Chapter 2 Part II

"You did horrible, these are the results of the surprise exam. However a few of you had really good results."

I looked at the monitor of our class, interested of how many points I got.

"The most points got Leo Mondstein with 190 points, right after that follows Minato Takahashi with 100 points. In third place we have Paul Schneider with 80 points. You did really well! I'm proud of you all."

Huh. How was I able to do it in the first place? I guess the philosophical questions which I answered in detail gave me a lot of points, but I'm not sure after all.

However it seems like most of clasd didn't gain much points, also Jana only made 75 points!

I thought she was smarter.

But she didn't look surprised at her results as if she planned to get results like that... I'm not gonna dive deeper into this kind of theoretical thinking. I'll wait for evidence to conclude it.

The two friends who always played on their phone only got 25 points, they totally deserved that.

The rest have variety of points on average. Pretty boring if you asked me.

A loud sound rang through the classroom, it was the school bell. And so the break began; the students made their way to the cafeteria.

Jana and I went to our normal spot on a bank, so I asked her:

"Hey why do you only have 75 points, if you allow me to ask?"

"Uhm.. so you know my dad is a really important person and yeah he has money.."

"You wanna tell me that he payed the school to let you in??"

"Basically.. yeah."

A orchestra of confusion had played in my head, for what reason should such a qualitative school allow someone in, just for money. Perhaps her Father is a sponsor of this school so that the school needs his money, that would be the only logical possibility.

I didn't know how to reply in a good manner so it staied silent for the whole break.

The next class began, it was religion, our teacher was an Eastern Orthodox Deacon. I'm pretty amazed, that the school managed to get an offical church member, to teach us.

"Greetings everyone, I am Fr. Paulus. I am a Deacon who is accepted by the holy synod and I got a blessing from the synod to teach you today."

"Uhm, sorry for asking you father, but what is the holy synod?"

The question came from Viktoria, as I expected, I thought she wouldn't be so knowledged in religion, she appears rather atheistic.

"You by no means have to apologize for asking a question. The holy synod is basically the highest authority in the church, it's a groupe of bishops which fir example elect patriarchs or other persons in the church, like me a deacon."

"Ahhh okay now I get it, thank you for your answer."

"Now continuing with class, today we will look at a key topic in Christianity. Which is how we gain our salvation."