
[Chapter 63]

He Tiancheng didn't expect that the broken throwing knife in Luo Zheng's hand would be so powerful.

He Tiancheng was very clear about the defensive power of the Ice Crystal Shield that he condensed with his elemental energy. Even a Xiantian lifeform would need three to four punches to shatter his Ice Crystal Shield. Such a sturdy defense was actually not worth mentioning in front of that broken throwing knife.

When he thought about how he had been thwarted by this brat at the Marrow Refining Stage, a flame of anger ignited in He Tiancheng's heart.

He stretched out his hand and slapped the elemental energy in his hand onto the ground. The billowing elemental energy instantly turned into endless frost and spread forward. In an instant, it paved a smooth ice surface that could be seen clearly!

He then jumped up and glided toward Luo Zheng at an extremely fast speed.

Just now, He Tiancheng had almost suffered a great loss. Now that he had learned his lesson, he was constantly on guard against Luo Zheng's strange throwing knife.

With He Tiancheng's intelligence, he almost instantly thought of a way to restrain Luo Zheng's throwing knife.

He waved his hand and the white elemental energy in his hand flickered. Astonishingly, five short and sharp icicles appeared, emitting streaks of pale white cold air.

After a few breaths, He Tiancheng once again caught up with Luo Zheng, who was fleeing in front of him.

He saw that brat suddenly turn around and the broken throwing knife silently shot toward him again. He Tiancheng smiled sinisterly and the five icicles in his hand instantly flew out.

"Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!"

The five icicles accurately hit the broken throwing knife. Although they couldn't stop the momentum of the broken throwing knife, they caused it to lose its accuracy and nail into the ground.

"You still want to use this move to deal with me? Childish! "He Tiancheng increased his speed and chased after Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng forcefully pulled back the broken throwing knife. Then, he heard a cold wind blowing behind him. He Tiancheng was holding an Ice Crystal Halberd and fiercely thrusting it toward Luo Zheng's back. He wanted to pierce through Luo Zheng's entire body.

"Soul-Stirring Spike!"

Seeing this, Luo Zheng didn't dodge. The soul in his mind turned into a gray spike and stabbed toward He Tiancheng.

At the same time, the broken flying dagger that had just been retrieved circled around Luo Zheng. With a forceful wave of his left hand, the broken flying dagger immediately changed its direction and shot towards He Tiancheng.

He Tiancheng wanted to take Luo Zheng's life at this moment, but suddenly, his head was pierced by an extremely sharp object. The severe pain made his vision black and his head dizzy. He couldn't help holding his head with both hands.

At this moment, He Tiancheng felt an extremely strong sense of danger. His many years of battle experience had saved his life.

He endured the pain of his soul being injured and saw that the damned flying knife was flying towards him again. In a moment of desperation, he could only roll on the ground, narrowly avoiding his vital parts.

However, He Tiancheng's shoulder was still cut by the flying dagger. Blood gushed out from his shoulder.


He Tiancheng felt like he was going crazy.

Obviously, as long as he caught this little guy, he could kill him in an instant. But now, he was so troublesome.

The decades of battle experience he had accumulated were useless at this moment.

He Tiancheng roared. His whole body's True Essence spread out like a tide, turning into thousands of icicles and shooting in all directions.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh … …"

Thousands of icicles scattered like thousands of raindrops.

Luo Zheng's feet didn't stop for even a moment as he madly dashed forward. In a single breath, he had dashed a distance of three to four hundred feet before he finally stopped. When he turned around to look, the scene caused Luo Zheng to be astounded and inwardly shocked.

With He Tiancheng as the center, everything within a radius of three hundred feet was destroyed. Whether it was the jungle or the vegetation, everything was penetrated by the numerous icicles.

The True Essence of a Xiantian stage four was actually so strong and majestic, as if it couldn't be used up.

Luo Zheng wasn't interested in staying here any longer. Just now, he had taken advantage of He Tiancheng's unpreparedness to eat a loss. He was considered lucky. With this opportunity, he naturally wanted to escape.

However, He Tiancheng was obviously unwilling to let Luo Zheng go. Seeing Luo Zheng escape, He Tiancheng continued to chase after Luo Zheng in that strange gliding state.

Luo Zheng's running speed was far inferior to He Tiancheng's.

This kind of chase was on a completely different level. It should end in a very short time.

However, whenever He Tiancheng was about to catch up to Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng would use those two moves.

"Soul-Stirring Stab!"

"Broken Flying Dagger!"

Although these two moves didn't have any tricks or variables, they greatly delayed He Tiancheng's pursuit.

After Luo Zheng escaped for ten miles, his attacks became weaker and weaker.

Although the Broken Flying Dagger was a big threat, He Tiancheng's speed was extremely fast, so he easily dodged it.

Although the Soul-Stirring Stab was hard to guard against, whenever Luo Zheng wanted to use it to attack, He Tiancheng would pull away from Luo Zheng in an instant.

Luo Zheng didn't have a deep understanding of the Heaven-Grade Soul-Stirring Stab, so the attack range of the Soul-Stirring Stab wasn't large. As long as He Tiancheng maintained a certain distance, Luo Zheng wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had run another five miles. After dodging Luo Zheng's attack once again, He Tiancheng sneered. "Brat, it's time to end this!"

"Icebound Ten Thousand Miles!"

He Tiancheng's hands suddenly smashed on the ground. Two snow-white thin lines rapidly extended along the ground. The speed of their extension was several times faster than Luo Zheng's.

When the two snow-white thin lines surpassed Luo Zheng, they rapidly turned into two ice crystals. As soon as these two ice crystals appeared, they rapidly grew, expanded and became bigger.

"Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng Zeng!"

The sharp spikes condensed from the ice crystals intertwined with each other, emitting a loud crisp sound.

These ice crystals eventually formed a small mountain of ice crystals. This small mountain was semicircular, like a crescent shaped valley. It completely sealed off Luo Zheng's front, left, and right paths.

If Luo Zheng wanted to leave this "Ice Crystal Valley", he could only retreat. However, if he retreated, he would have to face He Tiancheng.

"If I let a junior in the Marrow Refining Realm like you escape from my hands, then I, He Tiancheng, don't need to live anymore. I can just die!" He Tiancheng's expression was sinister as he slowly pressed forward.

"Don't make it sound so bad. There aren't many people who can chase after me for so long," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

He Tiancheng shook his head. "If I were you, I definitely wouldn't be able to smile after falling to such a state!"

"Is that so …" Luo Zheng pretended to be surprised. Caught off guard, a gray spike suddenly pierced towards He Tiancheng.

"Soul-Stirring Spike!"

However, He Tiancheng did a backflip and dodged backwards like a nimble sparrow hawk. He miraculously dodged the Soul-Stirring Spike's attack. At the same time, he drew a circle on the ground and returned to his original position, continuing to close in on Luo Zheng. "Do you think I'll fall for this kind of small trick again and again?"

"Of course you're not that stupid." Luo Zheng's lips curled up slightly.

"Thank you for your praise, but I don't feel anything for a dead person's praise." After He Tiancheng finished speaking, a giant ice spike gradually formed. It looked like he was going to give Luo Zheng the final blow.

At this moment, Luo Zheng shook his head. "I'm not praising you. What I mean is that you're even more stupid than I thought!"

He Tiancheng was slightly stunned. He didn't know what Luo Zheng meant. However, when he saw that Luo Zheng didn't move, a sneer appeared on his face again. "Stop trying to be mysterious. In the end, you still can't escape death." As he spoke, He Tiancheng stretched out his finger and the giant ice spike went straight towards Luo Zheng.

This giant ice spike was extremely powerful, and Luo Zheng had nowhere to run. He Tiancheng's attack this time was bound to succeed!

However, when the giant ice spike advanced halfway, a strange scene appeared. The front of the giant ice spike began to shatter layer by layer, turning into thousands of ice crystals that mixed with the ice water and scattered all over the ground.

There seemed to be an invisible wall in front of Luo Zheng that blocked the attack of the giant ice spike.

"What is this?" He Tiancheng's face darkened. An ominous premonition arose in his heart.

"Luo Zheng is right. You're not that stupid. You're too stupid!" A voice drifted over from the back of the ice crystal valley. Then, a green figure walked out.

He Tiancheng's face instantly turned ugly. "Gou Hantian, even now, you still want to meddle in other people's business?"

"You're wrong. I'm not meddling in other people's business. I'm just enforcing military discipline! You secretly changed the route, murdered your comrades, and caused the Green Mist Squad to lose dozens of soldiers to the Saber Insect Queen. You even set up a torture chamber and detained Centurion Lu Xiao. If we didn't go, Lu Xiao would probably be dead. As a member of the Imperial Army, don't you feel ashamed? "Gou Hantian suddenly said a long string of words. Every sentence was criticizing He Tiancheng's crimes.

After all, the Imperial Army was an army. The internal military discipline was very strict. Although the dozens of lives of the Green Mist Squad were not worth mentioning to the entire Imperial Army of the Dragon Fort, according to the military rules, Gou Hantian's crimes were enough to be executed!

However, Lu Xiao had no one in the army. With his position as a centurion, there was no one to ask for help. No one would pay attention to him. This was also why He Tiancheng imprisoned Lu Xiao. He was afraid that Lu Xiao would cause too much trouble.

"So what? Gou Hantian, although you are also at Xiantian fourth stage, are you sure you can beat me? " Facing Gou Hantian, He Tiancheng did not panic. He was confident that his strength was above Gou Hantian's.

"I know. You have cultivated 'Extreme Cold Intent'. I, who is also at Xiantian fourth stage, may not be your opponent." Gou Hantian nodded.

He Tiancheng said with a conceited smile: "In that case, you should retreat and leave quickly. This matter has nothing to do with you. Otherwise, although you and I are colleagues in the Imperial Army, I won't let you off!"

"You have strength, but your brain is too stupid." Gou Hantian said with a smile: "You are so stupid that you don't have a brain."