
[Chapter 56]

"I'm Luo Zheng. I'm looking for Lu Xiao," Luo Zheng said loudly as he walked closer.

With the help of the firelight, the two soldiers could clearly see that it was Luo Zheng. Their eyes were filled with surprise, and their tone immediately softened. There was gratitude in their voices as they said, "So it's Brother Luo Zheng!"

These two soldiers were also members of the Qinglan Squad. Or rather, they were the survivors of the Qinglan Squad!

Because Lu Xiao himself was very steady and never radical, and the battle formations he designed were very reasonable, very few soldiers were sacrificed under Lu Xiao's leadership.

However, in today's battle, the Qinglan Squad had lost dozens of their brothers. This was undoubtedly a huge blow to them.

The surviving soldiers knew very well that if Luo Zheng hadn't lured the Blade Bug Queen away, none of them would have survived today.

Even if Lu Xiao lured the Blade Bug Queen away, the Blade Bug Queen would have been able to quickly catch up with the rest of the Qinglan Squad after killing Lu Xiao.

Luo Zheng had used his own life in exchange for theirs. This meant that Luo Zheng was their savior, their benefactor!

How could these soldiers not be grateful?

And Luo Zheng, who they thought was dead for sure, had actually returned unscathed. How could they not be surprised?

They all knew that although Luo Zheng was a disciple of the Blue Cloud Sect, he was only in the Marrow Refining Realm. Although Luo Zheng's strength was astonishing and far stronger than ordinary Marrow Refining Realm cultivators, he was still only in the Marrow Refining Realm. They didn't know what method he used to escape from the Blade Bug Queen.

"Brother Luo Zheng, our captain is not in the camp," one of the soldiers said.

Luo Zheng asked doubtfully, "He didn't return to the Dragon Castle?"

"He came back, but …" the soldier said hesitantly.

Seeing the soldier's expression, Luo Zheng asked doubtfully, "But what? What happened? "

"Brother Luo Zheng, our captain has been … captured," the soldier said with his head lowered.

Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Captured? Why? "

"Yesterday, our marching route was changed by someone. Someone must have wanted to harm our Qinglan squad, so they transferred us to that dangerous route." The soldier's expression suddenly became unusually sorrowful and indignant. "Because of that incident, Captain Lu Xiao went to the higher-ups to reason with them and offended his immediate superior. That's why he was arrested. I'm afraid he'll be dealt with according to military law now …"

How could this be? After hearing the soldier's words, Luo Zheng's heart was filled with anger.

Arbitrarily changing the route of the army led the Green Mist Group into a desperate situation, almost causing the entire Green Mist Group to be annihilated. Even Luo Zheng, Meng Changjun, and the other Blue Cloud Sect disciples almost suffered an unexpected calamity. Yang Tai was even killed by the Blade Insect Queen with a single slash!

It would be strange if Luo Zheng wasn't angry!

Although Luo Zheng and Lu Xiao had only known each other for a short period of time, he admired this centurion very much. Moreover, it was Lu Xiao who had stepped forward to lead the Blade Bug Queen away in order to save everyone's lives. He didn't expect Lu Xiao to survive the Blade Bug Queen's attack and be dealt with by his own people …

"Brother Luo Zheng, do you know anyone? Can you help our Captain Lu Xiao to plead for mercy?"

"Captain Lu Xiao didn't do anything wrong, but now he has to be punished. This is too unfair!"

Two soldiers suddenly begged Luo Zheng. Although these soldiers were the most ordinary soldiers in the Imperial Army, they had followed Captain Lu Xiao for so long that they were all loyal and righteous. Under the light of the fire, their eyes were actually glistening with tears.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely ask for an explanation for this matter!" Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and said coldly. Although Luo Zheng was just a small figure in the Blue Cloud Sect, he didn't believe that there was no place for him to seek justice in this military camp.

After leaving the Qinglan Squad's military camp, Luo Zheng quickly walked back to his residence. When he pushed the door open, he saw Meng Changjun and Zhao Xuyong packing their luggage.

Zhao Xuyong originally had a big mouth. When he saw Luo Zheng, his mouth opened so wide that it could swallow a basin. He stammered, "Brother … Brother Luo Zheng, you're not a ghost, are you?"

Even Meng Changjun, who had always been as calm as the clouds, was moved. His eyes were full of shock.

"Brother Luo Zheng, did you get rid of the Blade Bug Queen? Did an expert save you? " Meng Changjun's mind was spinning fast. With Luo Zheng's strength, it was impossible for him to survive in front of the Blade Bug Queen. Unless Luo Zheng had lured the Blade Bug Queen away and encountered a powerful person.

There were many powerful generals in the Imperial Army stationed in the Dragon Castle. It was not impossible for them to occasionally bump into each other.

Meng Changjun believed that his guess was the most reasonable explanation.

Luo Zheng ignored their words. Instead, he looked at them and said, "Are you two planning to leave?"

Zhao Xuyong smiled and said, "I'm planning to withdraw from this mission."

Meng Changjun shrugged noncommittally and said, "I'm not here for the points. Naturally, it doesn't matter."

"What about Lu Xiao? Yesterday, in order to save us, he risked his life to lure the Blade Bug Queen away. Do you know his current situation? "Luo Zheng questioned.

When Zhao Xuyong heard Luo Zheng's words, he said awkwardly, "Brother Luo Zheng, you can't blame me for this. The waters in the Dragon Castle are very deep. I'm just an outer disciple of the Blue Cloud Sect. What right do I have to intervene in this matter?"

Meng Changjun's face showed displeasure. Although it was true that Lu Xiao had risked his life to lure away the Blade Bug Queen yesterday, Lu Xiao had done it more to save his Qinglan team. Moreover, the reason why Meng Changjun was so calm throughout the entire process was because he did not need anyone to save him.

He was indeed no match for the Blade Bug Queen in the Xiantian Secret Realm.

However, with the magic treasure given to him by his family, it was not difficult to escape from the Blade Bug Queen.

In fact, Meng Changjun had a way to intervene in Lu Xiao's punishment. Wanting to bail out a centurion was just a matter of a few words for Meng Changjun. In fact, Meng Changjun had already planned to do so, but he found that there were some problems involved in the investigation, so he wanted to avoid it.

Therefore, Luo Zheng's words seemed to be accusing Meng Changjun of being a coward. This made the arrogant Meng Changjun unhappy. "Brother Luo Zheng, I won't intervene in Lu Xiao's matter. I also advise you not to intervene. The person behind this matter is not someone you can afford to offend."

"I can't afford to offend? Who is it that I can't afford to offend? Meng Changjun, can you tell me? "Luo Zheng sneered.

"Divine Fortune Teller Zhuge," Meng Changjun said.

Meng Changjun originally thought that Luo Zheng would be greatly apprehensive when he spat out these words. The reputation of the Seven Great Families resounded throughout the entire empire. No matter which family it was, they were all colossi to the grassroots. Luo Zheng simply had no room to resist such colossi.

However, Meng Changjun did not see the expression on Luo Zheng's face.

Luo Zheng suddenly laughed wildly. "Family Zhuge again? Hahaha, I see. I understand now! "

"Brother Luo Zheng, what do you understand?" Meng Changjun asked curiously.

Luo Zheng naturally understood a lot. It turned out that no one wanted to harm the Qinglan Squad at all. The Family Zhuge people must have come for him. They just wanted to use the Qinglan Squad to lead him into a desperate situation. However, they did not expect him to escape death!

It was a pity that Yang Tai and many soldiers of the Qinglan Squad were killed.

Luo Zheng did not answer Meng Changjun's question. Instead, he sneered. "Meng Changjun, are you afraid of that Family Zhuge?"

"Family Zhuge? Afraid? " Meng Changjun's handsome face suddenly flushed red. He was introverted by nature, but at this moment, he said arrogantly, "Although the Divine Fortune Teller Family Zhuge is very powerful, my Forgotten Creek Meng Family is not necessarily afraid."

The Forgotten Creek Meng Family was one of the Seven Great Families like the Divine Fortune Teller Family Zhuge. Whether it was strength or background, they were not inferior to the Divine Fortune Teller Family!

In fact, when everyone first heard Meng Changjun's name and saw his bearing and clothes, they all understood that he was a member of the Forgotten Creek Meng Family. However, everyone was here to hunt for Blade Insects, so they were too lazy to point it out.

"If that's the case, why did you avoid it?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"I won't cause trouble for the Family Zhuge for this kind of thing. Moreover, this matter was instigated by the three madmen of the Family Zhuge." Meng Changjun's expression returned to normal. The children of the great aristocratic families were naturally very sensitive to weighing the pros and cons.

It was not impossible to help Lu Xiao, but offending the Family Zhuge for this kind of thing was not worth it.

Moreover, Luo Zheng's provocation was too obvious. How could Meng Changjun not understand?

Helpless, Luo Zheng laughed a few more times. "Meng Changjun, help me this time. I will remember this face of the Meng Family!"

Meng Changjun saw this and shook his head. "Brother Luo Zheng, your strength is very strong and your talent is very high, but your face is not worth that much."

In all fairness, Meng Changjun did have the intention to befriend Luo Zheng. An enchanting person like Luo Zheng was not common even in the Blue Cloud Sect. His future was limitless. However, Meng Changjun still did not agree. It was all because of weighing the pros and cons.

To offend the three madmen for Luo Zheng was a loss.

If Luo Zheng was now a peerless expert, Meng Changjun would most likely have accepted his face. Unfortunately, he was not.

Luo Zheng was admittedly a genius, admittedly enchanting. But no matter how enchanting a genius was, offending the seven great families would only result in death.

At this moment, Luo Zheng suddenly took out the Saber Insect Queen's monster beast core from his spatial ring. He waved it in front of Meng Changjun and Zhao Xuyong and said, "Meng Changjun, I barely escaped death yesterday. I was not saved by some great master. This Saber Insect Queen also died because of me. Those three madmen from the Family Zhuge have already targeted me time and time again. I, Luo Zheng, am very tenacious. I won't die for a while! In the future, I will definitely rise! I believe that your Meng Family will have a use for me one day! "

The fist-sized monster beast core in Luo Zheng's hand exuded a brilliant radiance, setting off Luo Zheng's young and domineering face!

Luo Zheng's words were domineering and confident.

But what shocked Meng Changjun even more was the Saber Insect Queen's monster beast core in Luo Zheng's hand.