DNA test

That night, Sophia returned home late, around 11 pm, due to her tight schedules. She had called Raphael, her husband, ahead of time to let him know she would be late, as she had a dinner meeting with one of their VIP clients that couldn't be rescheduled. She had been asked to dinner by the client and couldn't refuse. When she arrived home, she checked on Matthew, their son, who was fast asleep in his nursery. She kissed his forehead, then checked on the nanny and her mother-in-law, who were also asleep. Assuming Raphael would be asleep too, she went upstairs to their bedroom.

However, when she opened the door, she was surprised to see Raphael sitting on their bed, watching the night news. He was propped up against the pillows, his back supported, and his eyes fixed intently on her as she entered the room. Sophia was taken aback, surprised by his wakefulness. "Why are you still awake, baby?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Raphael's response was a deep, passionate kiss that left her breathless. As they embraced, his hands caressed her body, and his fingers tangled in her long, curly hair.

Unbeknownst to Sophia, Raphael had an ulterior motive for his affection. He had been waiting for the perfect moment to obtain a strand of her hair for a DNA test, and this was his chance. He kissed her deeply, his kisses demanding and full of fear of facing the truth, for he knew that if Sophia was guilty of anything she was accused of, he wouldn't be able to forgive her.

As they slept together that night, Sophia was oblivious to the fact that her husband was hiding a secret that would soon change everything.

Raphael had managed to retrieve a few strands of her hair, which he would use for the DNA test. The results would reveal the truth, and Sophia's world would be turned upside down.

The next morning, Raphael prepared for work as usual, but instead of leaving with Sophia, he told her to go ahead without him. "I need to stop by somewhere," he said, his tone casual.

Sophia didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary, as her husband had always been loving and protective of her. She smiled, kissed him goodbye, and headed out the door, unaware of the secrets he kept.

Raphael watched her leave, his heart heavy with anticipation. He had been planning this moment after having that conversation with his mother and that it was finally here, he couldn't shake off the feeling of trepidation. He took a deep breath, grabbed the strands of Sophia's hair he had collected the night before, and headed out to see Dr. Lee.

Dr. Lee's hospital was a small, private clinic on the outskirts of town. Raphael had chosen it specifically for its discretion and confidentiality. As he entered the hospital, he was greeted by the friendly receptionist, who showed him to Dr. Lee's office.

Dr. Lee was a middle-aged man with a kind face and a reassuring smile. He had a reputation for being one of the best in his field, and Raphael had chosen him for this very reason. The doctor welcomed Raphael warmly and asked him to take a seat.

"So, Mr. Raphael, what brings you here today?" Dr. Lee asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Raphael hesitated, unsure of how to begin. "I need a DNA test," he said finally, his voice low. "I want to know if these hairs can prove if my son is related to my Sophia, my wife."

Dr. Lee's expression turned serious. "I see. And why do you need to know this, if I may ask?"

Raphael sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. "I've been suspecting her and there are many groundless rumours that she is not my son's mother, and to protect her, I need proof."

Dr. Lee nodded sympathetically. "I understand. Well, let's get the test done then. Please, give me the hair samples."

Raphael handed over the strands of Sophia's hair, and Dr. Lee carefully placed them in a small container. "This will only take a few minutes," he assured Raphael. "Please, wait in the waiting room, and I'll call you in as soon as the results are ready."

Raphael nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He left the office and sat in the waiting room, his mind racing with thoughts of Sophia and the possible outcome of the test. What if she was guilty? What if she wasn't? He couldn't shake off the feeling of uncertainty that had been plaguing him since yesterday.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Dr. Lee called him back into the office. Raphael's heart raced as he entered the room, his eyes fixed on the doctor's face. Dr. Lee's expression was serious, but his eyes held a hint of compassion.

"Mr. Raphael, the results are in," he said, his voice gentle. "And I'm afraid they're not what you were hoping for," Dr. Lee said as his receptionist ushered Raphael into the office, her expression sympathetic. Dr. Lee himself looked somber, his eyes filled with a deep understanding.

"Mr. Raphael, please, take a seat," Dr. Lee said, his voice gentle.

Raphael sat down, his heart racing with anticipation. "What did the test show?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dr. Lee hesitated, his eyes locked on Raphael's. "The strands of hair you provided... they don't match."

Raphael's mind raced. "What do you mean? They have to match. Sophia is Matthew's mother..."

Dr. Lee's expression turned compassionate. "I'm afraid that's not biologically possible, Mr. Raphael. The DNA test shows that Sophia is not related to Matthew."

The room seemed to spin around Raphael. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut. "But... but that's impossible," he stammered. "Sophia was pregnant. I saw her belly grow. I was there when Matthew was born..."

Dr. Lee's voice was soft. "I know this is a shock, Mr. Raphael. But sometimes, life throws us curveballs. It's possible that Sophia... ah... adopted a child without telling you?"

Raphael's eyes widened in disbelief. "No, no, that can't be. She would have told me. We're husband and wife, partners in every sense of the word..."

Dr. Lee's expression turned thoughtful. "I see. Well, Mr. Raphael, it seems we have a mystery on our hands. But I want you to know that I'm here for you, no matter what. Life has its ups and downs, and sometimes we have to face difficult truths. But you're strong, Mr. Raphael. You can handle this."

Raphael felt a lump form in his throat. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sophia, his loving wife, not biologically related to their son? It couldn't be true. But deep down, he knew that Dr. Lee wouldn't lie to him. The truth was staring him in the face, and he had to confront it.