Cloud Sect disciples

[Chapter 73]

The two stood face to face just like that, the atmosphere stiff.

Su Lingyun grew up in the Li Palace next to Burning Sky Palace. As her highness, how many people dared to go against her?

Even though it had already been a while since she left the palace, during this time, Su Lingyun did her best to forget her past identity, her stubbornness was something that had already entered her bloodline. How could it be so easily changed?

When others knew about Su Lingyun's identity, for example, those instructors from the other peaks, they still dared to argue with her.

However, once they noticed that Su Lingyun's expression wasn't right, that she was truly angry, all of them closing their mouths tightly. They all understood clearly that even though Su Lingyun was beautiful and pleasant, once she got angry, she might be even more terrifying than a Deep Sea Dragon!

Right now, Su Lingyun was on the verge of erupting in anger.

When Xiao Yufeng and the other instructors heard the disturbance, they originally wanted to come in and take a look. However, when they saw Su Lingyun's expression that looked like she was on the verge of a volcanic eruption, they all clicked their tongues, quietly moving to the side.

Others were scared, but Luo Zheng wasn't. With a calm expression, he repeated, "Instructor Su, return the disciple tile to me."

Su Lingyun glared fiercely at Luo Zheng. She was just about to act out, but she still clenched her teeth and endured it. However, a hint of grievance that was difficult to detect appeared on her face. Then, her intelligent eyes moved about. It was unknown what she thought of, but her lips curled slightly. With a light snort, she tossed the disciple tile back to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng received his own disciple tile, said a word of thanks, and then turned around to leave.

He knew that Instructor Su wouldn't harm him, asking so much completely out of concern for him. Meanwhile, his own actions definitely angered Instructor Su.

Only, today, he was in a rush to hurry to Purgatory Mountain, not wishing to waste even a second, so how could he have the time to worry about all of this?

Luo Zheng walked down the mountain ridge, following Xiao Yufeng's mountain path. Then, he found Purgatory Mountain's direction, directly heading in that direction.

After Luo Zheng left, Su Lingyun puffed up her cheeks and said, "He left in such a hurry. He must have something important to do. Let me see what he's going to do!"

After that, Su Lingyun walked out of the room and came to a pavilion on the mountain ridge. In the middle of the pavilion, there was a letter tablet.

Just now, before Luo Zheng took the disciple card, Su Lingyun had tampered with Luo Zheng's disciple card, so that she could capture the image of Luo Zheng with this letter tablet.

When she saw Luo Zheng leave the mountain, he directly headed northwest of Blue Cloud Sect.

Su Lingyun's brows furrowed slightly. Blue Cloud Sect's thirty-three peaks were all scattered to the south, as well as other great peaks. Heavenly Scripture Pavilions and other things were also scattered to the east. That northwest corner was surrounded by mountains, not having any important peaks. What was his goal in heading northwest?

Northwest …

There was Purgatory Mountain in the northwest!

However, what did Luo Zheng want to do by heading to Purgatory Mountain?

Purgatory Mountain was located at the very edge of Purgatory Mountain. Luo Zheng seemed to have crossed the entire Blue Cloud Sect, and then crossed over two more peaks. A pure black mountain peak appeared before Luo Zheng's eyes.

That mountain peak didn't have a single tree or blade of grass growing on it. It was entirely black, completely lacking in vitality.

Only the ring-shaped mountain pass at the very top continuously released thick gray smoke.

Luo Zheng sniffed. A wave of sulfuric smell entered his nostrils, making him frown.

The environment here was too vile. When he thought about how Luo Yan was locked up in this type of place, Luo Zheng felt extremely unhappy.

The closer he got to the black Purgatory Mountain, the stronger the smell of sulfur became. When he walked up to Purgatory Mountain, Luo Zheng saw an extremely distinct 'line'.

Outside that line, it was full of vitality, verdant and lush, all types of plants growing. However, inside that line, there was black gravel, as if it was a path to hell.

When Luo Zheng approached this dividing line, two people suddenly appeared in front of him.

These two individuals' clothes were ragged, their appearances like roadside beggars.

When their eyes landed on Luo Zheng's body, Luo Zheng immediately felt as if his body was being pricked by needles, a faint stabbing pain.

These two were extremely strong, could be said to be unprecedentedly strong, much stronger than He Tiancheng, more or less comparable to people like Xun Feilong!

"Youngster, you wish to enter Purgatory Mountain?" The two stood in that line, asking Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng nodded. "I wish to enter Purgatory Mountain, I wonder if you all are …"

"We are Purgatory Mountain's mountain guardians. You wish to enter Purgatory Mountain? Do you know the rules? " These two mountain guardians sized up Luo Zheng. This Purgatory Mountain rarely had someone with such low cultivation come here, it indeed made them feel a bit strange.

"A hundred points, right?" After Luo Zheng said this, he took the initiative to hand over his disciple tile.

One of them received Luo Zheng's disciple tile. He reached out his hand, and then a streak of orange true essence poured into the disciple tile, deducting a hundred points from it. "Entering Purgatory Mountain isn't just a matter of a hundred points …"

"As long as you cross this line, you will lose the Blue Cloud Sect's protection. Even if you are killed, the Blue Cloud Sect won't care. Entering with your current strength is too dangerous." The mountain guardian said.

Purgatory Mountain was an extremely chaotic place. In Purgatory Mountain, no one's life or safety could be protected.

The reason why Purgatory Mountain was terrifying was precisely because of this.

Many people feared being locked up in Purgatory Mountain, but what they feared wasn't the punishment of facing the wall, but rather the people in Purgatory Mountain!

Most of the people who were locked up in Purgatory Mountain weren't good people, most of them only locked up because they committed terrible crimes.

Meanwhile, in this Purgatory Mountain, there were almost no rules to speak of, this was a world where the strong preyed on the weak.

For those with weak strength, apart from being fish on the chopping block of the strong, there was almost no other way out.

Those with great strength could occupy a peak in Purgatory Mountain, do as they pleased.

There were some genius disciples in the Blue Cloud Sect who, for the sake of increasing their own experience, even purposely roamed Purgatory Mountain to gain experience!

These two mountain guardians didn't warn everyone like this either. They saw that Luo Zheng's cultivation was too low, only at the Marrow Refinement Realm, moreover not knowing much about Purgatory Mountain, that was why they said a few more words.

"I understand, but I must enter." Luo Zheng raised his head to look into the distance, but he didn't know where Luo Yan was locked up in Purgatory Mountain.

Since Luo Zheng himself already spoke like this, the two mountain guardians didn't say anything else either. After returning the disciple tile to Luo Zheng, the two of them moved aside.

Then, Luo Zheng began to move, stepping into that line.

After walking along that black gravel path, roughly two li later, Luo Zheng finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

In front of him was an extremely steep mountain path. Meanwhile, the two sides of the mountain path released dark red radiance from time to time, as if there were flames roasting the pure black rocks on the mountain.

Without thinking too much, Luo Zheng began to climb towards Purgatory Mountain.

Purgatory Mountain was a living volcano.

Along the way, one could see craters from time to time.

There were some craters that were covered in a deathly gray color, while there were some craters that had surging magma.

Near those craters, Luo Zheng discovered quite a few people. These should all be Blue Cloud Sect disciples who were sent to Purgatory Mountain as punishment.

These Blue Cloud Sect disciples weren't weak.

There was no lack of Xiantian lifeforms among them!

There were some who released auras that were even more powerful than He Tiancheng's.

Most of the Xiantian lifeforms among them had lifeless appearances. When they saw Luo Zheng pass by, they didn't react at all.

However, there were still some Xiantian lifeforms who, after noticing Luo Zheng, cast him looks that carried ill intentions. There were even some who followed behind Luo Zheng.

When he saw this, Luo Zheng fished out the damaged flying knife from his spatial ring, holding it in his hand.