The Wet Nurse

Raphael walked into his mother's room, his footsteps heavy with the weight of the truth. His mother, freshly returned from the Ladies' society meeting, looked up from her seat, a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "Raphael, dear, what's wrong?" she asked, noticing the somber expression on her son's face.

Raphael handed her the envelope, his voice barely above a whisper. "The DNA test results, Mother. It's not good."

His mother's eyes widened as she took the envelope from him. She pulled out the white paper, her eyes scanning the contents. Her expression changed from curiosity to shock, her eyes fixed on the percentage that confirmed Sophia and Matthew's lack of biological relationship.

"Raphael, oh my God!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling. "What does this mean?"

Raphael's face was grim. "It means Sophia lied to me, Mother. Matthew is not my son."

His mother's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Raphael, I'm so sorry. What are you going to do?"

Raphael's jaw clenched. "I know what to do, Mother. I'll take care of it."

He turned and walked out of the room, leaving his mother in shock. He made his way to the nursery, his heart heavy with the truth. Inside, he found the nanny playing games with Matthew, who was learning to walk and stand. The room was a soothing oasis, designed to raise a rich man's son in comfort and luxury.

The nanny looked up as Raphael entered, a smile on her face. "Mr. Raphael, welcome! Matthew is making great progress, isn't he?"

Raphael's eyes fixed on his son, his heart aching with the knowledge that he wasn't biologically related to him. He felt a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, and a sense of betrayal. But he knew he had to keep his composure, for the sake of his family and his business empire.

"Yes, he is," Raphael said, his voice calm. "Keep up the good work, nanny. I'll be back soon."

With that, he turned and left the nursery, his mind racing with the implications of the DNA test results and the future of his family.

Raphael came back again to the nursery, his mind still reeling from the shocking revelation.

He approached the nanny, who was still playing with Matthew, and asked in a calm tone, "Maria, can I ask you something?"

The nanny looked up, slightly concerned. "Of course, Mr. Raphael. What is it?"

"Who comes to breastfeed my son?" Raphael asked, his eyes fixed on Matthew.

The nanny hesitated, "Well, sir, there is a wet nurse who comes by regularly, as instructed by Madam Sophia."

Raphael's eyes narrowed. "A wet nurse? Who is she? How can I contact her?"

The nanny seemed uneasy, "I don't know much about her, sir. She just comes and goes. But I can give you her name and address, if you'd like."

Raphael's expression turned stern. "I want it. Now."

The nanny quickly scribbled down the information and handed it to Raphael, who took it without a word. He turned to leave, then stopped and turned back to the nanny.

"Maria, I want you to keep this conversation to yourself. Don't mention it to my wife, Sophia. Do you understand?"

The nanny looked worried but nodded. "Yes, sir. I understand, but is there any problem sir?"

Raphael's eyes bore into hers. "Everything's fine." He turned to leave, "I mean it, Maria. Not a word."

With that, he turned and left the nursery, leaving the nanny feeling uneasy and concerned. She wondered what was going on, but she knew better than to ask further questions. Her job was to take care of Matthew, and that's what she would do. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss.

Raphael traced the wet nurse to the hospital where she worked, a nursing mother with two children - a toddler she breastfed and a five-year-old. She was also a nurse, working mostly night shifts. Sophia had met her at the hospital where she had pretended to give birth. A colleague summoned her, saying someone wanted to see her. When she came out, she saw Raphael, a tall and handsome young man.

He greeted her, and she reciprocated. "This must be your child," he asked, and she confirmed.

He requested a few minutes of her time, and she agreed. She handed her child over to a colleague and returned to speak with Raphael.

In the hospital cafeteria, Raphael got straight to the point. "Are you the wet nurse I've been looking for?" he asked, mentioning a name and her side job.

She confirmed, and Raphael asked her to reveal the truth in exchange for a substantial payment that would persuade her to stop her wet nursing job. The promise of money struck a chord, and she agreed.

Raphael pulled out his phone, started recording without her knowledge, and asked directly, "Do you know Mrs. Martins Sophia?" She replied yes. Raphael continued, "Sophia is my wife, and that baby is my son. Tell me how long you've been breastfeeding my son and why you agreed to this arrangement."

The nurse took a deep breath and revealed the secrets she had kept hidden. Raphael listened intently, his mind racing with the implications. She explained how Sophia had approached her at the hospital, offering a substantial sum to breastfeed the baby. She had agreed and had been doing it for over a year.

Raphael's expression turned grim as he listened, his heart heavy with the truth. He had suspected it, but hearing it from the nurse confirmed his worst fears.

Raphael's eyes locked onto hers, his gaze intense. "If a situation arises where you need to testify about everything you've told me, will you do so?"

The nurse nodded emphatically. "Yes sir, I will. I promise."

Raphael's face showed a hint of relief. "Thank you," he said, his voice sincere. "Thank you for telling me the truth."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a checkbook. With a few swift strokes, he wrote a check for 1 million dollars. "For your honesty," he said, handing it to her.

The nurse's eyes widened as she took the check. "Thank you, sir," she stammered.

Raphael stood up, his tall frame towering over her. "Remember, this is our little secret," he said with a hint of warning. "For now."

With that, he turned and walked out of the cafeteria, leaving the nurse stunned and grateful.