Only One Punch

[Chapter 67]

At this moment, all of Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples were somewhat depressed.

Xiao Yufeng was so big, yet they couldn't find anyone suitable to fight.

Luo Zheng's voice wasn't loud, but it was very penetrating. Everyone present heard it clearly.

"What? Luo Zheng wants to fight? "

"How can that be? Although he defeated Xu Lie, Xu Lie is only ranked 30th in the outer sect. What right does he have to fight? "

"It's over, it's over. If I lose this mountain challenge, I won't have any pills for next month. How am I going to cultivate?"

The outer sanctum disciples of Rain Peak started to howl in grief.

The short man standing in the arena stared at Luo Zheng. The mocking expression on his face became even more intense. "You? A little guy in the Marrow Refining Realm? Hahaha … No problem, I accept your challenge. But don't expect me to show mercy! "

The challenges between the mountains had always been fought by the most elite disciples of each mountain. At the very least, they would be in the top 30 of their respective outer sect disciples.

And among those who could enter the top 20 of each mountain, who hadn't stepped into the half-step Xiantian Realm?

Now that a guy in the Marrow Refining Realm had popped out, the group of people from Vulture Peak was undoubtedly shocked.

"Hehe, Xiao Yufeng gave up so quickly. They actually sent a kid in the Marrow Refining Realm to the arena."

"He'll probably become the laughingstock of the Blue Cloud Sect. Originally, I was a little afraid of Xiao Yufeng's Hao Shige. Now it seems that this fear is completely unnecessary."

"It was originally unnecessary. So what if Hao Shige isn't in seclusion? Our Senior Brother Liu Cunshi will lose to Hao Shige? What a joke! "

Although there weren't many people from Vulture Peak, their morale was high. In their hearts, Xiao Yufeng had no one left. That was why they sent a kid in the Marrow Refining Realm to make up the numbers.

In fact, it wasn't just the people from Vulture Peak who thought so. Even Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciples thought so.

However, at this time, there was no one in Xiao Yufeng who was suitable to enter the arena.

Hao Shige, who was ranked first, was in seclusion. As for the few people who were ranked before Zhang Wuxian, they were cowering like turtles, not daring to go on stage.

It wasn't that they couldn't do anything to the man in the ring. Even if they could defeat him, there were still other powerful experts on Vulture Peak.

If he rashly went up the stage, not only would he be humiliated after being defeated, it would be even worse if he was seriously injured.

Therefore, Xiao Yufeng's top disciples were all hiding in a corner, unwilling to make a sound. As for Luo Zheng's defeat, there was nothing they could do about it. In any case, Xiao Yufeng had already lost more than half of the battle, so they didn't mind losing completely.

In short, they were already scared before the battle even started.

Step by step, Luo Zheng slowly walked up the stage, staring at the short man in front of him.

Luo Zheng had already seen the scene of the battle with Zhang Wuxian. This short man's biggest characteristic was his extremely fast speed. Purely in terms of speed, Luo Zheng estimated that he was slightly inferior, but in terms of strength …

With a confident smile on his face, Luo Zheng cupped his hands towards the short man. "I heard you say to Zhang Wuxian that I can only know your name if I defeat you?"

The short man let out an ear-piercing laugh. "Haha, I'm afraid you'll never know my name!"

Luo Zheng shook his head. "Whether I know or not, I'm afraid we'll have to fight to know!"

"Haha, Xiao Yufeng is really baffling. A brat in the Marrow Refining Stage actually dares to talk to me like that! I originally planned to teach you a lesson and kick you out of the stage, but now I'll take back that plan. I want you to understand how big the gap is between the Marrow Refining Stage and the Half-step Xiantian Realm! "

After the short man finished speaking, his figure disappeared like a gust of wind, fiercely rushing towards Luo Zheng.


Just as the short man was halfway through his dash, Luo Zheng took a step forward. His fist had already accurately smashed into the short man's face.

The seven dragon scales in Luo Zheng's mind emitted a dark green radiance. An extremely terrifying force was transferred to Luo Zheng's body. Combined with Luo Zheng's own strength, the power of this punch was terrifying!

The short man's momentum was even more violent than his momentum. He flew back more than a hundred feet, smashing half of the side wall of the stage. Then, he was buried under the bricks. It was unknown whether he was dead or alive.

"I also want to know how big the gap is between the Marrow Refining Stage and the Half-step Xiantian Realm … Also, I'm really not interested in knowing your name …" Luo Zheng said indifferently as he moved his wrist.

Silence. A deathly silence.

The originally noisy stage was now completely silent. Everyone's mouth was wide open, as if they could swallow a basin in one gulp.

Mo Can's eyes sparkled. Although he was looking forward to Luo Zheng's strength and believed that Luo Zheng could defeat the short man, he had not expected that Luo Zheng would only use one punch.

Defeating a Half-step Xiantian Realm expert only required one punch!

Everyone's eyes flashed with astonishment.

Even the black-robed inner court disciples on Little Rain Peak who had come to watch the battle revealed looks of astonishment at this moment.

"Senior Brother Yu Quan, what do you think of this kid's strength?" a black-robed disciple asked.

The black-robed disciple named Yu Quan said cautiously, "He's only at the Marrow Refining Stage, but he's able to explode with such power. It won't be long before he becomes an inner disciple … No, it's not just about him becoming an inner disciple. Haha, if he becomes a Xiantian Realm lifeform, Su Yantian will have to give up his position as the number one inner disciple …"

"So powerful?" the black-robed disciple asked, his eyes wide open.

Yu Quan shook his head. "I can't judge this kid's strength with just one punch. However, I think this kid has more tricks up his sleeve. Maybe … you and I aren't his match?"

"You're saying that we're not his match?" The black-robed disciple's face was full of disbelief. "We've all become Xiantian Realm lifeforms and can use our yuan qi. Our attack methods are far from what a Marrow Refining Stage cultivator can compare to. How can he …"

"I don't know either." Yu Quan shook his head. "I just have this feeling."

"Wow —"

After a few breaths of silence, all the outer disciples on Xiao Yufeng finally recovered from their shock and started cheering.

The strength that Luo Zheng had displayed was far beyond their imagination.

However, these outer disciples were also very clear that although they were cheering, it didn't mean that Luo Zheng would win the entire competition.

This was because Luo Zheng still had to face three experts from Vulture Peak. Presumably, each of them was stronger than the last.

However, Luo Zheng's appearance had saved a lot of face for Xiao Yufeng. Although Xiao Yufeng was ranked last, as disciples of Xiao Yufeng, everyone still valued this collective face very much.

To be able to stand out at a time like this required a lot of courage.

At this moment, the twenty or so people from Vulture Peak had very ugly expressions.

They sent out three or four people to squeeze through the crowd and drag the short man out of the broken bricks and tiles, carrying him back to their camp. However, Xiao Yufeng's disciples were also playing tricks in the dark, deliberately pushing back and forth. It took them a lot of effort to carry the short man back.

Luo Zheng walked along the edge of the arena and said to the people from Vulture Peak, "Who else from Vulture Peak?"

Who else?

Although Luo Zheng's tone was flat, his words were very domineering.

I, Luo Zheng, have already killed one. Who else is next?

Compared to Tian Yi and the short man's mocking words, this sentence was much more powerful!

The words "who else?" were like a powerful slap to the other party's face.

"Humph, a Refining Marrow Stage cultivator dares to be so arrogant. I'll challenge you!"

A person from Vulture Peak walked out. That person was tall and sturdy. His muscles were tight and firm, and his white robe was tightly stretched.

The brawny man leaped up like an iron tower and crashed into the arena. When his feet landed on the arena, the brawny man deliberately operated his Zhen Qi. Under this stomp, the brawny man actually caused the arena made of fine iron to cave in. The entire arena suddenly shook and issued a loud rumbling sound. His imposing manner was astonishing. This was a deliberate show off.

"My name is Hu Tie! I'm ranked ninth on Vulture Peak! " Although this burly man liked to show off, he had a straightforward personality. He wasn't like the short man who liked to make sarcastic remarks.

Since Hu Tie was so polite, Luo Zheng also cupped his hands. "Luo Zheng. I'm Xiao Yufeng. I don't have a ranking right now."

"You don't have a ranking right now?" Hu Tie was slightly surprised. He immediately understood. This kid was only in the Refining Marrow Stage. He probably just entered Xiao Yufeng not long ago. It was normal that he didn't have a ranking. "In that case, we can begin!"

Soon after, the brawny man roared as he circulated all the True Qi in his body. His sturdy muscles suddenly swelled up by more than one fold.

"Pop, pop, pop, pop!"

His snow-white outer sect disciple robe was torn apart by his muscles. The sound of cloth tearing could be heard. At this moment, Hu Tie looked like a small giant standing on the arena. Just by looking at his body, one could feel his terrifying explosive power.

When the outer sect disciples on Xiao Yufeng saw this scene, they immediately broke out in cold sweat for Luo Zheng.

Vulture Peak's foundation was indeed much stronger than Xiao Yufeng's.

The one who had just been defeated by Luo Zheng looked even more powerful. Moreover, this Hu Tie was only ranked ninth on Vulture Peak. Just how strong was the number one outer sect disciple on Vulture Peak?

"I, Hu Tie, don't have anything else, but I have great strength. If I can't control my strength, I'm afraid I can slap your body into a pulp. You should think about it. I can make you admit defeat!" Hu Tie said seriously.

Luo Zheng carefully observed Hu Tie's expression. This Hu Tie's expression didn't seem to be fake. He wanted Luo Zheng to admit defeat. It was indeed for Luo Zheng's sake.

"Thank you for your kindness, but there's no need." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then you should be careful!" Hu Tie took a deep breath. His entire body was like a wild ancient beast as he rushed towards Luo Zheng.

"Bang, bang, bang …"

Hu Tie's fat body stepped on the arena, making a huge sound.

As the saying goes, one strong person can defeat ten skilled people. Hu Tie's attack didn't have any fancy moves or feints. He wanted to rely on pure strength to crush Luo Zheng.