Connate Masters

[Chapter 61]

There was a saying that went, "Below the Connate Realm are all living beings."

Only when one stepped into the Connate Realm could one be considered to have truly embarked on the path of martial arts!

After stepping into the Connate Realm, one's Genuine Qi would be completely transformed into Natal Vital Essence. One could also continuously absorb the Vital Essence between heaven and earth to become a higher level of life.

Therefore, these Connate masters were also called "Connate Lifeforms." Although they were still human, there was a clear boundary between them and humans!

This boundary was called lifespan!

For ordinary people, seventy years was considered to be seventy years old, eighty years old, and ninety years old. These were already considered extremely long lives.

However, Connate masters had a lifespan of at least 150 years! Being able to live longer and longer was also the most attractive point of the martial way!

Therefore, after entering the Connate Realm, they were called "Connate Lifeforms."

The Black White Double Ghosts' Vital Essence continuously transformed into black and white smoke, enveloping Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng raised his head and looked around. Except for the black and white smoke, everything else disappeared. He couldn't even see Lu Xiao, who wasn't too far away from Luo Zheng.

The smoke not only obstructed his vision, but also completely blocked out the sound of the outside world. Luo Zheng couldn't hear anything else.

In the face of such a strange scene, Luo Zheng stood quietly in place. At this moment, he could only deal with all changes by remaining unchanged.

The black and white smoke was so strange that its only function was definitely more than that.

Just as Luo Zheng's vigilance was raised, a cloud of black smoke suddenly transformed into a human figure in front of him. The human figure held a long saber formed by smoke and slashed at Luo Zheng's head.

"Using smoke to cover himself as a camouflage? If that's all … it doesn't seem difficult to deal with! "

Luo Zheng dashed rapidly and approached the smoke before the long saber chopped at him. At the same time, he punched out.


When Luo Zheng's fierce fist hit the smoke, the human-shaped smoke suddenly exploded and dissipated.

Seeing this, Luo Zheng frowned.

He thought that one of the Black White Double Ghosts was hiding in the smoke, but now he realized that the smoke was just an illusion created by the smoke.

As soon as this cloud of black smoke was dispersed, another cloud of black smoke floated over from the side. As it floated over, it transformed into a human form and rushed towards Luo Zheng with a long saber in its hand.

Pop! Pop!

Facing these three clouds of smoke, Luo Zheng casually threw two more punches, dispersing two more clouds of smoke.

When Luo Zheng prepared to attack the third cloud of smoke, a black fist silently stretched out of the third cloud of smoke. Luo Zheng was completely unprepared as it punched Luo Zheng.


How powerful was the punch of a Xiantian master?

In addition, Luo Zheng wasn't prepared for this punch and didn't have any armor to cushion it. This punch immediately sent Luo Zheng back dozens of meters, and he rolled on the ground twice before stopping.

"The power of a Xiantian master is really terrifying! Fortunately, I have refined my body into a Spiritual Tool. If I had taken this punch before, I'm afraid I would have suffered internal injuries! "Luo Zheng slowly got up from the ground with a dignified look on his face. After refining his body into a Refining Tool Body, his resistance to attacks had been greatly improved, and he had almost completely absorbed the Black Demon's punch!

The surging warm current washed Luo Zheng's body, but Luo Zheng wasn't happy.

Luo Zheng still hadn't found a way to break the barrier formed by the black and white smoke.

The Black Demon was hiding in the black smoke, and the White Demon was hiding in the white smoke. Both of them had unique talents, one black and one white. With Luo Zheng's eyesight, it was simply difficult to distinguish them!

Not long after he stood up, not far away, clouds of white smoke constantly changed shape. This time, they turned into thousands of soldiers and horses, rushing towards Luo Zheng.

All around him, there was an army of smoke. In this chaos, Luo Zheng couldn't distinguish their real bodies.

At this time, Luo Zheng hadn't stepped into the Half-step Xiantian Realm. Although he could condense a very mature True Qi, he couldn't release it. There was no way to eliminate this army in a short time.

He could only deal with it passively.

"Break for me!"

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Puff! Puff! In an instant, dozens of human-shaped smoke were scattered by Luo Zheng's punch.

However, after dispersing a dozen or so clouds of smoke, more clouds of smoke appeared.

It was endless, one after another.

"Hey, hey, hey, let's see how long you can hold on!"

Just as the White Demon's voice sounded, his fist came from a cloud of white smoke and hit Luo Zheng's ribs!


Under this punch, Luo Zheng was sent flying a few feet away again and smashed heavily on the ground, as if his string had been cut.

Although Luo Zheng's body was as hard as a spiritual weapon, it was not so easy to injure him. This punch hit Luo Zheng's ribs, and that kind of piercing pain made Luo Zheng groan.

Smoke billowed, and shadows appeared.

The Double Ghosts of Black and White became more and more crazy. They kept laughing, rolling up the smoke and rushing towards Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng tried his best to prick up his ears, trying to distinguish their position by the sound they made.

A black smoke formed around Luo Zheng, and the Black Demon's laughter came from the black smoke. Luo Zheng waved his fist and scattered the smoke. There was no one inside.

"Over here, boy!"

The White Demon's voice came from afar, but his fist strangely hit Luo Zheng's back.

Under this punch, Luo Zheng staggered two steps forward, but the Black Demon's leg appeared in front of him and hit Luo Zheng's stomach …

Luo Zheng was like a rubber ball that was kicked out after being hit by someone.

A warm current washed Luo Zheng's bone marrow. From Luo Zheng's bone marrow, there was a burst of very comfortable feeling.

Although this feeling was good, it was definitely not a good thing to be beaten by these two people like this.

The two people's voices were sometimes far and sometimes close, sometimes left and sometimes right. It was impossible to locate them by sound. If he could not find their real bodies hidden in the smoke, he could only be beaten.

"What should I do?" Luo Zheng lay on the ground, panting, thinking hard about how to break the attack of the Double Ghosts of Black and White.

The process of being beaten lasted for a long time.

The Double Ghosts of Black and White finally found the uniqueness of Luo Zheng's body.

"Black Demon, this boy is really strange. Even if he is an Innate Expert who is more powerful than us, I'm afraid he can't take so many punches, right?" The White Demon asked in the smoke.

"Not only is there no change in this boy's complexion, but the more he is beaten, the more energetic he is. It's really strange!" The Black Demon also noticed that something was wrong.

"Maybe he has some magical skills or magical treasures to protect him?" The White Demon thought of this and his voice became heated.

"Hehe, it should be. If we kill him, not only will we help complete the mission given by the Third Young Master, but we will also get such great benefits. White Fiend, use your trump card. I don't believe that his body is really made of iron! "Black Fiend laughed wildly.

"Well, I've played enough. Let this boy see what real fear is!"

"Nine Dragons Strangulation!"

Black and white smoke swirled in the air.

The two colors of smoke entangled and instantly turned into nine giant dragons, baring their fangs and brandishing their claws.

As soon as the nine giant dragons formed by the smoke appeared, they roared and swooped down on Luo Zheng from nine directions.

Looking at the nine giant dragons approaching rapidly, Luo Zheng frowned.

The thick fog was just a camouflage.

Because it was formed by the Double Ghosts of Black and White, the thick fog did not cause any trouble to them.

Not only that, in the thick fog, both their movement speed and strength were greatly improved.

However …

The thick fog could hide their bodies, but it could not hide their killing intent!

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's heart stirred and he closed his eyes.

Humans had six senses.

They were the vision, the ear, the nose, the tongue, the body, and the consciousness.

The first five senses corresponded to vision, smell, taste, hearing, and touch respectively. The consciousness was the most illusory feeling.

When humans turned off one of the senses, the other senses would be enhanced.

For example, a blind person's sense of touch and hearing were much stronger than an ordinary person's. They could recognize uneven Braille with only their fingers.

A deaf person who had lost his hearing could read more with his eyes, such as "lip-reading", which was difficult for ordinary people to learn.

Facing the Double Ghosts of Black and White, Luo Zheng's hearing and vision had completely lost their effect. Now he could only rely on his consciousness!

Therefore, he simply closed his eyes and shut off his five senses.

Luo Zheng's soul was much stronger than an ordinary person's, and the soul directly affected the sharpness of the consciousness. At this moment, Luo Zheng could only rely on his consciousness to sense the position of the Double Ghosts of Black and White!

The nine giant dragons, alternating between black and white, rushed in front of Luo Zheng in an instant.

Luo Zheng still closed his eyes, feeling the opponent's killing intent.

At this moment, a hazy consciousness was emitted from Luo Zheng's body, forming a "circle" around Luo Zheng.

Within this "circle" space, Luo Zheng could perceive many details that he had not noticed before.

The uneven ground, the scattered fine stones, and even the sand. There were also thriving weeds, and even cicada pupae that had been dormant underground for several years …

This was an extremely wonderful feeling, just as wonderful as the day when he comprehended the "Selfless Realm".

However, Luo Zheng had no time to enjoy this special perception. When the nine giant dragons rushed into his "circle", Luo Zheng instantly distinguished them!

The Double Ghosts of Black and White were actually hiding in front of him and behind the two smoke dragons. Moreover, each of them was holding a short halberd in their hands!

It seemed that the two wanted to kill him in one blow this time!