Awakening of Insects 13:Just a Small Act of Willfulness

Yu Yu and Xin Sen, seeing that Shui Shen didn't respond, had no choice but to pay attention to the lesson.

"Heaven and Earth, Ruler, Parent, and Teacher. The ruler is ranked among the top three. The ruler sets the laws to establish order, constrain the people, and punish evil while promoting good. What should be done if your family members, relatives, or servants violate the ruler's laws?" Meng Fuze posed a question to the class.

"Of course, you should report them to the authorities and help bring them to justice!" Ning Hongqu said loudly.

"But isn't betraying your family also against ethics?" Jin Yu said softly.

"Today, Hongqu shows less mischief and more honesty! It seems that the Ning county magistrate often teaches loyalty to the ruler. If Hongqu aspires to take the northern border exam, he might rank well! Jin Yu's statement was incorrect. The ruler comes first, the family second. When the two are in conflict, loyalty to the ruler takes precedence over helping family. Covering for family might preserve your relationships, but it deceives the ruler! The ruler's laws are as firm as mountains and as deep as the sea! Remember, the ruler comes first, the family second. Without the ruler's grace, where would your family be?" As Meng Fuze passionately delivered his lecture, a discordant voice interrupted.

"But what if the ruler's laws are wrong?" Yu Yu spoke without lowering her voice.

"The ruler's laws can never be wrong! If they were, there wouldn't be such a 'what if'! Tian Yuyu, how have you been attending classes? Loyalty, obedience, humility, respect—have you learned nothing? Come forward! I will dispel your delusions for daring to question the ruler's authority!"

After hitting her over thirty times, Meng Fuze, exhausted, threw down the ruler and addressed the class, "Everyone must copy the Northern Command three times, and Tian Yuyu will copy it ten times. Understand the ruler's benevolence! Once you're done, you can go home!"

Shui Shen and Xin Sen had been waiting outside the academy for an hour. Half an hour earlier, the Jin sisters couldn't wait any longer and had already left. Seeing no one else around, Xin Sen pulled Shui Shen to sit at the academy's entrance.

"Shui Shen, do you believe what Ning Hongqu said earlier?"

"From the lesson? We can't be sure yet. We'll need to see how he handles such situations when they actually arise."

"I knew you wouldn't gossip about the city. Let me tell you, a couple of days ago, Ning's steward had an argument and killed an ox at someone's barn at midnight. When the family refused compensation and went to the county office, Ning called the steward and the result... guess what happened?"

"According to our lesson, one who kills another's ox should be conscripted!" Seeing Xin Sen's smirk, Shui Shen realized it wasn't the case.

"Fool! The county officials investigated and concluded the old ox died from exhaustion and accidentally got stabbed by a nearby blade. Ning released the steward and told the family to stop making unreasonable demands. The families aren't even related, so it wasn't a case of covering for family. They altered the truth, and now the family might not even get compensation! I think Uncle Qi didn't tell you to avoid making you and Aunt Wang feel disgusted!"

"Father never talks about his work at the office, and he's just a scribe. He doesn't have the authority to handle cases."

"If Uncle Qi were the county magistrate, he wouldn't do such vile things! And that old Meng, I don't believe he doesn't know these things. He pretends to be upright but teaches this way. He's either senile or inherently biased. He wants us to be like him, easily bullied by people like the Ning family!"

"What are you two talking about?" Yu Yu's sudden appearance startled them.

"What's with you today? You're not usually this impulsive," Shui Shen asked.

"Our military exemption expires in two years, and then Father will have to go to the northern border. So when I heard that old hypocrite's nonsense, I couldn't hold back!" Yu Yu said angrily.

"It's okay. Didn't I say my dad will help your families avoid the northern border? Let's all go to Jiangnan. My hometown, though I haven't been there, is better. Leave this place to the Ning family. We can't change the ruler's laws, but we can go somewhere they don't reach! Cheer up. My dad should be returning to Suzhou soon and will bring you some good food!" Yu Yu's anger eased at Xin Sen's words.

"Do you think it's a problem with people rather than the law?" Shui Shen said, holding Wu Que.

"Silly, you don't care about city gossip, but now you're worrying about bigger things! Let's focus on what's for dinner and if we're playing tonight! We'll think about whether we'll still be close in the future. Leave the rest to those who can handle it."

Near Yang City, Qi Shou sneezed on his horse. "Achoo, who's speaking ill of me?"

"Can he be a good emperor?" Shui Shen thought quietly.

"Shui Shen, show Yu Yu what you were talking about earlier," Xin Sen remembered something. "What was it?"

"Shui Shen said Wu Que could sense others' malice, but I couldn't trigger it!" Xin Sen recounted the feeling Shui Shen had around Ning Qu Hong.

"We don't need to test it. We don't have malice towards him, so it won't work. This task must be for someone else," Yu Yu laughed.

The three played until they reached their parting point. After agreeing to meet later, Shui Shen went home alone. In the alley, Wu Que signaled again, but less intensely than before. Turning, Shui Shen saw Jin Yin watching him from the alley entrance.

"Jin Yin, do you need something?"

"Shui Shen, I saw you pass my house and came to see you. Go home and eat; Tian will be late because he waited for you."

Hearing this, Shui Shen didn't respond and headed home.

Qi Shou reached Yang City at midnight, but the gates were closed. He had to camp outside, thinking about sending buns to that chubby boy, feeling proud. "Uncle Yunqi's rules remain, and that boy learned his lesson. I'm truly clever!" Watching General Zhang Yi set up the tent, Qi Shou admired his willingness to lend his horse.