
[Chapter 53]

When Luo Zheng, Meng Changjun, and Zhao Xuyong saw this scene, their faces darkened.

Although the four of them did not deliberately form a small team, they had some cooperation and tacit understanding with each other when they went out to kill blade insects with the Green Mist Squad.

However, just a few hours later, one of them died tragically on the spot. At this moment, they naturally felt a sense of sadness. Was everyone going to die here today?

At this moment, Lu Xiao suddenly roared. While running, he actually shot an arrow at the Blade Bug Queen's compound eye. However, the arrow was easily pushed aside by the Blade Bug Queen halfway through its flight.

Although the arrow hadn't caused any damage to the Blade Bug Queen, it had successfully angered it. The Blade Bug Queen chased after Lu Xiao.

"You guys run! I'll lead the Blade Bug Queen away! "Lu Xiao shouted at everyone. Clearly, he had already disregarded his own life.

Taking advantage of the fact that the Blade Bug Queen was chasing after Lu Xiao, it opened up a path for the others to escape.

However, the situation was still urgent. In addition to the Blade Bug Queen, there was still a black mass of blade insects and over a hundred blade insect leaders.

The soldiers of the Green Mist Squad decisively ignited the bamboo joints, and smoke billowed out. Whether it was the blade insect leaders or the ordinary blade insects, they all hated the smoke and avoided it. Finally, a path was opened in front of them.

"Let's go! Luo Zheng! "Zhao Xuyong was about to leave when he saw Luo Zheng standing there in a daze.

"Brother Luo Zheng, if you don't leave now, you won't be able to leave." Meng Changjun also revealed a strange expression.

Luo Zheng thought for a moment, and his face suddenly revealed a determined expression. He said to them, "Brother Meng, Brother Zhao, you guys leave first. I'll go help Lu Xiao!" After saying that, Luo Zheng stepped forward and chased after Lu Xiao.

"What are you going to do? Die?" Zhao Xuyong shouted.

Meng Changjun blinked but did not say anything. He had always been very good at reading people. Although he had only known Luo Zheng for two days, he already understood Luo Zheng's character. Persuasion was useless.

Lu Xiao's running speed was extremely fast, but the Blade Bug Queen's every step covered a distance of several dozen feet, so her speed was even faster.

However, because they weren't running in a straight line, Luo Zheng directly ran in a straight line and quickly caught up with them.

He was a hundred zhang away from the Blade Insect Queen!

After entering the Marrow Refining Stage, Luo Zheng was "refreshed" and had a very accurate grasp of distance.

The whistling wind blew past Luo Zheng's ears. He clasped the broken throwing knife in his hand, and his palms were already sweating.

At this moment, Luo Zheng wasn't timid at all. Instead, he was a little excited!

Fifty Zhang!

As he got closer and closer, Lu Zheng could see the patterns on the Blade Bug Queen's body.

Twenty Zhang!

Ten Zhang!

The Blade Bug Queen had already caught up to Lu Xiao. Its huge blade was already raised high in the air.

Facing the Blade Bug Queen alone, Lu Xiao already understood that he had no way out. However, as a standard soldier of the empire, even if he was on the verge of death, he wouldn't just sit and wait for death. Fighting with his last bit of strength was his true nature, so there was no despair in Lu Xiao's eyes. Instead, there was boundless courage and strength.

He roared and his muscles bulged as he charged at the Blade Bug Queen's huge blade.


At this moment, Luo Zheng focused all his strength on his feet and leaped into the air.

At the same time, borrowing the force of this leap, the broken throwing knife in his hand cut through the air and flew towards the Blade Bug Queen.

The Blade Bug Queen's body was huge, and the broken throwing knife was only as long as a forearm. Even if it shot into its body, it wouldn't cause much damage. Luo Zheng's target was the Blade Bug Queen's forelimbs!

Luo Zheng's timing for this attack was extremely accurate!

When the Blade Bug Queen's blade was still a few meters away from Lu Xiao, the broken throwing knife stabbed into the Blade Bug Queen's forelimbs with a "pu" sound.

The Blade Bug Queen's carapace was extremely hard, but the broken throwing knife still cut through it effortlessly.


The huge blade left the Blade Bug Queen's body and heavily smashed into the ground. Lu Xiao was completely dumbfounded at this moment, as if he didn't understand what had happened.

"Squeak squeak squeak!"

The Blade Bug Queen was in pain and raised its head to let out a loud screech.

The screech caused Luo Zheng and Lu Xiao's eardrums to sting.

Its compound eyes turned and quickly found Luo Zheng next to it. It turned its head and the remaining blade slashed at Luo Zheng's head!

At this moment, Luo Zheng was already prepared. He dodged this terrifying attack and madly ran in another direction.

The Blade Bug Queen's blade left a long crack in the ground and returned to its side. Its mouth was still letting out screeches. At this moment, all its aggro was locked onto Luo Zheng as it chased after him, ignoring Lu Xiao who was next to him.

Lu Xiao, who had narrowly escaped death, felt like he was about to collapse. His chest heaved up and down as he watched the Blade Bug Queen leave. He never thought that Luo Zheng would lead the Blade Bug Queen away at a time like this!

The wind whistled past his ears as the trees on both sides fell behind Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng didn't choose a path because he didn't have the chance to identify the path ahead!

Other than madly running forward, there was no time for him to think.

The Blade Bug Queen madly chased after him. Even though there was only one blade left, to Luo Zheng, it was still an invincible existence.


A red shadow flashed an inch behind Luo Zheng, cutting a ten-meter-long crack in the ground behind Luo Zheng.

The Blade Bug Queen's speed was clearly faster than Luo Zheng's. It was almost certain that it would catch up to Luo Zheng!

What should I do?

Luo Zheng's heart gradually sank. Facing such a powerful opponent, he didn't even have a chance to fight it head-on.


A red shadow mixed with a strong wind came slashing at him. Luo Zheng jumped up again and dodged the blade. He rolled forward and continued to run.

Crashing through the bushes in front of him and passing through the forest, Luo Zheng saw a canyon in front of him. With a glance, he found that the canyon was actually seventy to eighty feet wide.

"Jump over!"

Rushing to the edge of the canyon, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and gathered all his strength under his feet. His whole body shrank into the shape of a bow and then quickly spread out.

Using this force, he directly bounced himself to the other side of the canyon.

However, while he was still in the air, he saw the Blade Bug Queen also leaping up. At the same time, it spread its wings and flew up.

"Damn, this Blade Bug Queen can't fly!" Luo Zheng thought gloomily.

The Blade Bug Queen indeed couldn't fly. Because its body was too big, its wings couldn't carry its body into the sky.

But relying on its powerful hind legs to bounce up and spread its wings, it could glide in the air for a while.

At the same time, the remaining red blade was about to slash at Luo Zheng.

"I'm dead for sure this time …"

He was in the air and couldn't dodge. He could only watch as the huge blade swung over.

At this critical moment, a fierce desire to live rose from Luo Zheng's heart.

"I absolutely can't die!" Luo Zheng's eyes were bloodshot as they were about to split open.

In a moment of desperation, Luo Zheng stuck the broken throwing knife to his arm and used his arm to block the Blade Bug Queen's blade.


The violent force collided with the broken throwing knife, but it didn't break. Sure enough, this broken throwing knife was tough enough to block the Blade Bug Queen's attack.


But the violent force passed through the broken throwing knife and onto Luo Zheng's body. Luo Zheng spat out a large mouthful of blood, creating a bloody rain in the air.

He felt the blood in his body churning, as if his organs were about to be crushed.

Fortunately, Luo Zheng's body was special. With such a violent collision, even a half-step Xiantian or Xiantian Mystic Realm expert would die without a doubt, let alone a Marrow Refining Realm expert.

Luo Zheng absorbed most of the force and turned it into a warm current that constantly seeped into the depths of his bones and cleansed his marrow.

Even so, the remaining force was still extremely domineering, causing him serious injuries.

But with this huge force, Luo Zheng flew even higher. He floated in the air for dozens of feet before slamming heavily into the ground, creating a large crater in the soft soil.


The ground shook as the Blade Bug Queen crossed the canyon and landed on the ground. Then, it rushed towards Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng felt like his body was about to be torn apart. He didn't want to move, but when he saw the Blade Bug Queen rushing towards him, he spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed. He endured the pain and crawled out of the crater and ran forward again.

In this chase, Luo Zheng ran another few hundred feet. At this time, a huge cave appeared in front of Luo Zheng.

He looked around and saw an endless forest in front of him. There was no place to hide from the Blade Bug Queen's pursuit.

Without thinking too much, Luo Zheng could only dive into the cave.

For humans, the inside of a cave was far more dangerous than the outside.

Especially a cave like this in the wild. Who knew what kind of powerful creature created it?

But Luo Zheng had no choice. Continuing forward was a dead end. He could only hope that there was a chance in this cave.

When Luo Zheng entered the cave, the Blade Bug Queen didn't hesitate and followed Luo Zheng in. It looked like it wouldn't stop until it killed Luo Zheng.

The cave was very wide. Even the Blade Bug Queen's huge body could move freely. Fortunately, the cave was curved. Although the Blade Bug Queen was fast, it was far from Luo Zheng's agility.

Therefore, the distance between the two couldn't be closed.