True Fire

[Chapter 11]

Xie Lang was a Profound Rank Weapon Refiner. Relying on these incomparably sinister refining methods, he was most proud of refining three high-grade Profound Armaments in his life. That 'Hellfire Sword' was also one of the three high-grade Profound Armaments.

But Xie Lang was not satisfied with refining Profound Armaments. His biggest dream in life was to be able to refine a Spiritual Weapon!

In the current world, as long as it was a graded weapon, it was priceless.

Just like the Luo Clan, they only had one Upper Grade Profound Armament. That Upper Grade Profound Armament was Luo Zheng's father, Luo Xiao's sword, "Green Glow Wind Chasing Sword". This Upper Grade Profound Armament was the only one in Chong Yang County. Luo Xiao rarely used it and hid it in the most secretive place in the clan. After Luo Bingquan harmed Luo Xiao, he had dug three feet into the ground to find this sword but to no avail. Until now, no one knew where the Green Glow Wind Chasing Sword was hidden.

And this was only a Upper Grade Profound Armament.

If it was a Spiritual Weapon, then it would be even worse. If an ordinary person were to obtain a Spiritual Weapon, they would only be looking for disaster. An ordinary man's wealth would arouse the envy of others. Not to mention an ordinary person, even if the Luo Clan obtained a Spiritual Weapon, they would have to obediently hand it over to prevent the clan from being exterminated!

That Spiritual Weapon could be said to be the most valuable treasure in the world. It had all kinds of special abilities. Some could increase the speed of cultivation, some could increase the battle power of the person holding the Spiritual Weapon by several times ...

Hearing Xie Lang's words, a bitter smile appeared on Luo Zheng's face. He said, "It's said that the most important thing in the path of refining is the materials and the heat. These two things are not complete, so it's impossible to refine the most perfect treasure. Do you expect my body of flesh and blood to be able to help you refine a spiritual weapon? Isn't this too much of a joke ... "

Luo Zheng had read a lot of books. No matter if it was refining pills or refining weapons, he had dabbled in them. But his ambition was in martial arts. He did not delve deeply into these books and only knew a little.

Now that he was in a desperate situation, he could not just sit and wait for death. He tried to persuade Xie Lang to let him go.

"From what you've said, it seems that you've only scratched the surface of the art of refining!" As Xie Lang spoke, he unlocked Luo Zheng's handcuffs and pulled him out of the copper furnace. However, he threw him into a cage at the side and locked the cage with a "clang". A terrifying smile appeared on his skeletal face: "I, Xie Lang, am not strong enough. The rare materials are too far away from me. The True Fire that I use to refine weapons is only of the second grade. If I want to refine spirit weapons, I need to refine them. Of course, I can only use evil methods. As for whether you can be refined into a spiritual artifact after I throw you into the furnace, hehe, that will depend on the fortune of the primordial world! "

But with the Primordial Chaos ...

This was something that all the artificers in the world would say.

Refining with True Fire depended ninety percent on strength and one percent on luck.

From the sound of it, luck was actually not that important.

However, there were some craftsmen who, with their heaven-defying luck, managed to craft some supreme-grade supreme treasures.

There were people who spent their entire lives researching and trying to find the pattern, but in the end, they found nothing. In the end, they could only attribute it to luck.

From this point of view, luck seemed unimportant, but at the same time, it was the most important factor.

And Primordial Chaos was the God of Tools in the hearts of the craftsmen. It was the belief of all the craftsmen. Therefore, when they were refining, they would say, "Let's rely on the fortune of the primordial world."

This sentence was similar to the "Pray to the Heavens" of those religious people.

Thinking that his life was just a gamble of luck for Xie Lang, Luo Zheng could only smile bitterly and feel deeply unreconciled.

He could only blame himself for being too weak.

In this one month, he had advanced rapidly. In one month, he had advanced from the Flesh Refinement Stage to the Organs Refinement Stage.

However, compared to people like Xie Lang and Luo Bingquan, the gap was still too big.

It was not easy to have hope, but he had fallen into such a desperate situation. Luo Zheng could only sigh at the unfairness of fate.

Xie Lang was busy in the cave for a long time. First, he knocked in the corner, then he carried an object into the crafting furnace. After coming out, he sat in front of the crafting furnace, then clapped his hands and made a strange posture.

At the same time, the black-colored crafting furnace suddenly lit up. A series of complicated but neat runes blossomed on the walls of the furnace. For a moment, it emitted an intense red light, illuminating the entire cave.

The living people who were pierced by the spikes extended from the crafting furnace all had hunched backs. Their mouths were constantly emitting "Hehe" screams. Their expressions were extremely painful. Drops of blood flowed along the spikes into the crafting furnace. The crafting furnace was actually sucking the blood essence of those living people.

The blood essence flowed along the lines on the walls of the crafting furnace. The red light it emitted was even brighter and more alluring. It was incomparably enchanting.

After activating the crafting furnace, a black and white long sword appeared in Xie Lang's hand. This should be the high-grade profound weapon that Xie Lang had mentioned, the Hellfire Sword.

Xie Lang held the Hellfire Sword in his hand and stroked it for a while. His gaze seemed to be much gentler, as if he was looking at his own son. From the face of such a demon, Luo Zheng, who was secretly observing from the side, blushed with shame. This person was completely a madman.

After stroking it for a while, Xie Lang turned his head and smiled strangely at Luo Zheng. He walked over and pulled Luo Zheng out of the cage and said, "You should feel honored to be able to fuse with my Hellfire Sword!"

Luo Zheng shook his head. It was futile to communicate with such a madman. Unfortunately, this madman's strength was so high. He could only admit that he was unlucky. It was a pity that before he could take revenge, he was about to be burned to ashes by Xie Lang. He could only resent the heavens for not opening their eyes.

Being dragged by Xie Lang all the way to the crafting furnace, Luo Zheng was pushed in.

The crafting furnace was dark and there were traces of being burned by the fire everywhere. In the center of the furnace, there was a table.

Then Xie Lang also came in and placed his Hellfire Sword on the table. He laughed sharply at Luo Zheng and was about to come out of the crafting furnace.

Just as Xie Lang walked to the mouth of the crafting furnace, he suddenly turned his head. With a flick of his finger, a yellow powder flew towards Luo Zheng.

The smell of the yellow powder was fragrant, but after inhaling a little, Luo Zheng immediately felt his hands and feet go soft. This powder was actually the Ten Fragrant Tendon Weakening Powder. This kind of knockout drug could paralyze the meridians in a short period of time, causing the hands and feet to be weak.

Luo Zheng originally planned to snatch the Hellfire Sword and smash the crafting furnace to fight with Xie Lang. It was better than being burned to ashes here. Now, he had completely given up on this idea. As soon as he used his strength, he felt his whole body go soft and he couldn't muster up the slightest bit of strength.

Am I, Luo Zheng's life going to end here?

I am a fish on the chopping block. If you want to blame someone, blame it on my weak strength! I can only be trampled on.

He clenched his teeth and his face revealed a look of despair. While his mind was wandering, he saw a flame suddenly rush in from the center of the crafting furnace.

The flames were bright yellow in color. As the flames burned, they looked like yellow lotuses. These flames should be Xie Lang's Natal True Fire.

As soon as the True Life Fire appeared, it immediately spread out and filled the entire crafting furnace. Luo Zheng also felt a wave of boiling heat in front of him. He was already enveloped by the True Life Fire.


Luo Zheng's clothes were almost instantly ignited by the flame and turned into ashes.

When the True Life Fire touched his skin, he suddenly felt a burning sensation. It was the True Life Fire burning his skin. Luo Zheng clenched his teeth and prepared to welcome the pain brought by the burning. But after clenching his teeth for a long time, the pain that he imagined didn't come.

He only felt a little burning. This burning sensation, other than making him feel a little uncomfortable, didn't cause too much discomfort.

Luo Zheng opened his closed eyes in puzzlement and looked down at his body. Other than his clothes being burned, his body didn't have the slightest injury. Not only was his skin not burned, even his hair was not burned.

Could it be that he wasn't afraid of the True Life Fire at all?

Luo Zheng, who originally thought that he was going to die, suddenly felt a burst of ecstasy.

Although he didn't know what was going on, the inconceivable scene in front of him must be related to what happened in the cellar that day. Could it be that after he became a Profound Weapon, he wasn't afraid of being burned by the True Life Fire at all?

Just as he was thinking this, the True Life Fire pouring in from the outside of the crafting furnace increased in intensity.

Wisps of yellow True Life Fire that was shaped like a lotus turned into two invisible hands and continuously attacked Luo Zheng's body and the "Hellfire Sword" that was placed on the table. After the intensity of the fire increased, although Luo Zheng felt that the burning sensation had increased, it was still within the range that he could endure.

In contrast, the Hellfire Sword had undergone a change. Whether it was the sword blade or the sword hilt, they all turned red. The black and white runes on the sword also began to flicker with a strange light, as if they were absorbing the energy from the yellow True Life Fire.

"So when a Weapon Refiner refines a weapon, he controls the tempering process of the True Life Fire. After burning the weapon until it is completely red, he then injects the energy from the True Life Fire into it. But this method is very unique. This True Life Fire is neither close nor distant around the Hellfire Sword, and it's suspended in the air ..." Unintentionally, Luo Zheng watched the process of a Weapon Refiner refining a weapon, and it was in the crafting furnace.

Luo Zheng watched the process of refining with relish. Suddenly, someone outside the crafting furnace exclaimed. It was Xie Lang who discovered Luo Zheng's strangeness.

Xie Lang, who was outside the crafting furnace, did not expect that his True Life Fire had been burning for quite a while. Even the Hellfire Sword had been burned red by him, yet this young man was still alive?

Although this young man's body did indeed emit the aura of a Profound Weapon, that being said, he still had a physical body after all! Could it be that this young man's body was really comparable to a Xuan Artifact?

Thinking of this, his haggard face was filled with excitement. He, Xie Lang, did not take the orthodox path of refining weapons, so the more bizarre and strange the materials were, the more he liked them.

Just like the Hellfire Sword that he had refined, it was refined using two materials that conflicted with Yin and Yang. If it was any other Weapon Refiner, they would definitely not fuse these two materials together to refine. However, Xie Lang did not believe in this evil. Not only did he refine it, he even refined a high-grade Xuan Artifact.

This was relying on the Primordial Chaos!

Now that he saw Luo Zheng's strange physique, although his True Life Fire was only second-grade, it was ten times more powerful than ordinary flames. How could Xie Lang not be surprised when he saw that it could not burn the young man to death?

Seeing that this young man was actually unharmed under the refinement of his True Life Fire, on one hand, he was pleasantly surprised. On the other hand, he was somewhat depressed. Even though this young man's body was a heavenly treasure, what was the use if his True Life Fire could not burn it?

After thinking for a while, he reached out and took out a pill from his bosom. The pill was greenish-gray in color and there were lines of flame-like pill patterns on the surface of the pill.

"Fire Melting Pill!"

This third-grade pill was priceless. It could forcefully raise one's Natal True Life Fire by a level in a short period of time. Back then, in order to obtain this pill, he had to use a high-grade Xuan Artifact to exchange for it.

This Fire Melting Pill had been with him for many years. As it was too precious, he had always been reluctant to use it.

Today, when he took out this Fire Melting Pill, his eyes revealed a hint of hesitation. If he added this Fire Melting Pill, it would be considered a huge gamble. Xie Lang thought about it again. How many times had he refined high-grade Xuan Artifacts? Which one of them was not a huge gamble? If he gambled correctly this time, he would be able to raise the quality of his Hellfire Sword to a Spiritual Weapon ...

Thinking of this, Xie Lang's heart burned with passion. He swallowed the Fire Melting Pill in one gulp.

This Fire Melting Pill was a pill of extreme Yang. The moment he swallowed it, Xie Lang felt as if his throat was being burned by fire. He could even spit out fire from his seven orifices. With a loud roar, he circulated the True Life Fire in his body and crazily poured it into the crafting furnace.