There was a commotion and suddenly the atmosphere changed with the entrance of the general of the golden army. He came in together with commander khalid. His demeanor was cool and calm as he walked towards the imperial physician and stood before him.

"Greetings great general, commander. I have assembled the army physicians just as you requested."

Gazing around, shamsuddeen noticed the number of the physicians is quite small and besides, why is there a girl in their midst? Wait the girl looks familiar. Where have he met her? He strode towards her, gazing sharply into her eyes.

The imperial physician wanted to explain to him about her but he stopped him. Zakari wanted to intervene but he dare not. This is the general of the golden army for Allah's sake. Hassana was suddenly intimidated by the gaze set upon her by the general and he kept moving closer to her, invading her privacy but she stood her ground and even stared back at him too.

Stopping right before her without even giving her a breathing space, shamsuddeen smiled.

"Now I remember where I saw you. At the drylands scavenging around." He turned around and walked to chair and sat down, gazing at her sharply. "At that time I thought you were a madwoman picking the dirt all around..."

Kanbu!!! Her! A madwoman!! A whole her this man is reducing her to a madwoman!! How dare he?!! Was that the reason he sped away without even stopping to see what he did? No matter who she is, he have no right to treat her the way he did. Bastard!!! She hates him for this so much!!! But just to let him know.

"I am a physician who works at the city physician's quarters and when you saw me at the drylands, I went on a mission to get some herbs to treat a sick person. This clothing you see protects me against the scorching heat of the sun."

How dare he called her mad!!!

How courageous to speak up boldly before the general. Shamsuddeen couldn't believe the girl will say a word due to how she looked intimidated by him but miraculously she regained her composure after been called mad.

"Anyway, when I asked you to recruit army physicians I surely didn't asked you to bring along a baby girl...."

"I am not..." retaliated hassana.

Zakari quickly covered her mouth in a tight grip before she caused more trouble than she is already in.

"What she meant to say is that, she is highly recommended by me her master and many more."

Glancing at the imperial physician, shamsuddeen threw him a question.

"Did you also recommend this...girl too?" looking at hassana with disregard.

Ohhhhh! This man have pushed her to the wall well enough. He tried to kill her, insult her, now he is degrading her!! She was about to break free when she was instantly stopped by her uncle's next words.

"This is the only person that can give you approval to join the army physicians. Except if you are not interested, then do not provoke him please. He is known to hold grudges and punishes terribly." He said close to her ears.

Ooohhh! This is annoying! Now she can't even retaliate and upon that she have to tread carefully or she will get thrown out. After she was released by her uncle, she came forward to justify herself because there is no way after getting her all interested on this job and then she will suddenly lose the chance due to this bastard general.

"I was deployed to ramin daga to help regulate the spread of a disease at that time. I was also deployed to huge gate city to make a vaccine that prevent the cold sickness. I was deployed to tsage to help out stitch the soldiers when there was a crisis in the region. I have seen more blood then you think general and I have seen worse case scenario where I had to stitch a cut off ear dangling. I was highly recommended by the commanders at that time sir."

Hm! Bold she is. However, can she withstand a deathly war were limbs are cut off, heads are chopped off, gushes of every kind to suture up? She looks like a baby that will faint at the first sight of blood. Looking into her sharp, clear eyes, shamsuddeen noticed she is not ready to give up. If he refused her, she might sneaked into the war camp one way or the other.

Well, the girl seriously wanted to be part of the army physicians this bad. However, he assumed she might have something that was his and decided to ask away.

"Have you gotten into contact with my token?"

The question took her a back. She wasn't expecting it at all and she looked confused. At least that's what the general thought. Where as, hassana just feigned her actions to make him think she haven't seen anything at all.

"What token general?"

"A golden flat symbol, the symbol of the general of the golden army."

"Well general we haven't met before how can I..."

"When we met at the drylands, I dropped it while in a hurry."

In a hurry that he nearly kill her right?

"I haven't seen anything as such."

The stare he gave her made her think he might have thought she took it. It was hard to come across such wealth and not be driven by greed to keep it. The token was made with pure gold which shine brightly in the sun. Others may take it to the goldsmith to reshape it into something wearable.

However, the risk is too much especially when discovered but for hassana, she was full of vengeance and planned to make the general wish he hadn't offended her yet in a polite way. Is she wishing too much?

"Mind you, if you have seen the token and decided to keep it for yourself, the punishment for stealing is cutting off the left hand!" he said gazing deeply into her eyes.

Hm! This general is really scary. Anyway, she won't give and when she does, she will never reveal herself.

"I'll be on the look out for it general."