Mask of Sanity

Sophia's face reddened with indignation. "How dare you, Raphael! Ask a mother like myself when she last breastfed her son? Are you out of your mind? What kind of ridiculous question is that?"

But before Raphael could respond, Mrs. Martins intervened, her voice stern and her eyes blazing with a hint of triumph. "What's truly madness, Sophia, is this!" She flung the DNA test result paper onto the floor, the sound of the paper hitting the ground like a challenge.

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. Sophia's eyes widened in shock, her gaze fixed on the paper as if it were a snake ready to strike. Raphael's expression turned grim, his eyes locked onto Sophia's, demanding answers.

The air was heavy with unspoken accusations, the DNA test result paper a tangible proof of secrets and lies. The breakfast table, once a symbol of warmth and togetherness, had become a battleground, exposing the cracks in their relationships.

Sophia's hand trembled as she picked up the paper, her eyes scanning the contents with a mix of shock and fear. Her mind raced with questions: "How did they find out? What could have gone wrong?" But she quickly composed herself, adopting a bold and nervous facade.

"What is this?" Sophia asked, feigning ignorance. "I don't know what you're trying to imply." Sophia turned to leave the room.

But before she could take a step further, Raphael's firm voice stopped her in her tracks. "If you move an inch, Sophia, you will have me to contend with."

Sophia's heart skipped a beat. She felt trapped, cornered by the accusing eyes of her husband and mother-in-law. The nanny's presence seemed to loom larger, a silent witness to the unfolding drama. Matthew's innocent coos only added to the tension, a poignant reminder of the secrets and lies that threatened to tear them apart.

With a calculated calmness, Sophia attempted to regain control. "Raphael, what's going on here? What are you insinuating?" But her voice betrayed her, trembling slightly as she tried to maintain the charade.

But her performance was interrupted by the timely entrance of the wet nurse, her presence as sudden as a punch to the gut. Sophia's eyes widened in shock, her mouth agape as she stared at the woman who had been caring for her supposed son.

The nurse, oblivious to the tension, greeted the room with a cheerful "Good morning!" Her eyes landed on Sophia, and she smiled warmly. "Good morning, ma'am."

Raphael's gaze never left Sophia's face. "Tell me, Sophia, have you seen this woman before?"

Sophia's stutter was almost imperceptible, but it betrayed her. ""

The room seemed to hold its breath as Sophia's facade crumbled. She realized that the charade was over, that the truth about Matthew's parentage was finally out. A manic laughter burst forth from her lips, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and humiliation.

"Oh, you think me a fool?" Sophia's voice rose, her words tumbling out in a torrent. "That night, Raphael, you slept with Dorothy, our house help! And you think I didn't know? You think you covered it so well?"

The room was silent, the only sound Sophia's cackling laughter, as if she had finally embraced the madness that had been lurking beneath the surface. The truth was out, and Sophia was no longer willing to pretend.

Sophia's laughter and tears merged into a hysterical spectacle, her body trembling as she sat on the floor. "You all think you can replace me with another woman? Ha! You're mistaken. She took what's mine, and I took what's hers. A balanced deal, don't you think?" Her cackling intensified, her eyes gleaming with a manic intensity.

Mrs. Martins's face reddened with anger, her hand flashing up to deliver a resounding slap to Sophia's cheek. "How dare you speak with such audacity! Raphael mistook the girl for you, and we tried to make it right. But're despicable!"

Sophia's laughter never wavered, her gaze mocking. "Oh, despicable you say? Do you know how hard it was for me to feign ignorance? Knowing what my husband did with my maid? How can you call it a mistake, mother? No, that girl, Dorothy? She's been sent to a place of no return. She won't be taking what's not hers in her next life."

Raphael's eyes widened in shock, his face pale. He squatted beside Sophia, his voice low and urgent. "What's happened to you, Sophia? What's changed you like this?"

Sophia's disdain was palpable. "I'm barren, Raphael. The pressure for a child was suffocating. And opportunity presented itself." Her words dripped with venom, her eyes glinting with a calculating intensity.

The room fell silent, the only sound Sophia's maniacal laughter. The nanny and wet nurse exchanged horrified glances, their faces reflecting their disbelief at Sophia's revelation. The air was heavy with the weight of her words, the truth about her character laid bare for all to see.