Soul-Scaring Spike

[Chapter 57]

What Luo Zheng had done had greatly exceeded Meng Changjun's understanding. A Marrow Refining Stage cultivator … … not only had he escaped from the Blade Bug Queen, but he had also taken care of the Blade Bug Queen and safely brought back the Demon Core of the Blade Bug Queen.

Meng Changjun pursed his lips, and the ponytail behind his head swayed twice. He suddenly chuckled and said, "Your big words, empty words, are really nice to hear, but … … I like it! Since Brother Luo Zheng has such heroic spirit, I'll follow you into this muddy water! "

Hearing Meng Changjun's words, Luo Zheng's face revealed a gratified smile.

None of the Seven Major Noble Families were easy to provoke. Since Meng Changjun had agreed to help, this matter would definitely be much easier to resolve.

"However, Brother Luo Zheng, what did you mean when you said that the Three Madmen had targeted you time and time again?" Meng Changjun suddenly asked.

"That's a long story. The grudge between me and the Family Zhuge started when I participated in the Blue Cloud Sect's Trial of Blood." Luo Zheng then recounted how he had kicked Zhuge Hong out of the Trial of Blood, as well as how he had violently beaten up Steward Zhu of the Three Madmen's Family at the Xiao Yufeng … …

When Zhao Xuyong saw that Meng Changjun had dared to interfere in this matter, he didn't leave. Although he knew that he wouldn't be of much help if he stayed, everyone had their own considerations. No matter what, even Meng Changjun had given him face, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a good relationship with someone like Luo Zheng!

The three of them rested for a night. Early the next morning, they went straight to the center of the Dragon Castle.

Within the Dragon Castle, there were several thousand small military camps scattered around, and the main camp was located in the center.

At the entrance of the main camp, there were two rows of soldiers standing orderly, holding long spears in their hands and looking solemn.

When Luo Zheng and the other two walked to the entrance, a soldier stood in the middle and said sternly, "Unrelated people are not allowed to stay here!"

Meng Changjun took two steps forward and said indifferently, "I'm looking for Gou Hantian."

"Sir Gou?" The soldier's expression changed when he heard Luo Zheng's words.

Someone who dared to call out Gou Hantian's name was definitely not an ordinary person. Moreover, the person in front of him said the name "Gou Hantian" with such indifference, as if Gou Hantian was just a servant of his family!

The tone of this soldier immediately became much more courteous. He even tossed his spear to the soldier beside him and clasped his hands towards Meng Changjun and the other two, saying, "Lord Gou is currently in the main camp. I will report for you. May I ask who you are?"

"Just say that Lord Changjun requests an audience," Meng Changjun said lightly.

When the soldier heard this, he ran into the main camp.

The three of them waited here for a while. When the soldier came out again, the smile on his face was even wider, and his attitude was even more polite.

This was because when this soldier reported to Gou Hantian, Gou Hantian, who had always had a cold attitude, heard the two words "Lord Chang" and became very enthusiastic. He quickly said, "Quickly invite him in."

This soldier wasn't blind. The young master outside was definitely a great figure!

"The three of you, follow me. Lord Gou is waiting for you in the main camp!"

Under the lead of this soldier, the three of them entered the main camp and soon saw the "Gou Hantian" that Meng Changjun had mentioned.

When Gou Hantian saw Meng Changjun, a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Young Master Changjun, you came to the Dragon Castle without telling me. Otherwise, I would have made preparations and treated you well!"

However, Meng Changjun said very coldly, "This Dragon Castle is located in the south. It's barren. Other than rich in knife insects, what else is there? What are you going to treat me with? "

Gou Hantian's hot face was pressed against the cold butt, but his face still had a bright smile, "That's not necessarily the case. The south also has its own characteristics. Young Master Changjun, you can't generalize …"

"Forget it, I have something to talk to you about. Don't talk about this." Meng Changjun was not willing to give him face, "You have a person called Lu Xiao here, right?"

Gou Hantian's expression suddenly became serious and he nodded, "The captain of the Qinglan Squad. Young Master Changjun is here for him?"

Meng Changjun nodded and ordered, "Let him go."

Hearing Meng Changjun's words, the courteous Gou Hantian revealed a look of hesitation. "I, Old Gou, have no choice but to listen to Young Lord Changjun's words. But don't blame me for speaking out of turn. Lu Xiao was originally a small matter, but …"

"I know." Even without Gou Hantian saying it, Meng Changjun already knew what he wanted to say.

"That divine fortune teller Zhuge …" Gou Hantian was not at ease and had to finish his words.

Meng Changjun's expression turned cold, "Gou Hantian, didn't I already say that I know very well?"

At this point, Gou Hantian nodded and said, "Since Young Master insists, then I, Old Gou, have nothing to worry about. Follow me!"

Then, Gou Hantian led the three of them out of the main camp.

In a courtyard deep in the main camp, the four of them were sitting beside a bluestone table. On the bluestone table, there were fruits, wine, meat and other food.

The Imperial Army did not prohibit alcohol, but the premise was that they could not drink in the camp. If they were caught drinking in the camp, they would be punished according to the military law!

However, the four of them seemed to have no regard for military law. They were eating meat and drinking wine without any restraint.

"Big Brother He, let me toast you. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to get rid of that kid so easily!" Cao Lei raised his wine cup and respectfully clinked it, then drank it in one gulp.

He Tiancheng tilted his mouth and poured the wine in the cup into his mouth. He said carelessly, "It's just a small matter. It's nothing. Besides, it was Third Young Master who asked me to do it."

"That's easy? We've already stayed in this godforsaken place for two or three days, and we still have to wait and see! "Black Demon of the Black White Double Demons said impatiently as he poured a pot of wine into his mouth.

White Demon also said, "That's right. It would have been better if I had slapped him to death. It would have saved us a few days of time!"

"Black and White Brothers, what you said is wrong. After all, this is the territory of the Dragon Castle. The disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect died here for no reason. The Dragon Castle will not sit idly by." He Tiancheng said, "Although we can't see Luo Zheng's body, since he was chased by the Blade Bug Queen, he must be dead …"

Cao Lei nodded, "Although that kid's life is tough, it's impossible for him to escape from the Blade Bug Queen. We just need to wait and we can go back and report to Third Young Master. Drink, drink!"

At this moment, Luo Zheng and the other three people walked in.

Gou Hantian walked in front with a smile on his face. He sniffed and said, "Old He, you're in such a good mood in broad daylight. This wine is quite fragrant!"

He Tiancheng saw Gou Hantian and frowned, "Old Gou, what are you doing here?" He knew very well that if Gou Hantian had nothing to do, he would not come here. Since he came here, there must be something!

At this moment, Cao Lei caught a glimpse of Luo Zheng and his eyes widened, "Luo Zheng! You, you, you're not dead! "

He Tiancheng and the Double Ghosts of Black and White had never seen Luo Zheng before. Hearing Cao Lei's words, their attention was focused on Luo Zheng.

At this moment, like Cao Lei, a big earthquake was set off in their hearts.

According to the tip-off, Luo Zheng was being chased by the Blade Bug Queen. It was absolutely impossible for him to survive.

The few of them were just discussing this matter a moment ago!

But in the blink of an eye, this kid actually appeared in front of them alive.

This kind of shock was difficult to express in words.

"I was wondering who it was. It turned out to be you. Very good!" Luo Zheng found that the mastermind of this matter was Cao Lei, who was also from the Xiao Yufeng. Luo Zheng suppressed his anger and sneered.

"So what if it's me?" Cao Lei snorted, "Although I don't know why you're not dead, this ends here. If the Third Young Master wants you to die in the Dragon Castle, you must die here! I advise you to obediently end your own life here so that we don't have to do anything … "

"Enough, I'm not here to watch you quarrel." Gou Hantian interrupted their conversation. He could not be bothered with the disputes of these juniors. If it were not for Meng Changjun, he would not have gotten involved in this matter. "Where's Lu Xiao? Let him go. "

"Old Gou, I don't think you can let Lu Xiao go." He Tiancheng shook his head.

"Why?" Gou Hantian asked.

"If I let Lu Xiao go, he will cause trouble again and cause trouble for me. Do you think I will make things difficult for myself?" In the Di Army, He Tiancheng and Gou Hantian were at the same level. Therefore, He Tiancheng did not buy Gou Hantian's words at this moment.

"If you don't let him go, you will be in even bigger trouble!" Gou Hantian reminded him.

"Haha," He Tiancheng said mockingly, "I'll be in even bigger trouble? Do you know who I'm working for? "

"Of course I know. Isn't it just Family Zhuge?" Luo Zheng sneered.

"Since you know, you should hurry up and leave. Don't provoke people you can't afford to provoke. Otherwise, it will bring you a lot of trouble!" He Tian Cheng didn't know the background of the people behind Gou Hantian. He was still giving face to Gou Hantian and was suppressing his anger at this moment. Otherwise, with his usual temperament, he would have already been enraged by these juniors.

The Black White Double Demons also stood up. Black smoke circulated around White Demon's body, while white light surrounded Black Demon's body. The cultivation methods of these two people were also white and black. Yin and Yang complemented each other and were very unique. The two of them looked like they were going to fight directly.

"You mean, you're not going to let Lu Xiao go?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"I said, I'm not going to let him go! Kid, do you know who you're talking to? " After saying that, He Tiancheng glared fiercely at Luo Zheng. A gloomy and cold aura suddenly erupted from He Tiancheng's mind and swept towards Luo Zheng.

Seeing this scene, Gou Hantian immediately warned, "Be careful!" However, the gloomy and cold aura released by He Tiancheng was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it rushed towards Luo Zheng. Gou Hantian wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

"Is this the Extreme Cold Intent?"

Luo Zheng did not expect that the officer in front of him could actually cultivate "intent".

If it was anyone else, their soul would have been frozen on the spot after being attacked by the Extreme Cold Intent.

However, in the face of He Tiancheng's Extreme Cold Intent, Luo Zheng sneered. He was not afraid at all. He stood upright on the spot and allowed the Extreme Cold Intent to attack him!

Even the Xingtian Intent in the Heavenly Sutra Pavilion could not cause any harm to Luo Zheng. In Luo Zheng's eyes, the Extreme Cold Intent released by He Tiancheng was just a small trick that could not be used in public.

He Tiancheng was puzzled when he realized that his Extreme Cold Intent did not cause any harm to Luo Zheng's soul.

At this moment, Luo Zheng snorted coldly. A gray and translucent spike condensed in his mind.

"Soul-Scaring Spike!"

The moment the Soul-Scaring Spike was condensed, it pierced towards He Tiancheng's head.

The two of them exchanged blows very quickly. Before anyone could react, they heard Luo Zheng's snort. Then, He Tiancheng hugged his head, squatted on the ground, and let out a series of blood-curdling screams.