Chapter 1 Part V

Looking at the notes saved in my phone, after I woke up, at 6 am. Having time to get into the Point Rules, in order to gain knowledge of how to use my points properly.

"The Point Rules:

1. You can't buy yourself into higher grades.

2. You can't buy a allowance to go outside the school area.

3. You can't buy books from the Library.

4. You can't buy real money"

This little amount of rules feels like cheating, why didn't they make more rules? It feels as if I'm in a elementary school, cause even in a classical high school there are always tons of rules for everything.

Meanwhile these are the only rules, which means that according to the school I am allowed to buy a human as pet with my points. Quite funny.

Also they say that we're able to buy the answer to the question that was given by our homeroom teacher.

But considering this is a very advanced school, such things are probably very expensive.

Buying a human would probably be as expensive as someones life time savings, or even more. Therefore it would be quite hard.

Uh, thinking of humans, I totaly forgot that I had the idea of going to school together with Jana. I hopefully am not too late.

Although to be honest, I am a bit nervous, I never walked with anyone together to school. And then the first time going with someone to school, it of course has to be a girl.

I think she would be a great girlfriend, but I also have my doubts considering her cuteness, she seems too cute for it to be real. Considering this is a school for intelligent individuals, it's possible that she has great social and psychological intelligence and if that is the case, she can use it to manipulate me.

I could've needed more preperation time, but now I have to get through this, there isn't any reset button within the realm of reality.

I had to have a look at the student council laws, before actually going to school. Therefore I made a quick look at them.

Laws of the Student Council:

• §1 The Student Council is voted by the students every half year.

This means I have to sign up to a selection or something like that in order to get into the Student Council.

• §2 The Student Council can object if a student is to be expelled from school.

• §2a In that case the Student Council has to give proper reason for why the expelling might be illogical.

• §2b However its up to the school if it determines the reason as valid.

This Law would basically be pointless, if the school always disagrees with the logical reason given.

But I consider it to be more likely that they actually look at it and think logical about it.

• §3 Members of the Student Council are not allowed to be in any club.

• §4 Members of the Student Council can have more time for exams.

• §4a However if they want more time, their exams will be graded more stringently.

• §5 Members of the Student Council have the permission to move freely on the entire school area.

That's pretty useful, could be important for some exams. But I don't consider it to be useful in the near future.

The bell of the dorm rings.

Oh I guess, this must be Jana now. Really great that she just came after I finished my reading session.

Leo goes to the door and opens it.

Aaaa she looks at me with this cute smile, it makes me weak.

"Hi Jana, let's go to the classroom."

"Yes," she replied.

As I was a bit nervous we didn't talk much during our walk to school. Yet she tried talking to me a few times, but recognizing that I was too nervous to reply to her, she didn't try talking further.

Soon we arrived in the classroom, we awaited our homeroom teacher and after a while he finally arrived.

"So who is the student in this room which has no secret?"

Paul, the class leader replied: "We do not know, that is our answer."

"Wrong. Please leave the classroom now."

WHAT. That's... it?! A loud atmosphere developed among the students. They couldn't believe that this is the end of their school time.

But at least I learnt that I can't get along with women well. I enjoyed my short time on this highly advanced school, maybe after leaving the room I can ask Jana for her number...

"Just kidding! The answer is right, you can stay in this school," the teacher said thinking he's funny.

This is it. I'm leaving. I thought this was a serious school and then something like this? Really? Well I should be happy that I'm still allowed to stay in this school.

Otherwise I would come home ashamed.