Heading to the palace, hassana was utterly displeased that she have to go to the palace now. She wanted to locate that ingrate that nearly knocked her over with his horse and went away without a care. She didn't expect her uncle to leave a message that when she returned she should meet him at the palace on some urgent matter.

The palace gate was heavily guarded by soldiers which was quite surprising. It is guarded by the palace guards alright but not heavily guarded by soldiers. Not everyone is allowed in today, not even those nobles with their tokens and all. How is she a mere apprentice suppose to enter when high ranking people were denied entry. The guards at the gate were looking at her and her donkey with eyes full of mockery.

"Don't even approach here donkey girl, move along with that special ride of yours hahahah!"

Hm! Who cares what they think about her ride?! At least she have one! Thought hassana.

As she dismounted from her donkey and about to approach the gate, a man hit her and walked away very fast into the distance. Something dropped from her body and the soldiers petrified.

Ooohhh! What is happening today? Why are men just hitting her and walking away? She bent down, pick up the token and stood up only to see the soldiers saluting her and even ushering her into the palace after accompanying her with a chaperone. What is happening again? Did those soldiers suddenly lost their minds or what? Were they not mocking her just now? What changes there attitude towards her?

"My lady, the man you asked to meet is at the east wing of the palace where the physician quarters is. Please let's go."

Heeeey! Wonders shall never end! She hassana is talked to in such a nice tone! What instigated such an action in them by the way? As they walk towards the east wing, every servant or soldier was busy saluting hassana and acknowledging her. How her head swell even though she didn't realize the cause of such sudden dignity.

At the east wing was more shocking. Even the king's knight was saluting her! Kai! This is too much, there has to be something....

"What is going on here? Why is everyone suddenly nice to me, malam?"

Is the lady bluffing or what? Didn't she noticed the token she carried? Only one person carries such token and to lend it to this young lady, then she must be of utmost importance. With such a beauty, she might be a loved one. Yes! Definitely.

"The token you carry my lady, only one person carries it."

"Yes who?"

"The general."

Did he just said the general?! The general of the golden army?!! So it was the general that nearly knocked her over and sped away?!!! No wonder people were so nice to her. So it wasn't even her abilities. Hah! If he did that to her and didn't mind even looking back, why should she be nice to him too? He dropped this right? Well, he might as well as suffer before getting it back!!!

"Hassana! Come quickly, it's a matter of urgency." Called out her uncle from a window in the quarters.

Thanking the chaperone, she quickly went into the room the uncle was inside. It was huge with lots of long benches. It is the waiting room for the sick people but no one is there. Only the imperial physician, two other elders and her uncle with a male apprentice.

"The war I have long feared is finally coming to hardrock. We are to assemble the fearless, strong and brave physicians to deploy together with the army as the army physicians. There will be blood, there will be wound, there might be plague too but we are assigned to help till there's no life left in the sick." Introduced the imperial physician, haidar.

Haidar looked around the people standing before him and fixed his eyes on the young lady. She looks fragile but have a fiery eyes, beautiful and pretty to the eyes, gorgeous enough to steer a man's heart. Although he is an elder, he felt that the young lady is too beautiful to be sent as an army physician. Is she even up to the age?

The stare made hassana uncomfortable that she soon had enough and spoke up.

"So do not see me as young and beautiful and think I cannot be deployed. I am attractive on the outside and lethal within, may you live long, imperial physician."

Hassana's uncle shook his head knowing that his niece will not allow anyone to render her weak in any situation. He still wonder what type of blood she shared with her brother. Totally two different people.

Awesome! The girl has a strong will too. Brave enough to speak up before him. However, have she ever come across a battle field filled with crying grown men, suffering from the wounds of war? Will she survive such scary scene? He has seen young girls of her age who thought they are tough and only to break down completely by the war scene.

"If you talk about hassana imperial physician, then know one thing, she will never give up, break down or get scared of anything from wound to lots of blood and ugly scene. She is braver than most people of her age. I vouch for her in this aspect. That was the reason I called her to this meeting."

Examining hassana once more, the imperial physician notice apart from her light skin color which is a total disqualification because light skin people aren't as strong as dark skin people, she will be a distraction at the physician's camp. Men like to watch beautiful girls with lot of hair which was tied at the back of her head and she is quite curvy in the right places.....Anya!

"Well since zakari have vouch for you....."