Blade Bug

[Chapter 47]

The Flying Chariot was not commonly seen in the Empire because it was too expensive. The price of a Flying Chariot was equivalent to a high-grade mystic artifact.

Most importantly, a high-grade mystic artifact could greatly increase a warrior's strength, while a Flying Chariot was merely a means of transportation.

Therefore, in Chongyang County, where the Luo Clan was located, no clan would spend a large sum of money to purchase a Flying Chariot.

Only in a wealthy place like the Imperial Capital would Flying Chariots become a common sight.

However, this was the first time Luo Zheng had seen such a gigantic Flying Chariot. Seeing such a huge object floating in the air and slowly descending, Luo Zheng was extremely shocked.

The others present were used to seeing such a sight. When they saw the gigantic Flying Chariot descending, they all stood up. It was time to depart.

The gigantic Flying Chariot slowly stopped beside the Azure Sky Platform. A pontoon bridge extended from the side of the Flying Chariot and connected to the edge of the platform. A few people walked out and stood beside the pontoon bridge.

The Blue Cloud Sect disciples on the platform handed over their tokens for the people to inspect. Then, they crossed the pontoon bridge and entered the interior of the gigantic Flying Chariot.

Luo Zheng followed behind the crowd. When it was his turn, he also handed over his token. When the people discovered that Luo Zheng was only in the Marrow Refining Realm, they were astonished. However, they did not say anything. After inspecting the tokens, they indicated that Luo Zheng could enter.

Luo Zheng stepped onto the pontoon bridge and entered the interior of the gigantic Flying Chariot.

The interior of the Flying Chariot was very spacious. Along the walls of the Flying Chariot, rows of seats were fixed to the ground. Luo Zheng found a seat in the corner and sat down.

After a while, a tremor came from beneath his feet. The gigantic Flying Chariot began to rise into the air.

Looking out the window beside the seat, one could see the entirety of the Blue Cloud Sect.

The unbroken mountain range extended to the horizon. The Blue Cloud Sect occupied an area equivalent to a quarter of the Imperial Capital. However, if the unbroken mountain range behind the Blue Cloud Sect was added, it would be even larger than the Imperial Capital!

At this moment, a black mountain range appeared in Luo Zheng's vision.

Within the Blue Cloud Sect, most of the mountains were lush green and surrounded by trees. The sudden appearance of the black mountain seemed very out of place.

The words' Purgatory Mountain 'immediately appeared in Luo Zheng's mind.

He recalled that Zhou Xian had said that Purgatory Mountain was entirely pure black, moreover continuously releasing gray smoke, releasing a wave of sulfur aura. From the distance, it looked just like a terrifying purgatory.

Luo Yan was in that mountain.

Luo Zheng gazed into the distance, wanting to take in everything in the mountain. But after a while, he revealed a bitter smile. He had been possessed. Even if he had entered the Marrow Refining Realm and was refreshed, with his eyesight, how could he see clearly what was in the mountains from thousands of miles up in the sky?

Moreover, Purgatory Mountain was so massive, trying to find his own little sister Luo Zheng? This was undoubtedly the ravings of an idiot.

Even though this was what he thought, Luo Zheng still firmly locked his eyes on Purgatory Mountain. Only when the giant flying chariot changed directions and Purgatory Mountain disappeared from his line of sight did he retract his gaze.

The giant flying chariot's speed was extremely fast. From the Blue Cloud Sect to the Imperial Capital's south, it only used six hours.

Quite a few martial artists already began to whisper to each other. Some of them even began to make preparations. From the looks of it, they were about to reach their destination.

Right when everyone was making preparations, a sudden change occurred!

Kuang dang!

A glass window on the right side of the giant flying chariot suddenly shattered. Two green blades reached in through the window. The blades were like scissors, crisscrossing with each other. In an instant, the head of the person by the window was neatly cut off.

Meanwhile, a head covered in compound eyes reached in. It bit down on that person's head, and then quickly withdrew.

Blood flowed down that person's neck, splashing onto the ceiling of the giant flying chariot.

Inside the giant flying chariot, everyone remained silent for two seconds. Then, someone immediately shouted, "Insect attack! Everyone, be on guard! "

Those who dared to accept the bug tide mission were all veterans. After a brief moment of panic, everyone reacted and quickly moved closer to the center.

"That's a blade bug?"

Just now, Luo Zheng saw it extremely clearly. That blade bug was about the height of a person. Its entire body was green, and its head had compound eyes. Its appearance was sinister and ugly. There were wings on its back, and it had six legs. The two legs at the very top were like two flat long blades, exceptionally sharp.

As soon as Luo Zheng jumped off the chair, the glass window next to him also loudly shattered. A blade bug launched an attack at Luo Zheng.

A pair of lush green blades cut towards Luo Zheng from the left and right. Those blades were extremely fast, actually wishing to cut Luo Zheng in half.

This was the first time he came into contact with this type of fiend beast, so Luo Zheng was also a bit nervous. He didn't retreat, instead advancing. As soon as he made his move, a fierce fist smashed towards that blade bug's abdomen.

This blade bug's abdomen had a thick layer of carapace.

Originally, Luo Zheng thought that his fist would be able to shatter the carapace. He didn't expect that the carapace would be so sturdy that Luo Zheng's fist couldn't break it.

"Damn it!"

His fist didn't have any effect. What greeted him was the two blades.


At this moment, a black and red sword ray shot out from behind Luo Zheng. That sword ray was extremely sharp and actually directly cut open the blade bug's head.

Although the blade bug's head was destroyed, it still valiantly waved the two blades in its hands. However, due to the loss of accuracy, its speed and strength were greatly reduced, allowing Luo Zheng to escape.

"Many thanks for your help, friend." Luo Zheng took the opportunity to dodge to a safe corner and said to a black-robed disciple. The black-robed disciple was a young man, but he had a long ponytail behind his head. The black and red sword ray he condensed just now wasn't Zhen Qi, but genuine Zhen Yuan! This ponytailed disciple was actually a Xiantian Realm expert!

"We are all members of the Blue Cloud Sect. This small matter is nothing." The ponytailed disciple said indifferently, "The blade bug's abdomen is very tough. Its weakness is its head. Unless you have a body of steel, don't get surrounded by them."

Luo Zheng nodded. Although this person was cold, not only did he save him, but he also briefly explained all the weaknesses of the blade bug. In the Blue Cloud Sect, such a person was very rare.

At this moment, blade bugs were constantly rushing in from the inside of the giant flying chariot, and battles were constantly breaking out.

No one expected that the blade bugs would suddenly attack the giant flying chariot halfway.

Someone shouted, "The blade bugs are destroying the bottom of the flying chariot!"

The bottom of the flying chariot was the driving force of the giant flying chariot. If the bottom of the flying chariot was destroyed, the entire flying chariot would fall down!

Unfortunately, there was no one on the huge Flying Chariot who could fly like the Blade Bug. There was nothing they could do other than watch.

Not long after, everyone felt the floor tilt. The giant flying chariot had indeed begun to fall!

Luo Zheng slid to a corner and grabbed onto a beam to stabilize himself.

He originally thought that after riding the giant flying chariot to their destination, they would rest for a while before starting to hunt blade bugs. Unexpectedly, they were suddenly attacked by these blade bugs and directly intercepted the giant flying chariot. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly. He was really unlucky.

Fortunately, only half of the bottom of the giant flying chariot was damaged. It was not completely destroyed. The driving force was still there, so the flying chariot's falling speed was not fast. It was only at a slanted angle as it slowly fell down.

Everyone grabbed onto the things next to them and firmly fixed themselves, bracing themselves for the impact of the fall.


The giant flying chariot hit the ground with a loud and dull sound. The body of the flying chariot began to disintegrate from the middle of the keel. There were broken planks and wooden pillars everywhere …

The impact of the landing was not much of a threat to Luo Zheng. After a short period of chaos, he climbed out of the crashed flying chariot. Outside the flying chariot, many inner disciples had already begun to fight with the blade bugs.

Many of the people who came with him this time had already stepped into the Xiantian realm.

Other than Luo Zheng, most of the rest were experts in the half-step Xiantian realm.

Even though they had encountered such a serious crisis, everyone maintained a relatively stable state and quickly launched a counterattack against the blade bugs. For a time, all kinds of True Qi and True Essence flashed one after another. The battle was intense.

At this moment, Luo Zheng finally understood why it was called a bug tide.

Whether it was on the ground, in the sky, or in the forest, there was a lush green everywhere.

When these blade bugs flew, they completely covered the sky and covered the sun.

As soon as Luo Zheng climbed out, three or four blade bugs stared at him and pounced on him from three directions.

After the ponytailed youth's reminder, Luo Zheng already understood that the strongest defense of these blade bugs was their abdomen. The carapace that grew out of their bodies was even harder than human armor.

Learning from his mistakes, Luo Zheng naturally would not make the same mistake again.

Facing the simultaneous pincer attack of several blade bugs, Luo Zheng took the initiative to attack. First, he avoided the blade that pounced on him. Then, he exerted strength in his arm and smashed the blade bug's head with a punch. At the same time, he grabbed the blade bug's corpse and threw it behind him to block the path of the two blade bugs behind him.

These blade bugs relied on their advantage in numbers to encircle him and posed a considerable threat.

Therefore, Luo Zheng remembered the ponytailed youth's words and did not fall into the blade bugs' encirclement.

Originally, there were four blade bugs that came to surround him. Luo Zheng killed one of them and blocked the other two behind him. The one in front of him was easy to deal with. Before the blade bug could wave its blade, Luo Zheng's hand was like lightning and pressed on its joints. With a forceful pull, he dismantled the blade bug's two blades.

A single blade bug was not difficult to deal with.