Black Flame And Dragon Scales

[Chapter 12]

The original bright yellow lotus flames had now turned into a demonic golden red. Each lotus flame was emitting a terrifying heat.

When these golden red lotus flames rushed towards Luo Zheng, his complexion changed. The power of this Lotus True Fire had suddenly increased by several times. His body might not be able to withstand it.

Just as Luo Zheng expected, this golden red lotus flame was far more powerful than the previous bright yellow lotus flame.

When that golden red flame touched Luo Zheng's skin, an intense burning pain came from his body. Luo Zheng endured the pain and strangely found that his body had turned dark red. It was exactly the same as what had happened in the cellar that day.

When ordinary people were burned by high temperature, the moisture in their body would first be dried up. Finally, they would be ignited and turned into a pile of charcoal.

But Luo Zheng's body was so strange. It was really like a profound weapon made of fine iron. It was actually slowly burning red.

Those tiny golden leaves that were originally buried in his skin were now floating on Luo Zheng's skin. For a moment, his whole body was covered by those glittering golden leaves. For a moment, the golden light was shining brightly.

The obscure tadpole-like characters on those tiny golden leaves began to spin. The spinning speed was getting faster and faster. Unexpectedly, tiny vortexes were formed on the surface of Luo Zheng's body.

After these vortexes were formed, they produced a fierce suction force. The lotus flames in the entire crafting furnace rushed towards Luo Zheng's body and were sucked into those tiny vortexes.

True Fire refining the body!

His body was actually forcibly sucking in all the True Fire.

Those lotus flames endlessly drilled into Luo Zheng's body. His arms, his body, his legs, his neck ... ...

This process was extremely painful. This pain was not only physical. The lotus flames even penetrated his skin and burned every inch of his body.

He clenched his teeth and endured this pain.

Compared to the pain of his soul being refined by the black flames, the pain of his body was much lighter.

Under the burning of the True Fire, Luo Zheng felt that the poison of the Ten Fragrant Tendon Weakening Powder in his body was slowly disappearing!

At the same time, Luo Zheng felt that the huge furnace that had been quietly floating in his mind was about to move. The abnormally calm black flames in the furnace were now like a wild horse that had escaped its reins. They shot out of the furnace and finally penetrated Luo Zheng's consciousness and drilled out from between Luo Zheng's eyebrows!

This black flame seemed to have a life of its own. It appeared in front of Luo Zheng.

And as soon as it appeared, it let out a strange cry and pounced towards the Karma Fire Sword.

The Karmic Fire Sword had been burned by Xie Lang's True Fire for so long, but it had only turned red. However, with just a light touch of the black flame, the priceless Karmic Fire Sword, which was known as a high-grade Xuan Artifact, instantly melted into a few drops of molten iron.

Seeing the power of the black flame, Luo Zheng was flabbergasted. What was the origin of this black flame? How could it be so terrifying?

The black flame wrapped around the molten iron of the Karma Fire Sword and drilled into between Luo Zheng's eyebrows, returning to Luo Zheng's mind. Originally, Luo Zheng was terrified. Although he had a Xuan Weapon body, he couldn't possibly refine the molten iron into his head, right?

However, Luo Zheng didn't feel any discomfort. In Luo Zheng's mind, the black flame wrapped around the few drops of molten iron and sent them into the mouth of the Qinglong relief sculpture.

There were nine huge dragon reliefs on the huge furnace. Only the Qinglong's eyes were open. At this moment, the Qinglong let out a low dragon roar. It raised its head and swallowed the few drops of molten iron. Qinglong's body originally had tens of thousands of dull scales. However, after the Qinglong swallowed the few drops of molten iron, a strange change occurred.

At the tail of the Qinglong, there was a scale that was emitting a cyan brilliance. It was like a flawless emerald, very beautiful.

The few drops of molten iron of the Karma Fire Sword had activated a scale on the Qinglong relief sculpture!

This scene that occurred in his mind made Luo Zheng incomparably astonished.

At the same time, he felt a surge of power gushing out from the scale, pouring into his body like a torrent.

His strength was actually increasing at a rapid pace!

Could it be that the scales on the dragon's body could be activated as long as the black flame kept devouring Xuan Weapons?

So that's how it was, that's how it was! Luo Zheng's face revealed a look of ecstasy. After being sacrificially refined in the crafting furnace, he seemed to understand something about the huge furnace.

Just a single scale had increased his strength by several times. What would happen if he lit up all the tens of thousands of scales on the Azure Dragon's body? Moreover, there were white dragons, purple dragons, black dragons, and blue dragons on the Qinglong relief sculpture ...

How terrifying would his power be if he activated all the scales on the nine dragons?

Tsk, tsk. Luo Zheng licked his dry lips. That terrifying power was beyond his imagination.

However, it seemed that it would not be easy to light up the dragon scales.

According to Xie Lang, the Karma Fire Sword was an Upper Grade Xuan Weapon. It was priceless!

The essence of a Upper Grade Xuan Weapon could only light up one scale. How many treasures would it take to light up tens of thousands of scales? Even if all the treasures in the Eastern Region were used to smelt, it would still be difficult to light up all the scales on the Qinglong, not to mention that there were eight other dragons above the Qinglong.

This matter needed to be considered at length. He could not be impatient!

Luo Zheng was not arrogant and impatient. He sat down cross-legged in the blazing Genuine Fire and let the golden vortex on his body absorb the lotus flame, using the fire to refine his body.

Xie Lang, who was outside the crafting furnace, also discovered the strange matter. His face revealed a trace of doubt. From the beginning, he could not feel the existence of his Karma Fire Sword. Could it be that it had fused with that brat? At the same time, he could not feel the brat's life force.

Moreover, he discovered that the Genuine Life Fire that he had released was continuously disappearing. What strange thing was happening in the crafting furnace?

Maybe he had succeeded in refining the Spiritual Weapon! This was also very possible!

As long as one was a crafting master, it was clear that when the crafting process was about to end and a treasure was about to be produced, it would absorb a large amount of Genuine Life Fire. This stage was called "Condensation".

According to the grade of the treasure, the amount of Genuine Life Fire that needed to be condensed was not the same. The higher the grade of the treasure, the more Genuine Life Fire that needed to be condensed.

When Xie Lang was refining the "Karma Fire Sword", he had to absorb a full two hours of Genuine Life Fire during the condensation stage before it could be produced.

However, it had already far exceeded the time of three incense sticks ...

The higher the grade of the treasure, the more Genuine Life Fire it would absorb during the condensation process, and the longer it would take. The treasure in the crafting furnace had absorbed so much Genuine Life Fire for so long. It was extremely likely that it was a Spiritual Weapon!

Thinking of this, Xie Lang's heart immediately burned with passion.

Indeed, only a Spiritual Weapon could absorb so much Genuine Life Fire during the condensation process.

Without saying a word, he went all out and continuously activated the Genuine Life Fire in his body, sending it into the crafting furnace.

Although Xie Lang had sent in a lot of Genuine Life Fire, it was as if there was a small black hole inside the crafting furnace.

Six hours later, Xie Lang was already drenched in sweat and panting heavily.

After all, Xie Lang was only a "Half-step Innate". With his identity as a craftsman, his control of Genuine Life Fire had already far surpassed that of others of the same level. However, he had not stepped into the Precelestial Realm, so releasing so much Genuine Life Fire at once was an extremely strenuous task for him.

However, he was worried. As a craftsman, he was very clear about the importance of the "Condensation" process. If the "Condensation" process was not done well, the weapon in the crafting furnace would probably be wasted!

Xie Lang had no other choice but to grit his teeth and endure.

Until twenty hours later ...

Xie Lang squeezed out the last bit of Genuine Life Fire in his body, and with a "plop" sound, he laid on the ground, panting heavily. He could no longer hold on.

After resting for a while, Xie Lang crawled up from the ground and took out a few black pills from his bosom to swallow them. After replenishing his strength, he walked towards the crafting furnace.

The moment he opened the crafting furnace, Xie Lang's expression was very complicated. He was not sure if the spirit weapon had been successfully refined.