Arrest and Interrogation

At the Willowdale police station, Sophia and Ms. Johnson sat in their cells, staring at the ceiling with looks of disbelief. Sophia's mind raced with thoughts of how she had let in a detective into her house as a house help, what more evidence would they have? Why was she careless?

Meanwhile, at the Martins' residence, Raphael and his mother, Mrs. Martins, were enjoying a quiet evening when the doorbell rang. Raphael answered it, expecting it to be a neighbor or perhaps a delivery. But to his surprise, it was a police officer.

"Can I help you?" Raphael asked, his heart beginning to race.

"Are you Raphael Martins?" the officer asked.

"Yes, I am. What's going on?"

"I'm afraid your wife, Sophia, has been arrested and is being held at the Willowdale police station."

Raphael's eyes widened in shock. "What? That's impossible! What are the charges?"

The officer hesitated before speaking. "I'm not at liberty to disclose that information, sir. But I suggest you get to the station as soon as possible."

Raphael's mind raced as he called out to his mother. "Mom, it's Sophia! She's been arrested!"

Mrs. Martins rushed to the door, her face pale with worry. "What? Oh no! We have to go to her!"

Raphael and Mrs. Martins rushed to the police station, their hearts pounding with anxiety. When they arrived, they demanded to see Sophia.

"I'm afraid that's not possible," the officer at the desk said. "She's being processed and can't receive visitors at the moment."

Raphael's face turned red with anger. "I don't care about your procedures! I want to see my wife now!"

Mrs. Martins placed a calming hand on his arm. "Raphael, let's try to stay calm. We'll get to the bottom of this."

After what seemed like an eternity, Sophia emerged from the cell, with her hands cuffed.

"Sophia!" Raphael and Mrs. Martins exclaimed in unison, rushing to her side.

"What happened?" Raphael asked, his voice shaking with concern.

Sophia's eyes narrowed. "I didn't do anything, Raphael. I swear. I need a lawyer."

Mrs. Martins' eyes welled up with tears. "Oh, Sophia, we'll get you the best lawyer in town. We'll get you out of this."

Sophia's face remained resolute. "I don't want any favors. I just want justice."

As the family embraced, the police officer cleared his throat. "I'm afraid you'll have to leave now. The suspect needs to be processed further."

Raphael and Mrs. Martins reluctantly parted from Sophia, their faces etched with worry and bidding her goodbye, Sophia was led back into the cell.

Sophia and Ms. Johnson were led into the investigation room, a stark, windowless space with a metal table and three chairs. The walls were a dull gray, and the air was thick with the scent of stale coffee and tension.

Detective Mike entered the room, a laptop under his arm, his eyes fixed on Ms. Johnson. "So, Ms. Johnson, we've had a chat with Sophia, and now it's your turn."

Ms. Johnson's eyes narrowed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Detective Mike smiled, his eyes glinting with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, come on, Ms. Johnson. We have evidence. You were involved in Lyra's disappearance six years ago. We have a recorded conversation between you and Sophia that implicates you in the crime."

Ms. Johnson's face went white, her eyes darting to Sophia, who remained silent, her eyes fixed on the table. "I don't know what you're talking about," Ms. Johnson repeated, her voice shaking.

Detective Mike sighed, opening his laptop. "Let's take a listen, shall we?"

He pressed play, and a conversation filled the room, the voices of Ms. Johnson and Sophia clear as day.

"...we need to get rid of her, Sophia. She's becoming a liability," Ms. Johnson's voice said.

"I agree, but we need to be careful. We can't afford to make any mistakes," Sophia's voice replied.

Ms. Johnson's eyes went wide, her face pale. "That's taken out of context!" she protested.

Detective Mike raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, we'll be the judges of that. You see, Ms. Johnson, we have reason to believe that you and Sophia were involved in Lyra's disappearance, and we're going to get to the bottom of it."

As the interrogation continued, other detectives watched from the outside room, their eyes fixed on the monitors showing the investigation room. They listened intently, their faces grim, as Detective Mike pressed Ms. Johnson for answers.

Sophia remained silent, her eyes fixed on the table, her mind racing with thoughts of the conversation she had with Ms. Johnson at the old warehouse. She knew she had to be careful, that one misstep could lead to her downfall.

At the Martins' residence, Raphael and his mother, Mrs. Martins, walked in, their faces etched with worry and confusion.

"What could they possibly think Sophia has done?" Raphael paced back and forth in the living room, his mind racing with thoughts of his wife's arrest.

Mrs. Martins sat down on the couch, her eyes fixed on her son. "I don't know, Raphael, but we'll get to the bottom of this. We'll file a lawsuit, get the best lawyers... "

Raphael stopped pacing and turned to his mother. "But why would they arrest her without a warrant? What evidence could they possibly have?"

Mrs. Martins shook her head. "I don't know, son. But we'll figure it out."

Just then, the sound of baby Matthew's cries echoed from the nursery. The nanny, came out with the baby in her arms, looking frazzled.

"He's been crying for a while, sir, madam," the nanny said, handing the baby over to Raphael and Mrs. Martins. "Maybe he's sick or something?"

Raphael and Mrs. Martins exchanged worried glances as they took turns trying to soothe the baby. Matthew's cries only grew louder, and Raphael's mind raced with thoughts of Sophia, wondering if she was okay, if she was falsely accused.

"We need to get to the bottom of this," Raphael muttered, his eyes fixed on his son. "For Sophia, for our family... we can't let them get away with this."

Mrs. Martins nodded, her eyes fierce with determination. "We won't, son. We'll fight for Sophia, for our family's honor."

As they tried to calm Matthew down, their minds raced with thoughts of the battle ahead, the fight to clear Sophia's name and bring their family back together.