Undercover Mission Successful

It had been over a month since Ivy started working as a house help at the Martins' residence, but she had yet to uncover any concrete evidence to support Olivia's confession about Sophia's involvement in Lyra's disappearance, and in Dorothy's death. Sophia, oblivious to Ivy's true identity, had been careful to maintain a spotless facade, leaving no traces of any wrongdoing.

On this particular morning, Sophia was running late for work when her phone rang, shrill in the silence of the house. She answered, slightly out of breath. "What is it?"

Ms. Johnson's voice was direct and probing. "What happened to Lyra, Sophia? There should be news about her death by now, shouldn't there?"

Sophia's eyes gleamed with a mixture of shock and annoyance as she spoke to Ms. Johnson on the phone. "She was lucky, that girl is lucky, she didn't die, escaped from that fire, I can't believe this!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with disdain.

Ms. Johnson's response was laced with malice. "Well, I don't think we should leave that girl alive, she would uncover everything we have done. She's a liability, Sophia."

Sophia's tone turned cautious. "Well, she has kept herself hidden, I don't know what happened with her after the fire incident. I've been trying to find out, but she seems to have vanished into thin air."

Ms. Johnson's voice took on a sinister tone. "We need to take care of her, Sophia. She can't be allowed to expose us. Can we meet to discuss this further?"

Sophia's response was curt. "Sure, at the usual place."

As soon as the call ended, Ivy, who had been listening in on the conversation from the kitchen, sprang into action. She quickly sneaked into the sitting room, her earpiece still connected to the device that had allowed her to eavesdrop on Sophia's call. Her heart raced as she processed the information she had just heard. Lyra, the girl who had disappeared, was still alive, and Sophia and Ms. Johnson were plotting to silence her permanently.

Without hesitation, Ivy followed Sophia out of the house, careful to remain unnoticed as she tailed her. She hailed a cab and instructed the driver to follow Sophia's car, her mind racing with the implications of what she had just heard. She was determined to protect Lyra and bring Sophia and Ms. Johnson to justice.

Sophia's car pulled up to the familiar empty old warehouse, the usual rendezvous point for her clandestine meetings with Ms. Johnson. She stepped out of the car and into the dimly lit interior, the only sound being the creaking of the old wooden beams.

Ms. Johnson was already there, her eyes fixed on Sophia with an air of urgency. "We need to take care of Lyra once and for all," she said, her voice low and menacing.

Sophia nodded in agreement. "I know, I can't believe she's still alive. We've tried everything to get rid of her."

Ivy, listening in through the wiretapping device, her earpiece securely in place, felt a chill run down her spine. She had been following Sophia, careful to remain out of sight, and had arrived at the warehouse just in time to hear the conversation.

"She's a slippery one, that's for sure," Ms. Johnson said, her frustration evident. "But we can't let our guard down. We need to come up with a new plan to take her out."

Sophia nodded, her eyes scanning the empty warehouse. "I've got a few ideas. Let's discuss them."

As they began to talk, Ivy slipped out of the cab and paid the driver, her eyes fixed on the warehouse. She hid at the back of the old warehouse,and listened intently to the conversation. She knew she had to act fast, to stop Sophia and Ms. Johnson before it was too late.

Ivy, hiding at the back of the warehouse, recorded the incriminating conversations between Sophia and Ms. Johnson. She quickly made a call to Detective Jameson, her voice low and urgent.

"Detective, it's Ivy. I have them. They're at the old warehouse on 5th and Main. They're discussing their plan to take out Lyra McDonald. I need backup, now."

She listened briefly to the detective's response before ending the call. With a deep breath, she made her way into the warehouse, her eyes fixed on Sophia and Ms. Johnson.

"Sophia Martin and Ms. Johnson, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Lyra McDonald," Ivy announced, her voice firm and authoritative.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson spun around, shock and outrage etched on their faces.

"You have the right to call your lawyers," Ivy continued, her eyes locked on the pair. "And the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

Sophia's eyes widened in shock as she took in the scene before her. "Ivy? What are you doing here? Arrest? What nonsense are you talking about?" she sputtered.

Ms. Johnson turned to Sophia, confusion etched on her face. "Do you know her?"

Sophia nodded, her eyes still fixed on Ivy. "She's my house maid."

Ivy smiled, a small, triumphant smile. "Not just your house maid, Sophia. I'm also a police officer." She pulled out her identity card, flashing her badge. "And you're both under arrest."

With a swift motion, Ivy handcuffed Sophia and Ms. Johnson, who remained speechless, their eyes wide with shock.

Leading them outside, Ivy kept her gun trained on the pair as she waited for backup. Moments later, the sound of sirens filled the air as Detective Mark and his team arrived on the scene.

"Ivy, good work," Detective Mark said, as he and his team took custody of Sophia and Ms. Johnson.

As Ivy entered the front passenger seat of the police car, she handed her phone to Detective Mark. "I got their confession on tape, sir. It's all here."

Detective Mark nodded, his eyes scanning the phone's screen. "Good work, Ivy. This will be solid evidence."

With the suspects securely in the backseat, Detective Mark drove the car to the station, Ivy's phone containing the damning evidence that would seal Sophia and Ms. Johnson's fate.