Fire Scorpion Lion

[Chapter 54]

Due to the lack of light, Luo Zheng could only see darkness in front of him. He could only rely on the faint light to barely discern the path ahead.

As for the small Demon Beasts hiding in the darkness, Luo Zheng did not consider them at all. The biggest trouble was right behind him.

The Blade Insect Queen persevered in chasing after him, its huge body smashing many of the stone pillars in the cave.

It was unknown whether it was relying on its keen sense of smell or a special imprint on Luo Zheng's body, but Luo Zheng managed to get rid of it several times through the numerous caves. However, not long after, it caught up with him again.

Under this chase, the smell of sulfur that rushed into his nose became stronger and stronger.

Just as Luo Zheng entered a series of caves, his eyes suddenly widened, and at the same time, he was enveloped by a dark red light.

In front of Luo Zheng's eyes, there was unexpectedly an underground lake. However, this underground lake was not filled with water, but surging magma. Within the magma, dark red flames were constantly blooming and extinguishing.

It was unexpectedly the Core Fire!

According to ancient records, the Core Fire was a kind of flame that emerged from the core of the earth.

Refining Masters both loved and hated the Core Fire. Compared to the True Essence Fire that they cultivated, the Core Fire was much more violent, much more violent, and at the same time, much more unstable. However, when refining some special magic weapons, the Core Fire had a miraculous effect.

The smell of sulfur that Luo Zheng had smelled before should have been emitted by this pool of Core Fire.

"Rumble, rumble …"

Behind Luo Zheng came another series of tremors.

The Blade Insect Queen had caught up again.

"It's haunting!"

Luo Zheng's complexion changed. Seeing that there was a road on the side of the Core Fire lake, he followed it and ran around the magma lake.

The ground beside the magma lake had been burned by the Core Fire for a long time. Stepping on it, he felt a scalding sensation. At the same time, in the air, waves of heat attacked Luo Zheng.

At this moment, Luo Zheng did not care about anything. After all, escaping was more important.


A pool of magma suddenly exploded, and a ball of Earth Core Fire shot out from the magma towards Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng was running at a high speed. When he saw the dark red Earth Core Fire, he hurriedly rolled on the ground to avoid the Earth Core Fire.

That ball of Earth Core Fire swept past Luo Zheng's back and splashed on the nearby stone wall, immediately burning a big hole in the stone wall.

"The power of the Earth Core Fire is too terrifying." Luo Zheng noticed that the stone wall on the left was covered with countless bowl-sized holes. It seemed that the stone wall on the left had been eroded by the Earth Core Fire for many years and a layer had been cut off.

After witnessing the power of the Earth Core Fire, Luo Zheng became even more cautious. If the Earth Core Fire suddenly exploded and burned his body, he didn't know what would happen.

But at this moment, a squeaking sound came from behind Luo Zheng. He turned his head and saw that the Blade Insect Queen had finally appeared beside the magma lake.

Although the Blade Insect Queen was powerful and had a hard carapace, it was also very afraid of the Earth Core Fire. It followed the path beside the magma lake and continued to chase after Luo Zheng.

But the good thing was that compared to the Blade Insect Queen's huge body, Luo Zheng's body was much more agile, so it was naturally much easier for him to avoid the Earth Core Fire.

The Blade Insect Queen's huge body was also very afraid of the Earth Core Fire. Moreover, the vibrations caused by the Blade Insect Queen's footsteps were transmitted to the magma lake, causing the rolling magma to erupt with Earth Core Fire. In order to avoid the Earth Core Fire, the Blade Insect Queen's speed was naturally much slower than Luo Zheng's.

Seeing that the distance between him and the Blade Insect Queen was getting wider and wider, Luo Zheng's heart also relaxed. It seemed that as long as he went around the magma lake, he would be able to get rid of the Blade Insect Queen.

But when he looked ahead, his face suddenly changed. His heart that had not been relieved for long immediately became tense again.

In front of Luo Zheng, there was a huge creature blocking his path.

It was a huge beast that looked like a lion, but its head was more than ten times bigger than a lion!

This huge beast had a fiery red mane all over its body. Two thick and powerful claws were clawed on the ground, and its huge head was hanging to the side. It also had a scorpion-like tail that would occasionally wave twice. This huge beast was currently snoring loudly!

"Fire Scorpion Lion …"

A terrifying name rose from the depths of Luo Zheng's mind.

Luo Zheng was able to recognize this huge beast in an instant. It was not that he was knowledgeable, but the Fire Scorpion Lion's special characteristic was its scorpion-like tail. It liked to live in areas with extremely high temperatures, so it was very easy to recognize. Luo Zheng had read about it in books before.

The Fire Scorpion Lion's strength was extremely strong, especially its scorpion-like tail. It was one of its most deadly weapons. If a Xiantian realm expert encountered a Fire Scorpion Lion, they would not even have a chance to escape.

This powerful strange beast was extremely widespread in ancient times, and there were many of them. But now, it was on the verge of extinction in the Eastern Region.

The reason was that the Fire Scorpion Lion's body contained an extremely rare crystal core called the Fire Scorpion Crystal Core. This crystal core was an item of extreme Yang energy. Whether it was used for alchemy or weapon forging, it was an excellent material. It was something that top level weapon forgers and alchemists could only dream of obtaining.

If anyone knew that a Fire Scorpion Lion was hiding in this cave, it would immediately attract a large number of experts to hunt it down.

At this moment, Luo Zheng had no interest in the Fire Scorpion Crystal Core. What he was interested in was how to escape from this Fire Scorpion Lion with his life.

The Fire Scorpion Lion was still in a deep sleep. From the sound of its drum-like snoring, it seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Thinking of the Blade Bug Queen behind him, Luo Zheng had no better ideas. He could only take the risk and walk past the Fire Scorpion Lion.

But what if he accidentally woke the Fire Scorpion Lion when he passed by it …?

The only outcome would be death.

"Should I take the risk? Luo Zheng hesitated.

If he did not take the risk, he would be torn to shreds by the Blade Bug Queen. If he took the risk, there was still a chance of survival. Luo Zheng had no better choice.

Seeing the Fire Scorpion Lion's ferocious fangs and its swaying scorpion tail, Luo Zheng took two deep breaths and walked forward with light footsteps.

As Luo Zheng slowly approached the Fire Scorpion Lion, he could smell the rank odor coming from its body. He forced himself to endure the smell and made his footsteps lighter and slower. He was afraid that he would wake the Fire Scorpion Lion up if he wasn't careful.

Twenty steps.

Ten steps.

Five steps.

Luo Zheng was getting closer and closer to the Fire Scorpion Lion. His heart was pounding and his teeth were clenched tightly.

Just as he was three steps away from the Fire Scorpion Lion, the Fire Scorpion Lion suddenly rolled over and stretched out its limbs.

This action of the Fire Scorpion Lion caused Luo Zheng's heart to jump up to his throat and stop beating completely!

Fortunately, after the Fire Scorpion Lion stretched, it actually rested its huge head on its front legs and went back to sleep. It did not even notice Luo Zheng who was so close to it.

Luo Zheng opened his mouth and exhaled softly. He tiptoed forward again, inch by inch ….

Just as Luo Zheng thought that he could successfully pass through, the Blade Bug Queen caught up.

"Rumble! Rumble! Rumble! "

The Blade Bug Queen stomped on the ground, creating a huge tremor.

The Fire Scorpion Lion suddenly opened its huge eyes and stared at Luo Zheng in front of it. "Gu gu" sounds came from its mouth.

Luo Zheng and the Fire Scorpion Lion stared at each other for a moment. Luo Zheng exerted force in his legs and leapt backwards!

The Fire Scorpion Lion was furious that it had been disturbed from its sleep. It raised its thick front claws and pounced towards Luo Zheng.

It was like a cat catching a mouse ….

However, Luo Zheng's reaction was extremely fast. The Fire Scorpion Lion's pounce missed.


The Fire Scorpion Lion was thoroughly enraged. It roared at Luo Zheng and prepared to pounce again. However, at this moment, it noticed the Blade Bug Queen and stopped trying to capture Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He realized that he would not be able to walk out of this hopeless situation today.

Behind him was the Blade Bug Queen and in front of him was the Fire Scorpion Lion.

No matter which one it was, it was an existence that could instantly kill him.

At this moment, the Blade Bug Queen and the Fire Scorpion Lion had both noticed each other's presence. Both sides revealed deep fear in their eyes.

However, neither side chose to back down.

The Blade Bug Queen waved its huge red blade and screeched, as if warning the Fire Scorpion Lion not far away.

The Fire Scorpion Lion's claws continued to dig into the ground, easily leaving claw marks on the hard stone surface.

This confrontation lasted for about half an incense stick's worth of time.

The Blade Bug Queen was the first to lose its patience. Its screeching suddenly became urgent and rushed towards Luo Zheng.

The Fire Scorpion Lion also raised its head and let out a roar that echoed throughout the cave. It also rushed towards Luo Zheng.

Standing in the middle, Luo Zheng's face darkened.

At this moment, he had no other choice. Gritting his teeth, he jumped into the lava lake to the side ….