
[Chapter 48]

According to the Eastern Region's classification of demonic beasts, these ordinary blade insects should be considered Rank 3 demonic beasts.

However, the biggest difference between blade insects and other Rank 3 demonic beasts was that it was impossible for only one of them to appear.

"When you find a blade insect, there are at least two thousand blade insects behind it!"

This sentence was widely spread in the south. Although it was exaggerated, it was enough to prove the number of blade insects.

Facing such a huge number of blade insects, not to mention a half-step Xiantian cultivator, even a Xiantian realm expert would find it difficult to deal with them.

At present, the number of disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect was not small, and they were also very strong. In just a short while, hundreds of blade insects had been killed.

The corpses of the blade insects were like a ring-shaped hill, slowly piling up around the fallen flying chariot.

Although everyone had killed a lot of blade insects, there were more and more blade insects attacking them. These things were simply endless!


Someone let out a blood-curdling scream. It was because one person was too radical and rushed into the encirclement of the blade insects. It was too late for the others to save him. Almost in an instant, that person was surrounded by a large group of blade insects and crazily eaten. By the time the blade insects dispersed, that person had already been eaten clean by the blade insects. Not even his bones were left.

Seeing this scene, many people's scalps went numb.

No one wanted to be eaten by insects.

However, the blade insects in front of them were endless. Once everyone's strength was exhausted, they would end up like this.

Everyone's hearts were gloomy, and their momentum was obviously low.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Everyone, fight! If you don't fight, you'll die! If you fight, there's still a way out! "

"Puff —" A purple True Essence arrow shot out, instantly piercing through a dozen blade insects.

"Bang!" The fiercely burning flames exploded, instantly burning half the sky. The power of the True Fire was extraordinary. It instantly burned dozens of blade insects, and the air was filled with the smell of burning.

The Xiantian realm experts began to exert their strength.

Seeing this, everyone was deeply encouraged and began to fight with all their might.

Luo Zheng's figure constantly shuttled through the blade insects. Although the power of the "Red Sandalwood Fist" was not outstanding, with his own strength and physical advantage, he was able to kill seven or eight blade insects in a short period of time.

Just as the battle raged on, someone cried out in alarm.

"Blade Insect Leader!"

Luo Zheng and the others looked up and saw that there were hundreds of purple blade insects mixed in the green. These blade insect leaders were twice the size of ordinary blade insects, and their bodies were covered with spikes. Their appearance was even more sinister and terrifying.

Was that the Blade Insect Leader?

The strength of the Saber Bug Leader was far stronger than that of ordinary Saber Bugs, not to mention that there were hundreds of them!

The blade insects in front of him were already very difficult to deal with, and now he had to face these even more powerful blade insect leaders.

The leader of the blade insects flew down from the sky, letting out ear-piercing screams. In addition, more blade insects were continuously replenishing their numbers.

Everyone felt a wave of sadness in their hearts. Was everyone going to die here today?

Who could have imagined such an outcome the moment they boarded the giant Flying Chariot?

In fact, although hunting Blade Insects was a rather difficult task, such a thing rarely happened.

At this moment, in the nearby forest, an object flew over with a "whoosh" sound. It was a piece of bamboo that had been set ablaze.

One end of the bamboo was emitting flames, and after it fell to the ground, the other end emitted thick smoke.

Luo Zheng sniffed and smelled a strong medicinal smell in the smoke.

Immediately after, more bamboo was thrown in.

Every single bamboo was ignited, and smoke came out from the other end.

Soon, the scene was wrapped in smoke.

It was very strange. The blade insects seemed to be extremely afraid of the smoke. After they discovered the smoke, they spread their wings and flew into the sky, circling around, not daring to rush into the smoke.

Even the more powerful blade insect leaders were the same.

Although the smoke was very uncomfortable, it was still within the tolerance range. At least they could finally take a break.

Soon after, everyone saw the forest shake, and many people came out. These people were all wearing the same clothes, and each of them carried a few bamboo joints on their backs. Their expressions were serious, and their movements were unified.

"Emperor Army!"

When the Blue Cloud Sect disciples saw these people, their faces relaxed. They were finally saved.

The Emperor Army was the empire's army. Every year, during the insect tide, the imperial capital would also dispatch a considerable portion of the Emperor Army to suppress the insect tide.

Compared to the Blue Cloud Sect disciples, the Emperor Army's actions were unified and strict. Although their individual strength might not be comparable to the Blue Cloud Sect disciples, their overall strength could not be underestimated.

After the Emperor Army walked out, they neatly lined up in a team. A young man with a crew cut walked out from the middle. The young man said with a serious expression, "I am the centurion of the Green Mist Squad, Lu Xiao! Blue Cloud Sect disciples, listen up. If you want to live, follow us! "

When the Blue Cloud Sect disciples heard this, they did not move. Instead, they looked at the piles of Blade Insect corpses.

The Blue Cloud Sect disciples didn't come here for a vacation. They came here to earn points.

According to the rules of the Blue Cloud Sect, killing twenty Blade Insects was another point. The corpses of the Blade Insects in front of them were all points in their eyes!

However, the Blade Insect corpses were so big that it was impossible to drag them back. Therefore, the Blue Cloud Sect stipulated that they only needed to dig out the demon beast core in the Blade Insect's chest.

Just now, everyone had worked hard and fought for so long. They had to get some spoils of war in their hands.

However, as soon as the Emperor Army came out, they asked everyone to leave with them. Of course, some people were unhappy.

In fact, the relationship between the Emperor Army and the Blue Cloud Sect disciples had never been harmonious. They didn't like each other and there were even group fights.

Someone said to Lu Xiao, "Can you wait? We still have to … "

Lu Xiao snorted and said, "I know what you want to do, but think carefully. We have detected that the army of Blade Insects is continuing to gather here. The lives of our Emperor Army are more valuable than the lives of your Blue Cloud Sect disciples! If you don't leave, we'll leave! "

When the Blue Cloud Sect disciples heard this, they felt that there was nothing they could do. They had already done their best to save them. As for their points, what did it have to do with them?

Therefore, everyone could only follow behind the Emperor Army.

A few Xiantian Realm experts looked at the insect corpses on the ground and seemed to want to stay and collect some crystal cores. With their powerful strength, some of them still had a chance to break out alone. However, they looked at the Blade Insects in the sky that were still increasing. In the end, they shook their heads and gave up.

The average strength of this group of Emperor Army was actually lower than that of the Blue Cloud Sect disciples. However, they had strange methods to deal with the insect tide.

For example, the bamboo joints on their backs should be specially made to resist the attacks of the Blade Insects.

Every time they walked a distance, they would ignite a bamboo joint. As long as the bamboo joint emitted thick smoke, the Blade Insects would not dare to come down and attack them. They could only hover above their heads.

The Emperor Army led the way without saying a word. On the other hand, the Blue Cloud Sect disciples had to attack the Blade Insects in the sky from time to time. They used sword qi or arrows to attack the Blade Insects in the sky.

The Blade Insects were relatively far away and difficult to hit. Therefore, every time they shot down one or two Blade Insects, some of the Blue Cloud Sect disciples would laugh loudly.

Luo Zheng followed behind. When he saw this scene, he could not help but shake his head.

Although the Blue Cloud Sect disciples were strong, the soldiers in front of them might not be a match for them in a one-on-one battle.

However, if they were to fight as a whole, the Blue Cloud Sect disciples would probably be defeated in one blow. They were not a match for the Emperor Army at all.

Their discipline was too poor. Perhaps four or five people could barely cooperate, but once there were more people, it would become chaotic.

After advancing for an hour, they finally walked out of the forest. Under the Emperor Army's lead, they crossed a small river and climbed over a hill. A city appeared in front of everyone.

"That's Dragon Castle. We've finally arrived!"

Some sharp-eyed inner sect disciples had already shouted.

The fortress in front of them was the Dragon Castle used by the Empire for cultivation. It was used to guard the southern border and was also their destination.

The Dragon Castle was the most important pass in the southern part of the Burning Heaven Empire. Further south was the endless tropical rainforest.

Luo Zheng had once read a book called "Records of Strange Beasts". This book recorded all the dangerous places in the Eastern Region.

One of the places recorded the story of the experts in the Eastern Region who went deep into the tropical rainforest. According to the book, the first hundred miles of the rainforest was safe. The demonic beasts encountered were only about the third rank. Five hundred miles further in, one would encounter a fifth rank demonic beast. After a thousand miles, all kinds of seventh and eighth rank demonic beasts would appear.

Further in was a world that was difficult for humans to explore.

Every year, many demonic beasts would run out of the tropical rainforest and charge into the Burning Heaven Empire for reasons unknown to humans.

The purpose of the Dragon Castle was to defend against the various demonic beasts in the tropical rainforest.

Among the many demonic beasts, the most troublesome one was the Blade Insect that Luo Zheng had encountered before.

As a fortress, the Dragon Castle looked very simple from the outside. There were no decorations on the walls or the moat. The only decoration was a huge dragon head sculpture hanging on the top of the Dragon Castle's wall.

The dragon head sculpture was completely black. Under the light, its eyes reflected a glossy luster. It bared its fangs and brandished its claws, emitting an incomparably domineering aura.

Passing under the dragon head sculpture, all the disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect couldn't help but show a trace of reverence.

When Luo Zheng passed by, he stopped for a while and stared at the dragon head sculpture's eyes. A trace of doubt appeared in his heart.