Anything is fine ma'am, thank you," detective Jameson answered.

Kyra head to the kitchen to prepare a warm tea. Minutes later, she was back and served the detectives tea in the sitting room, her hands shaking slightly as she poured the steaming liquid into delicate cups. She sat down and Stephen sat beside her, his eyes fixed on hers with a reassuring gaze.

As they sipped their tea, Detective Jameson began to ask Kyra questions about her disappearance six years ago. Kyra hesitated, unsure how much to reveal.

"Ma'am, are you miss Lyra McDonald?" Detective Jameson asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"Are you also the owner of Taste of heaven restaurant, chef Kyra?"

"Yeah, yeah, along the line, I had my name changed or I lost my memory and someone adopted me and gave me another name."

"Ma'am, can you tell us more about what happened before you went missing?" Detective Jameson asked gently.

Kyra nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "I remember being at the cliff...and then Sophia pushed me. I fell, and everything went black."

Stephen's eyes narrowed, his face filled with concern. "Kyra, it's okay. You don't have to relive this if it's too much for you."

But Kyra continued, her voice shaking. "I didn't remember anything until after the recent fire incident at my restaurant, I recovered my memory after I woke up in the hospital."

Detective Ivy leaned forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "Ma'am, that must have been terrifying. Can you tell us more about what happened after you woke up? Like who found you and adopted you? Where exactly? Also, can you recall how the fire started?"

Kyra's tears spilled over, and she buried her face in her hands. Stephen quickly stood up, his eyes locked onto the detectives. "I think that's enough for now. Kyra's getting stressed."

Detective Jameson nodded, his face understanding. "Of course, Mr. Mackenzie. We don't want to push her too hard."

Stephen turned to Kyra, his voice soft. "Kyra, you've done great. But I think you need a break. You've been through a lot, and I won't let anyone or anything overwhelm you."

Kyra nodded, her eyes still streaming with tears. "I'm sorry...I just...I don't know how the fire started...or anything..."

Stephen's eyes locked onto the detectives. "I think we need to stop here. Kyra's still recovering from her memory loss, and this is a lot for her to handle."

Detective Rodriguez nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Of course, Mr. Mackenzie. We'll give her some space. But can you tell us more about the fire incident or more information about her memory loss?"

Stephen nodded, his face serious. "Kyra lost her memory. She didn't remember anything for six years. It's only recently that she's started to recover her memories."

Detective Jameson's eyes widened, his face filled with surprise. "I see. Well, in that case, we'll give her some time. But we will need to come back and ask more questions, Mr. Mackenzie."

Stephen nodded, his eyes firm. "I understand. But for now, Kyra needs some rest. She's stressed, and I won't have her pushed too hard."

The detectives nodded, their faces understanding. "Of course, Mr. Mackenzie. We'll leave you two alone for now. But we'll be back."

As the detectives left, Stephen turned to Kyra, his eyes filled with concern. "Kyra, I'm so sorry. I know this is hard for you. But we'll get through it together."