Chapter 2: The Suprise Exam

I have lived in this school for 3 weeks now, the life here feels pretty ordinary. But something is a bit odd, this school is said to be an elite school, somehow though the teachers don't care when students sleep during class, play with their phones or talk.

I somehow felt that this probably is going to get our class problems, but I didn't know how it's going to get us problems.

But besides all that the classes were usual, we learned normal subjects such as English, Math, History, Religion etc.

History class was quite interesting, we were analysing the changes in europe that had happened after the third world war. One of these changes was that Germany became a Monarchy. That's the reason why Religion is highly regarded in this school, the King of Germany Julius Littenstein I. is very religious.

Thinking about religion, the religious education on this school was centered on the new testament but we've also talked about concepts like the Trinity or the Hypostatic Union.

However no one really listened to what the teacher said, they all seemed to be totaly uninterested. But it is indeed a bit strange to teach everyone Christianity even though not all belong to the Religion.

In classical schools was it that you could always choose the religious education you wanted. Which was good since you should never force the beliefs on someone. Although I think educating people about Christianity shouldn't really be called forcing.

Enough from that.

Jana and I had arrived in the classroom, waiting for our homeroom teacher Mr. Lombardi to arrive too.

The other guys in the classroom threw sharp knifes(sharp looks) at me out of jealousy. They couldn't grasp the fact that a nobody like me has got a girlfriend like Jana.

She really was a amazing girl, I thought. But I was surprised, too, I sometimes myself couldn't believe that I got such a beautiful girlfriend. Although we were already together for more than a week now.

She told me to not tell her brother when I meet with him in the library, I didn't really know why she didn't want me to tell him but I did as she said.

But what still wonders me is that, how did she knew about my meetings with her brother? I told that to no one.

"Today we are going to write a surprise exam but don't worry it has no influence on your grades."

A voice was heard from the classroom door, it was Mr. Lombardi entering the classroom. All students were perplexed about the statement he had made.

They probably thought something like: "What is the point of a exam that doesn't influence our grades?"

But I, being one step ahead of them, thought if it didn't have influence on our grades it probably had influence on something diffrent, I just didn't know what this something diffrent was.

As I got the test I first looked at all the questions, there were

3 questions about english,

3 questions about math,

3 questions about religion

and 2 questions about history.

But they were also 2 bonus questions about philosophical questions where there is no clear right or wrong. These two where probably there to analyse us as persons.

I saw many students looking frustrated on the test, especially those who played on their phone during class. It was a duo of 2 friends who always played phone together during class.

I remember them talking to eachother, where they named eachother, one of them is Ethan and the other one is Julias. They didn't mention their last names.

I'm interested on what the results of my class are going to be. We will see that tomorrow.