Awakening of Insects 14: A Rift Between Father and Son, Qi Shou Explores Yangcheng

When Shuishen arrived home, his father was already there. As usual, his father took Shuishen's schoolbag, but something felt different. There was a sense of distance between them, unlike their usual closeness.

"Shuishen, did something unpleasant happen at the academy today?" his father asked.

"Father, is it true about the Ning family's steward?"

"What do you mean? I don't understand. You've never mentioned such things before. Why bring it up today?"

"Is it true that the steward of the Ning family was released, and Ning Zhong warned the plaintiff not to come to the authorities again?"

"Yes, both things happened as you said. Is that why you're upset?"

"Father, I'm not upset. It's just that it makes me uncomfortable."

"My son, there are many things in this world beyond our control. We lack the power and status to make a difference. My protection extends only to you and your mother. That's why I never discuss these matters at home. What can I tell you? How they exploit and oppress? How they indulge their servants? These things won't help you; they'll only make you resentful. Why burden yourself with such thoughts? Living our own lives is hard enough. Foolish son, I once dreamed of being a great hero, but before I could wield my sword across the land, your grandfather died in battle at the northern pass, and your uncle sacrificed himself. I had to ensure our family's lineage continued."

Listening to the conversation, Shuishen's mother felt a deep sadness. How many families in the northern frontier shared their fate? The usually warm atmosphere of the household turned somber. After dinner, Shuishen retreated to his room alone, breaking his usual habit of going out to play. Lying on his bed, he gazed at the stars through the window. The boy had new worries, deeper than the concerns about the mark on his left cheek. As he pondered, Shuishen fell asleep, dreaming of a small figure identical to himself practicing swordsmanship, becoming increasingly skilled.

The next morning, Qi Shou watched the growing crowd at the south gate of Yangcheng and prepared to find Zhang Yi.

"Commander Zhang, Fugui and I are going to explore Yangcheng. We'll meet you at the county office before dark. Please inform the prefect of Nan'an for me."

"Your Highness, how will your safety be ensured? I'll send a squad of guards with you," Zhang Yi suggested.

"Commander Zhang, we're just sightseeing, not looking for trouble. Sending so many guards would attract unnecessary attention. Besides, Fugui and I have trained in martial arts since childhood. Small-time thieves won't be a problem for us. If we can't fight them off, we'll just run. Don't worry," Qi Shou replied confidently.

After some consideration, Zhang Yi nodded in agreement. Qi Shou and Fugui changed into the clothes they wore in Jin County and headed towards the south gate of Yangcheng. As a prince, Qi Shou didn't have personal documentation, so they used Fugui's attendant papers to pass through the gate. Seeing the documents, the gate official respectfully allowed them entry and even offered to treat them to breakfast, which they politely declined.

Once inside the city, the two looked around at the bustling crowd, unsure where to go. They stopped a passerby to ask where they could buy a map of Yangcheng. The passerby pointed to a nearby inn. At the Liu Family Inn, they found the shop boy already cleaning tables and chairs.

"Are you here to stay or eat? The cook hasn't arrived yet, but we can show you the rooms," the shop boy greeted them.

"No, we're here to buy a map," Fugui quickly clarified, sensing they might be led upstairs otherwise.

"Ah, you're here for a map! We sell maps of the northern frontier, identical to those used by the government, minus the military stations. They cost a hundred wen each but include a map of Yangcheng as a bonus," the shop boy explained enthusiastically.

Qi Shou nodded, and Fugui took out a piece of silver to pay. The shop boy weighed the silver, packed the northern frontier map, and handed the Yangcheng map to Fugui.

"You can look at the map here to plan your day," the shop boy suggested.

Qi Shou unfolded the map, noting that Yangcheng was divided by the east-west flowing Liujin River, with three bridges connecting the north and south. The riverbanks, lined with four docks, were the city's busiest areas. The south had a Taoist temple, and the north had a Buddhist temple. After a quick review, Qi Shou decided to head straight to the Liujin River.

"Fugui, Yangcheng is quite large. The streets are wide, unlike the capital, which expands outward every year. According to the map, it's seventy li from south to north. It takes adults seven to eight hours to walk that distance. Fortunately, we only need to cover half that distance today. The county office is three li past the river on this street," Qi Shou noted.

"We should be able to reach the river by noon and find a famous restaurant for our first meal in Yangcheng," Fugui suggested.

"Good idea!" Qi Shou agreed.

They walked along Zhong Street for four hours, browsing various shops and stalls, before hearing the sound of water hitting the riverbank. The Liujin River had arrived.

"Fugui, did you notice how many shops along the way are owned by the Liu family?" Qi Shou asked.

"That's probably the largest merchant or family business in Yangcheng. Let's find a place to eat; I'm starving," Fugui replied.

"Let's walk along the river and pick a restaurant with a good name," Qi Shou suggested.

After about ten minutes on the south bank, they spotted a grand six-story restaurant with the name "Liujin" clearly visible from afar.

"This is the place," Qi Shou decided.

The restaurant was bustling with activity, with patrons arriving by carriage and on foot, filling four or five tables in just a short time. As they entered, a shop boy approached them.

"Are you here for a meal? We offer regular and gourmet banquets. The regular banquet is served on the first three floors, and the gourmet banquet is on the top three floors. The lower floors cannot order from the upper floors' menu," he explained.

Qi Shou and Fugui exchanged a glance.

"We'll dine on the fourth floor. We're here to taste the best of Yangcheng," Qi Shou decided.

"The top floor is booked, but we can go to the fourth floor," Fugui agreed.

"Very well, please follow me to the fourth floor," the shop boy said, leading them upstairs.