Spiritual Qi Body

[Chapter 55]

The two giant beasts on the shore were no longer paying attention to Luo Zheng. They were actually fighting each other.

Although the Blade Worm Queen had lost one of its limbs to Luo Zheng, the remaining blade was still a powerful and deadly weapon. Moreover, it was much bigger than the Fire Scorpion Lion.

Although the Fire Scorpion Lion was smaller than the Blade Worm Queen, it was much more agile. Moreover, the lava cave was originally its space to move around. The Fire Scorpion Lion had the advantage of location.

The two giant beasts started fighting, causing the cave to change rapidly.

Rocks kept falling from the ceiling of the cave, and the sputtering lava kept spitting out Earth Core Fire.

"Bang bang!"


The Fire Scorpion Lion pushed the Blade Worm Queen to the ground with extreme speed.

The Blade Worm Queen used its powerful hind legs to push the Fire Scorpion Lion more than ten feet away.

Then, the Blade Worm Queen rushed over and slashed at the Fire Scorpion Lion with its huge blade. The Fire Scorpion Lion dodged the blade and charged at the Blade Worm Queen with a howl. The Fire Scorpion Lion had underestimated the Blade Worm Queen's attack power. This kind of Blade Worm that turned to killing for survival had a fiercer nature than ordinary demon beasts.


The red blade pierced the Fire Scorpion Lion's abdomen, cutting open its heart and other organs. The Fire Scorpion Lion howled in pain after receiving such a heavy attack. At the same time, it raised its nimble scorpion tail and stabbed at the Blade Worm Queen's head.


The Blade Worm Queen's head could not dodge in time and was instantly blown apart by the Fire Scorpion Lion's scorpion tail.

The headless Blade Worm Queen's body went limp and lost its strength. The blade trembled a few times and fell to the ground. The Fire Scorpion Lion's organs had been cut into pieces. It also howled in pain and died with its head tilted to the side.

Two giant beasts that made people pale at the mention of them actually died together in this cave …

… …

… …

Luo Zheng had thought that he was dead for sure.

Although Luo Zheng had been burned by Xie Lang's True Fire in the crafting furnace, not only was he unharmed, but his body was also strengthened to the point that it was comparable to a high-grade profound weapon.

However, compared to Xie Lang's Second Grade True Fire, this Earth Core Flame was many times more powerful.

After all, Xie Lang's strength was only at the Half-step Innate Realm. Strictly speaking, his True Fire was evolved from his True Qi, and not a True Fire that was activated by his True Essence.

As for the Earth Core Fire, it was much more powerful than the True Fire produced by the Innate Mystic Realm blacksmiths!

The moment Luo Zheng jumped into the lava, he felt an intense burning sensation. It was as if his body was about to be incinerated.

Luo Zheng had already experienced this kind of burning pain twice. The first time was in the cellar of the Luo family, and the other time was in Xie Lang's crafting furnace. This was the third time.

He was very clear that other than clenching his teeth and enduring it, he could only pray that he could withstand the power of the Earth Core Fire and not have his body incinerated.

Soon, the color of his skin began to change slowly. His entire body was like a piece of red-hot iron, emitting a dark red glow.

After his entire body was completely red, countless small golden pieces appeared on his body at the same time, and then began to rotate continuously.

As the rotation speed became faster and faster, the small golden pieces turned into golden whirlpools, and began to absorb the Earth Core Fire!

The Earth Core Fire around Luo Zheng was quickly pulled into the Earth Core Fire, and the surrounding Earth Core Fire was quickly absorbed by Luo Zheng. However, the whirlpools on Luo Zheng's body were obviously not satisfied. After absorbing the Earth Core Fire around him, they emitted a stronger attractive force, and pulled the Earth Core Fire from further away.

Wisps, streaks, and patches of Earth Core Fire were attracted by a strong attractive force, and crazily rushed into Luo Zheng's body.

The Earth Core Fire in the huge lava lake quickly gathered into Luo Zheng's body.

At this moment, if someone stood outside the lava lake, he would be able to see a shocking scene.

The center of the lava lake, which was still rolling unceasingly, gradually turned from red to black. Finally, the lava solidified into a black color, and this black color rapidly expanded. More and more lava stopped boiling, and solidified into grayish-black stones.

Finally, the entire lava lake was solidified.

Except for some places that emitted a faint dark red color, the originally bright cave became pitch-black at this moment.

After a long time, the center of the lava lake suddenly split open, and a hand stretched out from that crack. On that hand, there were pieces of golden foil emitting a golden light. Then, Luo Zheng's head forcibly broke the solidified lava, and his body climbed out of it.

At this moment, Luo Zheng's face revealed a faint smile, which was the smile of someone who had just escaped from a hopeless situation.

He didn't expect that he would be able to absorb all the Earth Core Fire by jumping into the lava lake when he had no way out. After being burned by the Earth Core Fire, his body's strength should have increased again!

He lowered his head and looked at his body, and noticed that there was a wave-like pattern on his chest.

Seeing that pattern, Luo Zheng's face revealed a trace of doubt.

He seemed to have seen this pattern somewhere before!

After thinking for a while, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind. He clapped his hands and said, "I remember, this is a spiritual pattern!"

Luo Zheng had seen this kind of pattern in the refining methods left by Xie Lang.

Weapons and magic treasures were divided into several categories: Xuan Weapons, Spiritual Qi, Immortal Weapons …

Except for Xuan Weapons, which didn't have unique patterns, Spiritual Qi, Immortal Weapons, and Divine Weapons would all produce special patterns after they were refined successfully.

For example, Spiritual Qi would produce spiritual patterns on magic treasures, and Immortal Weapons would produce immortal patterns on magic treasures.

Since there was a spiritual pattern here, it meant that his body should have crossed a new stage. He had upgraded from Xuan Weapon Body to Spiritual Qi Body!

Luo Zheng was very clear about the difference between Xuan Weapons and Spiritual Qi. During the Trial by Blood, Fang Yushu had used a Spiritual Qi Body. That Space Splitting Blade had caused a terrifying amount of damage to Luo Zheng. If it wasn't for his body that was comparable to a High Grade Xuan Weapon, he would have been defeated by Fang Yushu.

After upgrading to Spiritual Qi Body, Luo Zheng's strength would naturally have a qualitative leap. No matter if it was the ability to resist or the quality of his body, they would all be greatly improved.

And the most important point was …

"The biggest difference between Spiritual Qi Body and Xuan Weapon isn't the toughness and sharpness of the weapon. Instead, it's because the majority of Spiritual Qi Bodies have special 'Spiritual Qi Body', just like the Space Splitting Blade in Fang Yushu's hand. It can casually pull out powerful energy threads!" Luo Zheng murmured.

"Then now that my body has become a Spiritual Qi Body, I wonder what kind of 'Spiritual Qi Body' I have?" Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart became more and more heated.

How do I activate this Spiritual Qi Body?

Standing on the surface of the magma lake that had already solidified, Luo Zheng stretched out his hand and punched out with a "hey" sound. He then rushed out two steps and kicked out. He then turned around and did a roundhouse kick.


After experimenting for a while, Luo Zheng rubbed his head and laughed foolishly. His actions were indeed a bit idiotic.

Not to mention whether he really had the 'Spiritual Qi Body', even if he did, he wouldn't be able to test it out like this.

After stopping this boring action, the densely packed gold foil on Luo Zheng's body slowly disappeared into his body. The entire cave once again fell into darkness.

Luo Zheng took out a match from his sumeru ring and lit it up with a "shua" sound, illuminating the cave once again.

At this moment, his gaze fell on the two corpses of the Blade Insect Queen and the Fire Scorpion Lion.

The moment he jumped into the magma lake, Luo Zheng also wondered if these two behemoths would fight.

Now it seemed that he had worried too much. These barbaric creatures were even more ferocious than he had imagined. Seeing the tragic deaths of the Blade Insect Queen and the Fire Scorpion Lion, Luo Zheng couldn't help but shake his head.

He raised the match and prepared to leave. Just as he took two steps, he suddenly patted his head. He wondered if he had been burned silly by the Earth Core Fire.

The crystal cores of twenty ordinary Blade Insects could be exchanged for one point. The crystal core of a Blade Insect Leader could be exchanged for one point. Then how many points could the crystal core of a Blade Insect Queen be exchanged for?

Leaving the crystal core of a Blade Insect Queen here was truly a waste of resources!

Luo Zheng's heart thumped. He quickly walked to the Blade Insect Queen's chest, took out a broken throwing knife from his sumeru ring, and cut open the Blade Insect Queen's chest.

"Ding ding dang!"

A fist-sized purple crystal core fell to the ground.

"The crystal core of a Blade Insect Leader is only the size of a walnut. This Blade Insect Queen's crystal core is actually the size of a fist!"

Luo Zheng didn't say anything and stuffed the purple crystal core into his sumeru ring.

After dealing with this, Luo Zheng's gaze fell on the corpse of the Fire Scorpion Lion.

The Fire Scorpion Lion's crystal core couldn't be exchanged for points. Luo Zheng didn't know this, but he knew how rare a Fire Scorpion Crystal Core was. This Fire Scorpion Crystal Core was a treasure in the eyes of alchemists and refiners.

Without thinking too much, Luo Zheng chopped at the Fire Scorpion Lion again and dug out the Fire Scorpion Crystal Core.

Every part of a Demon Beast was a treasure. The reason why humans could become stronger than these Demon Beasts was because they were good at using these treasures. Luo Zheng also didn't let go of the Fire Scorpion Lion's scorpion tail. He also used the broken throwing knife to cut it off.

On the other hand, although Luo Zheng was a bit jealous of the Blade Insect Queen's huge blade, he could only give it up since he couldn't put it in his sumeru ring. These Blade Insects' sense of smell was far more sensitive than that of humans. If he carried the Blade Insect Queen's huge blade out, it might attract other Blade Insects.

After dealing with these spoils of war, Luo Zheng followed the original path and walked towards the top of the cave.

This cave was too strange. There were even terrifying Demon Beasts like the Fire Scorpion Lion. Who knew what other terrifying things existed below this cave?

With Luo Zheng's strength, he was actually able to gain a great advantage over the Blade Insect Queen and the Fire Scorpion Lion. Luck played a large role in this. If it weren't for the lava lake here, and if it weren't for Luo Zheng's special physique that allowed him to bathe in fire and not die, he definitely wouldn't have had the slightest chance of surviving.

Just now, he had rushed all the way down. Luo Zheng didn't have time to identify the path. Fortunately, he was always on the right track.

After taking a few wrong turns and encountering some third rank Demon Beasts, Luo Zheng spent a few hours and finally walked out of the cave.

At this moment, the sky outside was pitch black. Above the canopy of the sky, the stars were shining brightly. It was already late at night.

Luo Zheng carefully sneaked through the jungle. He crossed the canyon he came from and ran along the path he came from during the day towards the Dragon Castle.

Fortunately, Blade Insects were nocturnal Demon Beasts. Generally, they wouldn't come out at night unless there were special circumstances. The other Demon Beasts in the jungle were also driven away by the insect tide. Luo Zheng actually didn't encounter any along the way.

After a long time, the Dragon Castle finally appeared in front of Luo Zheng's eyes.

After returning to the Dragon Castle, Luo Zheng went straight to Lu Xiao's residence.

Lu Xiao and the soldiers of Qinglan Squad lived in the barracks. When Luo Zheng arrived at the barracks of Qinglan Squad, he saw two soldiers guarding the entrance of the barracks.

When the two soldiers saw Luo Zheng, they raised the spears in their hands and shouted, "This is an important place in the barracks. Sorry for not receiving guests so late at night. Quickly leave!"
