Short Story 1: The Encounter in the Library

"The Philokalia is a compilation of texts made by saints that are mainly for the spiritual life of monks in a monastery but also can be read as a private person.

Although I recomend to keep contact with a priest while reading it."

I gave the person next to me a confused stare, since he managed to perfectly explain the book I just picked from the shelf in the school's library.

He must have been an high grader, I assumed, because of his apperance as a person.

A seemingly self-confident, logical and sincere person. So I considered to start a conversation with him:

"Who am I honored to meet? I am Leo Mondstein."

"I apologize for my sudden apperance, I'm sorry if I scared you. I am Aviel Aswad, nice to meet you."

"Ah, no. No worries you didn't scare me, I'm a tough person. But I have to ask you something real quick.

Is it possible that you are the brother of Jana Aswad?"

"Yes, I am. I consider you know my sister from your class probably? Am I right?"

"Yes we are, I talk with her sometimes. But it's just necessary small talk for class."

"Ah alright, can you still keep an eye on her for me? You know she doesn't reallylike reading much that's why I'm not able to meet her here. I'm just worried about my sister."

"Sure sure, no problem, I do everything that is possible for me."

"Good, I would like to give you my phone number, but as you may know from the school's introduction. We are only able to talk in here."

"Yeah it's sad, but can you maybe now tell me more about this school.

like for example if there is a specific order between A, B, C and D?"

"I'm sorry but we higher graders are not allowed to say that to lower graders. But I can tell you that you will find out soon enough."

"That's interesting, thank you for the information. But as you may know I want to borrow this book called the Philokalia. "

"Alright, but I told you that you need to talk to a priest in order to read it as a private person."

"No worries, I have already read the greek original of the Philokalia, I just want to read this version to check if there are any differences between the english translation and the original."

"You can read greek, that's impressive! When did you learn it?"

"I was bored with the stuff in elementary school, so I always took a greek lexicon with me and learnt the words, for the grammar I went to a Greek Orthodox Church and analyzed the liturgy that was held by the priest.

But I really want to borrow the book now."

"My bad, I apologize for disturbing you."

Finally the conversation has come to an end.

As I walked to the checkout to borrow the book, I walked into Minato Takahashi. The only one I didn't want to meet right now.

"Wait it seems you are a Orthodox Christian," said Minato looking at me surprised.

"Yes, but how did you know?"

"Well my father is very religious so he told me about the book you have there, the Philokalia."

"That's quite interesting, but just curious what's your faith?"

"I am atheist, I don't believe in God."

"Ah, alright. Anyways I'm going to borrow the book now."

"See you tomorrow in class."

Thank God, I survived an encounter with Minato.

As I had reached my dorm I was so tried that I immediately went to bed.