Who Will Be Next?

[Chapter 66]

Everyone's impression of the fatty was that his reactions were slow and his movements were slow.

But at this moment, Zhang Wuxian broke everyone's impression.

Zhang Wuxian's fat body was like a ghost, shuttling back and forth on the arena, nimbly avoiding Tian Yi's "Divine Wood Spikes."

Every time a Divine Wood Spike appeared under Zhang Wuxian's feet, Zhang Wuxian would move to the side in an instant.

Tian Yi violently struck the ground more than ten times in a row, and more than ten Divine Wood Spikes continuously shot out from the ground, but not a single Divine Wood Spike hit its mark.

After Zhang Wuxian moved more than ten times, his fat body stood in front of Tian Yi. His fat face regained its usual smile, but that smile was full of ridicule. "It seems like you don't need to use these three axes anymore?"

Hearing Zhang Wuxian's words, Zhou Xian explained to Luo Zheng, "This Tian Yi actually doesn't have much ability. He relies on these strange Divine Wood Spikes, which constantly shoot out from the ground and are very difficult to dodge. Our previous three consecutive defeats were all because of this move of Tian Yi's. That's why Brother Wuxian said so."

Luo Zheng nodded.

Tian Yi's cultivation method was indeed good. If one were to make a comparison, Tian Yi's attacking method was a bit similar to He Tiancheng's. They both poured their True Qi into the ground and launched a surprise attack from the ground. Of course, He Tiancheng's strength was definitely a hundred times stronger than Tian Yi's.

This kind of surprise attack was indeed effective.

However, the biggest taboo for a martial artist when facing an enemy was to dominate the world with one move.

Because once your move was seen through by the opponent, you would be in a very passive position.

Tian Yi had used this move in three consecutive arena matches. Many of Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples had also seen it and naturally pondered over a way to counter it.

Luo Zheng noticed that there was a faint layer of yellow light flickering under Zhang Wuxian's feet. He quickly understood how to restrain it.

There were several ways to break the Divine Wood Spike. If Luo Zheng and Zhang Wuxian were in each other's shoes, he could rely on his brute force and tyrannical body to directly crush the Divine Wood Spike.

However, Zhang Wuxian obviously used a more flexible method. He poured his own Zhen Qi into the ground beneath his feet. As long as the Zhen Qi beneath his feet changed in the slightest, he would quickly move to the side. In this way, as long as Tian Yi slapped the ground, Zhang Wuxian would be able to sense the direction of Tian Yi's attack, and naturally be able to easily avoid it.

When Tian Yi saw that the fatty was so agile and that his attack was completely ineffective, he panicked. His arrogance from before was swept away.

"Die for me!" Tian Yi clapped his hands and pointed at Zhang Wuxian. "Divine Wood Spike!"

More than ten brown Zhen Qi vortexes formed around Tian Yi's body. As soon as those Zhen Qi vortexes appeared, Divine Wood Spikes emerged from them and fiercely stabbed at Zhang Wuxian.

"Pssst pssst pssst pssst …"

Divine Wood Spikes were constantly produced. Not only did they emerge from the arena's ground, but many of them also shot at Zhang Wuxian from the air.

However, Zhang Wuxian's body was like a butterfly fluttering in a storm. He dodged left and right, completely avoiding those Divine Wood Spikes.

"It's useless, it's useless. I've already seen through your crappy move," Zhang Wuxian said with a smile as he dodged.

After avoiding the last Divine Wood Spike, Zhang Wuxian's speed suddenly increased. He rushed in front of Tian Yi and smashed his chubby fist directly into Tian Yi's face.

At this moment, Zhang Wu Xian's chubby fists were bursting with immense power.

With one punch, he sent Tian Yi flying out of the arena and falling outside the arena.

The place where Tian Yi fell was originally densely packed with Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples. However, the moment he flew out, the people in that area instantly opened up a space for Tian Yi to land heavily on the ground.

"Awesome! Zhang Wuxian! "

"Fatty Zhang is too awesome. He beat this kid into a pig's head with one punch!"

Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples were in an uproar at this moment, cheering one after another.

There were a total of twenty people from Vulture Peak who came to challenge. Seeing that Tian Yi had been defeated, the leader of Vulture Peak said with a dark face, "Quickly go and help Tian Yi over here."

Then two more outer sect disciples from Vulture Peak came over and helped Tian Yi over to the group of people from Vulture Peak. What was surprising was that not only was Tian Yi's face smashed beyond recognition by Zhang Wuxian, his white outer sect disciple robe was also full of black footprints.

There was no need to think about it. It must have been because Tian Yi had fallen to the ground just now and Xiao Yufeng's disciples had all kicked him.

Zhang Wuxian stood on the arena and saluted the people from Vulture Peak. "According to the rules of the peak challenge, each outer sect disciple can send out five people to fight. Who will be next?"

"Hehehe." From the group of people from Vulture Peak, there was suddenly a soft laugh. A short man walked out from the crowd and jumped onto the arena. He said in a shrill voice, "Actually, I thought that Tian Yi would be able to last two rounds at most before being defeated by Xiao Yufeng. I didn't expect that with his level, he would be able to fight to the fourth round. Your Xiao Yufeng is even worse than I thought."

Zhang Wuxian frowned and asked, "Will you be the one to fight this round? May I ask your name? What is your ranking on Vulture Peak? "

The short man laughed again and said in a shrill voice, "The loser has no right to ask for my name. You want to know my name? Beat me first! "

"In that case, I, Zhang Wuxian, have no choice but to ask for advice!" After Zhang Wuxian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand. Vital energy flashed under his feet and his body began to move nimbly again.

Zhang Wuxian practiced a relatively special cultivation method. The vital energy produced seemed to be able to greatly increase Zhang Wuxian's speed and reaction ability.

In Luo Zheng's opinion, when Zhang Wuxian was fighting against Tian Yi, he should have held back. Now that he was facing the short man, he was going all out. His speed was greatly increased, and as he moved, he left behind a trail of afterimages behind his fat body.

"You want to compete in speed with me? What a joke! "As soon as the short man's voice fell, he also moved.

The short man's speed was actually much faster than Zhang Wuxian's!

Fighting speed with speed!

On the arena, a short figure and a fat figure were constantly intertwining and rushing forward.

This kind of fighting rhythm was so fast that it made the spectators breathless!

Some of the weaker ones, such as Mo Can, who was an outer disciple of the Bone Refining Stage, were already dazzled. They could not see the situation on the arena clearly, so naturally, they did not know who had the upper hand.

Luo Zheng stared at the arena with a deep frown on his face.

The situation was very unfavorable for Zhang Wuxian.

Although the short man was also a half-step Xiantian, his strength was strong. Whether it was his speed or strength, he was much better than Zhang Wuxian.

If this continued, Zhang Wuxian might be defeated.




This kind of speed competition did not last long.

Just as Luo Zheng expected, Zhang Wuxian was careless and was circled behind by the short man. The short man clasped his hands together and pressed his thumbs together. Vital energy condensed on his hands and he pointed at Zhang Wuxian's back.


This point hit Zhang Wuxian's back and a huge power erupted. Zhang Wuxian's fat body was like a weightless kite, flying out of the arena.

Seeing this, Luo Zheng's figure flashed out like a ghost. He stretched out his hand and held Zhang Wuxian's body. A few hundred kilograms of weight fell on Luo Zheng's hand as if it was nothing. He easily held it.

Although Luo Zheng relieved Zhang Wuxian's falling force, the short man's finger still injured Zhang Wuxian.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Zhang Wuxian's mouth. His usually smiling face was now as pale as a dead man.

"Brother Wuxian, are you okay?" Luo Zheng put Zhang Wuxian flat on the ground and asked in a low voice.

After Zhang Wuxian spat out the blood in his mouth, he cursed, "Fuck, it hurts! I feel like two of my ribs are broken. "After Zhang Wuxian cursed, he noticed that the person holding him was Luo Zheng. Only then did he react and his face lit up with joy." Hey, Luo Zheng! You've finally come back after disappearing for so many days? "

Luo Zheng nodded. Then, he took out a medicinal pill from his sumeru ring and gave it to Zhang Wuxian. "Don't talk for now. Take care of your body first. We'll talk about my matter later."

At this moment, the short man on the arena laughed shrilly. "Your Xiao Yufeng has one last chance. I wonder who you want to send out to die?"

In this kind of challenge between mountain peaks, under normal circumstances, each side would send out five people to participate in the competition.

For this challenge, Xiao Yufeng had already sent out four people, and all of them had been defeated. Therefore, Xiao Yufeng only had one last chance.

"What should we do? This is our last chance? Let the fourth-ranked Guo Ziyao go up? "

"Why don't we send Zuo Tao! Zuo Tao's strength is above Guo Ziyao. "

"I think we should send Hao Shige. Hao Shige will definitely be able to defeat those guys from Vulture Peak!"

"Hao Shige does have the strength, but he's in seclusion now. How can he fight? The other side must have known this, so they chose to challenge him now. I don't know why our mountain's mentors agreed to this challenge! "

Hao Shige was Xiao Yufeng's number one outer disciple. He was also the strongest outer disciple.

It was said that Hao Shige was breaking through to the Xiantian stage, so he was in seclusion. Naturally, he couldn't come out to fight.

"How about it? Xiao Yufeng is such a coward? No one dares to fight anymore! If no one dares to come up, then Xiao Yufeng will admit defeat. But actually, it doesn't matter whether they send people or not. They'll lose anyway. Hahaha! "The short man's voice was shrill to begin with, so his sinister laughter was very ear-piercing.