
[Chapter 62]

The two halberds were certainly not ordinary weapons. Even Luo Zheng's spiritual weapon body may not be able to resist them. If he was really hit by the two halberds, he would be seriously injured, if not dead.

But after relying on his own soul consciousness to distinguish the position of the two people, the Black and White Double Demons had no chance.

Luo Zheng suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time moved one step to the right.

With this step, Luo Zheng's figure skillfully avoided the attack of the White Demon. At the same time, his right hand flicked, and the broken dagger quietly swung out. It circled around him at a very fast speed, turned over, and cut towards the Black Demon.

The Black Demon did not expect that Luo Zheng had found his position. At this moment, he rushed over and could not stop. In the face of the broken dagger flying towards him, he could only raise the short halberd in his hand to block it!

The short halberd in the Black Demon's hand was an Upper Grade Profound Weapon. It could be paired with the short halberd in the White Demon's hand. When they attacked together, the power was comparable to a spiritual weapon. The Black Demon thought that it should be able to block Luo Zheng's flying dagger.

But the Black Demon soon found out how naive his idea was.

This Upper Grade Profound Rank short halberd was like a candle in front of the broken flying dagger. It was easily cut off.

The Black Demon's neck was cut off along with the short halberd. Until the moment of his death, his eyes were full of confusion and puzzlement.

How did Luo Zheng find him …

How could this broken flying dagger be so sharp …

No one told the Black Demon the answer.

"Black Demon!"

The White Demon, hiding in the smoke, saw that the Black Demon was killed instantly. He was about to send the short halberd in his hand into Luo Zheng's body.

Luo Zheng had already seen through the White Demon's disguise, and he easily avoided this attack.

Seeing this, the White Demon's body surged with thick smoke. He wanted to hide and find another opportunity to kill. He was about to disappear in front of Luo Zheng.

"Do you think you can escape?" A smile appeared on Luo Zheng's face. Then, with a cold snort, a long spike formed from his soul pierced towards the White Demon.

Bai Sha suddenly felt a sharp pain in the depths of his head. He fell out of the smoke. Before he could react, the broken flying knife had quietly arrived and cut open Bai Sha's neck.

The Twin Fiends of Black and White had both died in battle!

Since the two of them were dead, their True Essence naturally began to dissipate. The black and white smoke that was driven by True Essence also slowly dissipated …

Lu Xiao led the Green Mist Squad and looked at the huge cloud of smoke nervously.

Of course, he knew that Luo Zheng was fighting fiercely with the Black White Double Ghosts inside the smoke!

Although Lu Xiao was extremely confident in Luo Zheng's strength, the gap between the Marrow Refining realm and the Xiantian realm was not small at all. As a half-step Xiantian expert, Lu Xiao was well aware of how huge the gap was. Furthermore, Luo Zheng was facing two Xiantian realm experts at the same time!

But when the smoke gradually dissipated, he saw Luo Zheng's figure standing in it, and the two lying on the ground were Black Demon and White Demon!

Luo Zheng won!

Lu Xiao let out a long breath. This kid had already created a few impossible miracles in front of him. It seemed that Luo Zheng did not mind creating a few more …

It was too terrifying. Lu Xiao originally thought that although Luo Zheng's strength was strong, he was a half-step Xiantian expert after all. If he fought head-on, he might be able to win. But now, Lu Xiao felt that he might not be able to last one round in front of Luo Zheng …

This conclusion was very cruel, but Lu Xiao felt that it was very reasonable.

At this moment, Cao Lei was tongue-tied and could not say a word.

The Twin Fiends of Black and White were decapitated. Luo Zheng stood quietly in the same place. This scene gave Cao Lei a great shock.

He felt that his legs were trembling and did not listen to him at all.

When Luo Zheng bent down and put away the two black and white halberds beside the Twin Fiends of Black and White and walked towards Cao Lei, Cao Lei actually sat down on the ground.

His eyes were filled with horror.

"Don't, don't come over!"

Cao Lei supported himself with both hands on the ground and legs kicking wildly, constantly moving his body backward.

"Didn't you want to kill me?"

"Didn't you want to take my life?"

"Didn't you say that you wanted me to die obediently in the Dragon Castle?"

Luo Zheng stared straight at Cao Lei and closed in on him step by step!

"This, this is not my idea. This is Third Young Master's order! I was just entrusted by someone else! Luo Zheng, I beg you, let me, let me go! "Cao Lei was on the verge of tears. He stuttered like a madman.

"I wanted to let you go because you are Xiao Yufeng's disciple. But you did not know what was good for you. In order to hunt me down, you took the initiative to follow me to the Dragon Castle. It can be said that you deliberately planned to kill me. Do you think I will let you go?" Luo Zheng held the broken dagger in his hand and asked coldly.

"I … I will kowtow to you. I deserve to die a thousand times. I am worse than a beast …" Cao Lei knelt on the ground and kowtowed hard to the ground as if he was crushing garlic.

Looking at Cao Lei's miserable appearance, Luo Zheng slightly frowned.

Luo Zheng was not a bloodthirsty person. After reading thousands of books, he gradually understood from the thousands of books in the Luo family's collection that killing was the most direct, most effective and also the simplest way to solve disputes in this world.

But this was not a good way.

When Luo Zheng's benevolence rose in his heart, he hesitated for a moment.

But at this moment of hesitation, Cao Lei's right hand secretly clenched. From his back came the sound of a mechanism breaking.

Then a golden needle suddenly shot towards Luo Zheng.


That golden needle was extremely fast, its momentum was extremely fierce, and its power was extremely great!

Even though Luo Zheng had the body of a spirit weapon, that golden needle still penetrated Luo Zheng's skin and nailed deeply into Luo Zheng's chest. Half of the needle had gone in.

"Hahahahaha! Luo Zheng, this is the 'Poison Pulling Stinger' of the Magical Needle Family Zhu. It contains the Poison Pulling Stinger! Once it enters your body, you will die. Let's see if you can survive today! "Seeing that his move succeeded, Cao Lei's expression changed from fear to ecstasy. His face became extremely distorted.

Luo Zheng muttered and made a soft "hiss" sound. He reached out with his hand and pulled out that golden needle, "The Magical Needle Family Zhu's hidden weapon is the most famous hidden weapon in the Eastern Region. But … it's nothing more than this."

"Ding ding ding …"

Luo Zheng casually threw the golden needle on the ground. A mocking smile appeared on his face.

"You …" Cao Lei's eyes opened wide like an owl's, "The Poison Pulling Stinger is fatal. You, you, why didn't you die?"

Luo Zheng shook his head, "I won't tell you!"

The broken throwing knife suddenly shot out from Luo Zheng's hand and slashed across Cao Lei's neck. Afterwards, Luo Zheng left without looking back.

The Poison Pulling Stinger was a very famous poison. As long as a person came into contact with a trace of it, they would immediately die. Combined with the explosive shooting of the Magical Needle Family Zhu's hidden weapon, the Golden Needles, even a Xiantian lifeform would find it hard to defend against. This was because, although Xiantian lifeforms could isolate themselves from the poison by relying on their True Yuan, they could not isolate themselves from the Golden Needles.

If the one standing in front of Cao Lei was Meng Changjun or any other Xiantian powerhouse, they would probably have died from the poison by now.

However, Luo Zheng's physique had already surpassed the concept of a human. This kind of poison had no effect on him at all.

Just as Luo Zheng turned his head and walked a few steps, he suddenly felt a gust of cold air.

A thin gust of cold air continuously extended along the ground, freezing everything in its path, whether it was flowers, grass, trees, soil, or rocks.

That gust of cold air went straight for Luo Zheng.

When the cold air reached Luo Zheng's feet, Luo Zheng quickly jumped away from where he stood.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

An ice and snow crystal covered with sharp thorns quickly bloomed.

It was an extremely beautiful ice and snow crystal. However, the sharp thorns formed by the frost announced its danger.

If Luo Zheng did not dodge, it was very likely that he would have been pierced by the sharp thorns on the ice and snow crystal.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng frowned and two words came out of his mouth, "He Tiancheng?"

The few trees in front of Luo Zheng were gradually dyed white and covered by ice and snow.

Suddenly, it was as if a spring breeze had come and thousands of pear trees had bloomed. The foggy and snowy scenery that should only be appreciated in the dead of winter had strangely appeared in the hottest days of June.

Soon after, He Tiancheng walked out from an ice tree.

"Do you really think you can leave the Dragon Castle?" He Tiancheng slowly walked towards Luo Zheng. Within three feet of him, sparkling snowflakes constantly fell. "I, He Tiancheng, have been talented since I was a child. I joined the army at the age of 16 and relied on my own comprehension and talent to climb up the ranks. Even in the Dragon Castle, I am a respected figure. However, I was humiliated by a junior like you. Do you think I will let you live?"

Luo Zheng shook his head and laughed, "I have never had such an illusion."

"Then why don't you obediently give up? I can give you a quick death. "The vital essence in He Tiancheng's hand flowed slowly. Then, a long spear formed by ice crystals appeared in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng broke into a run!

In the Xiantian realm, there was a huge gap between each realm.

Moreover, He Tiancheng was an expert of Xiantian Stage Four. Even though Luo Zheng had broken through to the Body of Spiritual Tool, he was not sure if he could fight with He Tiancheng.


A mocking smile appeared on He Tiancheng's face. Every time he took a step, the ground would condense into a layer of ice.

When He Tiancheng ran, a layer of ice would constantly form on the ground. Therefore, He Tiancheng was not running, but sliding on the ice!

Compared to Luo Zheng's crazy running, He Tiancheng's sliding speed was naturally much faster!

When He Tiancheng's sliding speed reached a certain level, he forcefully waved his hand and threw the ice spear towards Luo Zheng.

The speed of this ice spear was extremely fast. It was comparable to the speed of the golden needle that Cao Lei had shot at Luo Zheng when he was unprepared!

Feeling the threat coming from behind, Luo Zheng turned around and wanted to avoid this ice spear. However, he was still one step too late.


The ice spear brushed past Luo Zheng's shoulder. Not only did it cut Luo Zheng's clothes, but it also tore open a wound on Luo Zheng's shoulder, causing blood to gush out!

"Worthy of being at Xiantian fourth stage, such formidable strength!"

Although his shoulder was injured, Luo Zheng didn't have time to deal with it. The strength displayed by a Xiantian fourth stage master was too terrifying. The threat to Luo Zheng was too great.

However, although the threat was great, it wasn't to the point of despair.

Last time, when he was chased by the Blade Insect Queen, he didn't even have the courage to fight back.

But this time, the situation was different.

Facing He Tiancheng who was getting closer and closer, Luo Zheng jumped forward and somersaulted in the air. The broken throwing knife in his hand shot out behind him.

Although Luo Zheng had used the broken throwing knife before, when he fought with the Black White Double Demons, he had been wrapped in thick smoke. Therefore, He Tiancheng hadn't seen the power of the broken throwing knife.

Seeing Luo Zheng throw a knife, He Tiancheng sneered. He waved his hand and condensed an ice shield in his hand.

Even a high-grade Xuan weapon couldn't stop the broken throwing knife, let alone the ice shield in He Tiancheng's hand. In a flash, the broken throwing knife cut through He Tiancheng's ice shield and went straight to his forehead.

He Tiancheng was caught unprepared and was scared out of his wits. He almost reflexively jumped forward and avoided the attack of Luo Zheng's throwing knife. However, he ended up rolling on the ground in a very sorry state.

A Xiantian fourth stage master was actually forced into such a state by a junior of Refining Marrow stage.

Previously, He Tiancheng had been humiliated by Luo Zheng. Now, he was almost killed on the spot by this brat. He Tiancheng felt a sense of defeat that he had never felt before.