Pinch A Sweat

[Chapter 65]

When Luo Zheng left the Blue Cloud Sect, he didn't tell them that he had accepted the mission.

Therefore, they didn't know that he had disappeared for a while.

"It's a long story. Let's talk about it later. What's going on with Xiao Yufeng today? Why is everyone gathered here? "Luo Zheng looked not far away.

After entering the Blue Cloud Sect, many people wholeheartedly practiced martial arts and couldn't wait to improve their strength. Some disciples rarely left the practice area except for eating. Today, almost all of them came out. In Luo Zheng's impression, this kind of situation was rare.

"Brother Luo Zheng, while you were away, our Xiao Yufeng got into trouble!" Mo Can explained, "But this matter has nothing to do with us. After all, we can't get involved in their dispute."

"Trouble? What kind of trouble? " Luo Zheng was a little surprised. Although Xiao Yufeng was the last of the 33 peaks of the Blue Cloud Sect, it was still in the Blue Cloud Sect. Who would dare to cause trouble?

Seeing Luo Zheng's puzzled look, Zhou Xian added, "A few days ago, our Xiao Yufeng's disciples had a conflict with the disciples of Vulture Peak. The matter was directly reported to the mentors of their respective peaks. Therefore, the mentors of Vulture Peak challenged our Xiao Yufeng."

"Challenge? Isn't it only possible for disciples to challenge each other? "Luo Zheng still didn't understand.

Zhou Xian faintly smiled and continued, "Challenges can also be initiated between mountain peaks. Within the entire Azure Cloud Sect, there are all sorts of competitions and rankings. In addition to the Peak Grand Competition that is held every three years and the annual Inner and Outer Sect Trial, there are also challenges that can be initiated between mountain peaks. For example, this time, Vulture Peak challenged our Little Rain Peak. As long as the instructors on both sides agreed, all Outer Sect disciples can participate."

"Dong dong dong dong!"

Just as Zhou Xian was talking, the sound of drums came from the arena.

Many of the outer disciples heard the sound of the drum and rushed towards the ring.

Seeing this, Zhou Xian said, "Brother Luo Zheng, today's challenge is about to begin. Let's go through it as we go!"

On the way to the arena, Luo Zheng roughly understood the rules of the challenge.

It turned out that the original intention of the Blue Cloud Sect to set up this rule was to encourage the disciples of each mountain to compete with each other and to encourage the disciples to improve quickly.

This kind of challenge between mountain peaks did not only exist between outer sect disciples. Inner sect disciples also had similar competitions. However, this time, it was between the outer sect disciples of Vulture Peak and Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples.

According to Zhou Xian, this challenge was something that Vulture Peak had been planning for a long time. First, they used a few outer sect disciples to stir up trouble, then blew the matter up. In the end, the mentors from both sides would come forward and end the dispute with a mountain challenge.

As for the 24th ranked Vulture Peak, why did they look for Xiao Yufeng?

The fundamental reason was that they had picked the soft persimmon to pinch.

Xiao Yufeng's comprehensive strength was ranked last. Almost everyone bullied him.

Once the "mountain challenge" was won, Xiao Yufeng's entire outer sect salary, elixirs, and so on would all go to Vulture Peak.

It was reasonable to say that Xiao Yufeng's mentors would not accept challenges from other mountains if they knew that they were no match for them. As for why they accepted Vulture Peak's challenge, Zhou Xian did not know the inside story.

Luo Zheng, Mo Can, Zhou Xian, and the others followed the outer sect disciples into the ring.

Because the mountain challenge involved the welfare of almost all the outer sect disciples, almost all the outer sect disciples came. Compared to the last challenge between Luo Zheng and Yang Lie, the number of people who came to watch was two or three times more. Although the space around the ring was very spacious, it was still crowded with so many people squeezing in.

Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples were not the only ones who came to watch the fight.

There were also some black-robed disciples scattered around. Even the rarely seen inner sect disciples of Xiao Yufeng came to watch the fight.

Inner sect disciples were not allowed to participate in the challenge. Even if the outer sect disciples lost, it would not affect the inner sect disciples. However, this kind of mountain challenge was related to Xiao Yufeng's glory. These inner sect disciples still paid some attention to it.

When Luo Zheng found a place and looked up, he saw that the one standing on the ring was Zhang Wuxian.

"Hey, why is Brother Wuxian on the ring?" Luo Zheng asked in puzzlement.

Zhou Xian explained, "Vulture Peak's challenge has already been fought three times. Xiao Yufeng sent out three people. They are Chen Hao, who is ranked 16th in the outer sect, Zheng Xialong, who is ranked 13th, and Xu Jiuxi, who is ranked 9th. They lost all three battles. Therefore, it is Brother Wuxian's turn this time."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng understood that Xiao Yufeng's situation was not optimistic.

Luo Zheng did not care about Xiao Yufeng's monthly elixirs. Those elixirs were of limited use to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng probably did not care about the monthly elixirs. However, as a member of Xiao Yufeng, he was also a member of this group. If there was a chance for him to contribute, Luo Zheng would welcome it.

"It's starting, it's starting. That Tian Yi from Vulture Peak has consecutively defeated three people from Xiao Yufeng. I don't know if Zhang Wuxian can withstand it!"

"Ai, it's hard to say. Zhang Wuxian's strength is indeed not bad. So what if he defeats Tian Yi? With Tian Yi's strength, he is only ranked 16th in Vulture Peak. If Zhang Wuxian defeats Tian Yi, Vulture Peak will definitely send out someone with a higher ranking. I don't know how our Xiao Yufeng will respond. "

Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples discussed animatedly. It was obvious that they were not optimistic about this mountain's challenge.

In the midst of this discussion, Luo Zheng saw another person jump onto the stage. That person was thin and six feet tall. His whole body was like a bamboo pole. He should be the Tian Yi that everyone was talking about.

As soon as Tian Yi stepped onto the stage, he looked around at Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples. There was a hint of disdain in his eyes. Then, he fixed his gaze on Zhang Wuxian and said with a smile, "Is there no one else in Xiao Yufeng? They actually sent a fatty up? "

"Hua —"

Challenging other mountain peaks meant standing on other people's territory. Under normal circumstances, even if they were sure to win, they would still keep a low profile.

After all, if they provoked public anger and really angered the outer sect disciples of other mountain peaks, they might swarm up and attack them together. That would be bad luck. Even if the Blue Cloud Sect's rules were strict, the law could not punish the majority. If Tian Yi was beaten to death, it would be a wrongful death.

Who would have thought that after Tian Yi won three rounds in a row, he would become more and more arrogant. Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples heard his words and immediately cursed.

Tian Yi did not show the slightest fear. He stood at the edge of the stage and shouted loudly, "What are you all shouting for? If you have the guts, come up to the stage and challenge me. Your Master Tian is right here. If one comes, I will beat one. If ten come, I will beat ten. Your Xiao Yufeng's trash has always been ranked last. I think it's better for you to be removed from the 33 peaks! "

Hearing Tian Yi's words, Luo Zheng frowned. Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples cursed even louder. It seemed that the situation was about to get out of control.

At this moment, Zhang Wuxian, who had been smiling and not speaking, suddenly waved his hand.

His face, which had always been smiling, was now incomparably serious. There was not the slightest trace of a smile on his face. This kind of calm expression appearing on a fatty's face was a very strange thing.

Zhang Wuxian's move suddenly stunned the whole scene.

After all, Zhang Wuxian was ranked seventh among the outer sect disciples.

Zhang Wuxian was very easy to get along with and did not put on airs. He had not offended anyone in Xiao Yufeng.

Such a person's sense of existence was generally very low.

But everyone knew that the strength hidden under that fat body was astonishingly powerful.

Some of the more experienced outer sect disciples still remembered that when Zhang Wuxian first entered Xiao Yufeng's outer sect, some people felt that Zhang Wuxian was weak and easy to bully. They all went to find trouble with him. In the end, they were easily defeated by Zhang Wuxian.

Only then did everyone understand that this seemingly harmless fatty was definitely a ruthless character.

Zhang Wuxian's strength was stable and deep. He was ranked seventh.

But many people guessed that Zhang Wuxian was definitely hiding his strength. If Zhang Wuxian worked a little harder, it would not be much of a problem for him to enter Xiao Yufeng's outer sect top five.

"Tian Yi, the challenge between the peaks is a very common competition within the Blue Cloud Sect. Your words are too much," Zhang Wuxian said with a cold face.

This was also because Zhang Wuxian's temper was good. If it was someone else standing in front of Tian Yi, they would probably be cursing and beating him. How could they be as tactful as Zhang Wuxian? In reality, those who knew Zhang Wuxian already understood that Zhang Wuxian was actually very angry. It was just that his way of being angry was different from normal people.

Tian Yi did not notice Zhang Wuxian's anger at all. He shook his head with a face full of ridicule. "So what if it's too much? What did I say wrong? If Xiao Yufeng has no one else, then just admit defeat. Then our people from Vulture Peak can receive the reward. Now that you have no one else, you actually sent a fatty up. You really disappoint me. "

"Whether I'm disappointed or not, we can talk about it after the competition. You're wasting your breath like a sissy. Vulture Peak is just so-so," Zhang Wuxian replied, shaking his head.

"Sissy?" Tian Yi laughed. "Good, then let's try. I'll let you know that you've lost!"

Then Tian Yi clenched his hands. Layers of brown Zhen Qi burst out from his body. Tian Yi let out a low shout and slapped the brown Zhen Qi into the ground of the arena.

"Divine Wood Spike!"

"Bang bang!"

Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows slightly. This Tian Yi's Zhen Qi seemed to have a strong affinity. He could actually slap Zhen Qi into the arena made of gold and iron.

Then he saw a brown light surge under Zhang Wuxian's feet. Suddenly, two brown wooden stakes appeared under Zhang Wuxian's feet.

After all, Tian Yi was only half a step into the Xiantian realm. The "Divine Wood Spike" formed by Zhen Qi still had some shadows and was not completely real. If Tian Yi was a Xiantian lifeform, then what rose from the ground at this moment should be pieces of real "Divine Wood".