Chapter 1 Part III

"I am Viktoria von Tippelskirch, I don't really know how these introductions are gonna help us to answer the question.

But I think they're important for getting to know eachother better and therefore getting friends."

Her voice is very beautiful contrary to her looks. She looked pretty decent though.

"My hobbies are drawing and reading, my favorite novel is Titanic:The Long Night, I'm good at english. That's all," she ended her speech and set down.

What she said really broke the enthusiasm of the class, as she said that she doesn't know how the introductions bring us nearer to the answer.

Therefore of the 9 remaining other students 7 of them stopped raising their hands. With me only 3 were raising their hands now, the girl from the school's introduction included.

However the guy I didn't know wants to introduce himself first:

"Hello everyone, I am Minato Takahashi, as you may conclude from my name I am japanese. What I can tell you is that I am not the one who doesn't have a secret.

Moreover I do consider that no one in this class has no secret, therefore I think that the answer to the question has to be no one."

He thinks exactly as me, he seems to be a pretty smart guy. Also his body is well trained, I guess that he must do karate or something like that.

Definitly a dangerous guy, it will be the best for me if I become friends with him.

Although he somehow scares me, when he talks, I feel like a demon is talking.

"I do not think that the answer to that question can be that easy," the girl from the school's introduction replied.

"There can be the possibility that someone in here really has no secret.

However it is impossible to find out who the one with no secret is."

"Then what do you think is the correct answer?" Minato asked.

"Well firstly Mr. Lombardi didn't talk about the correct answer, but basically a correct answer which means that there have to be multiple possible answers.

But I do not know a correct answer to the question."

"Wait! I think I got it," Viktoria said.

"Maybe a correct answer is *we don't know*, I mean that statment would be correct, wouldn't it?"

I am impressed, I didn't think that she would find a correct answer.

The rest of the class are also impressed, what an irony it is that the girl who said that she didn't know what the introductions bring us, gets a answer through the introductions.

As she said it the school bell rang ending the school day.

Therefore the students leave the room, most of them are probably going shopping.

But before the girl from the school's introduction went away I walk to her and ask her:

"Hey, could you maybe tell me your name? I want to know the name of the smart girl who brought us closer to the answer."

"I am Jana Aswad," she said and then left the classroom.

Well that is interesting, the name Jana means God is gracious, maybe her family is Christian, that would be pretty cool.

But let's hope the answer to which we came really is a correct one, otherwise my time on this school would've been pretty short.