
[Chapter 74]

Luo Zheng adjusted his vigilance to the highest level. His legs moved, increasing his speed as he crazily ran up the mountain!

When the people tailing Luo Zheng noticed that Luo Zheng increased his speed, they thought that Luo Zheng wanted to escape. At the same time, they also increased their speed.

One of them even moved with extreme speed from the mountain path to the side, blocking Luo Zheng's path.

"Hahaha, since when did a Marrow Refinement Realm brat dare step foot into Purgatory Mountain? With such fine skin and tender flesh, it's perfect for you to stay behind and accompany this daddy! " This was a dark faced man who seemed to be over thirty years old. His face was fierce-looking, his skin dark, and his pair of bean-sized eyes released a dangerous glint.

"Move aside." Luo Zheng coldly shouted. He was like a calm leopard crouching in place, ready to erupt with a counterattack at any time, even if this man was a Xiantian Realm expert.

That dark faced man sneered. "Since you've entered Purgatory Mountain, then you should understand what kind of place this is. Obediently listen to this daddy's words, and you can still live for two more days. Otherwise, a trifling Marrow Refinement Realm brat like you will be finished off at any time!"

When the people tailing Luo Zheng saw that the dark faced man took the initiative to attack, they all became motionless.

"I'll say it again. Move aside, or die." Luo Zheng's voice became colder and colder.

The dark faced man didn't take Luo Zheng's warning to heart in the slightest. In the eyes of these Purgatory Mountain people, a Marrow Refinement Realm brat wasn't worth fearing at all. No matter how strict the warning was, it was still like the howling of a kitten. What was there to be scared of?

As a result, the dark faced man reached out his large black hand in an unbridled manner, squeezing towards Luo Zheng. From the looks of it, he wanted to capture Luo Zheng.

If he fell into this dark faced man's hands, he would definitely suffer a fate worse than death!

In this instant, the dusky soul spike between Luo Zheng's brows shot towards the dark faced man Meng Zha.

"Spirit Shocking Stab!"

Under this stab, that dark faced man immediately released a miserable scream. He hugged his head and shook continuously.

At the same time, the damaged throwing knife that had always been in Luo Zheng's hands suddenly shot out!



The unstoppable throwing knife directly pierced through the dark-faced man's chest, penetrating deep into the mountain behind the dark-faced man.

Then, Luo Zheng's finger lightly hooked, and the invisible string pulled the flying knife back. It circled once before Luo Zheng caught it in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng had killed the dark-faced man, and the broken throwing knife was not stained with blood.

He continued to hold the throwing knife in his hand. He turned around and glanced coldly at the people who were hiding in the shadows behind him. Then, he continued to climb up the mountain.

The dark-faced man stood there dejectedly, his face filled with disbelief. He opened his mouth wide and looked at his blood-stained chest. Then, he let out an extremely shrill scream and fell to the ground. How could he have imagined that he, a Xiantian lifeform, would be unable to withstand a single blow from a junior at the Marrow Refining stage?

In reality, if the dark-faced man was completely on guard, Luo Zheng wouldn't have been able to get rid of him so easily. Those who looked down on their opponents were destined to pay the price.

When the people who were originally tailing Luo Zheng saw this scene, their expressions changed slightly.

Being able to get rid of the dark-faced man in such a manner meant that Luo Zheng was definitely not someone to be trifled with, even if he was only at the Marrow Refining stage …

After thinking for a bit, those people still chose to back off.

Luo Zheng who noticed this coldly snorted, and then continued to increase his pace. After a while, Luo Zheng finally reached the mountainside.

There were quite a few buildings built along the mountainside. Only, those buildings were extremely simple and crude, some of them could only be considered shacks. Moreover, they were all built with black mountain rocks, giving off an extremely oppressive feeling.

Inside those buildings, many people were either sitting, lying, meditating, or muttering to themselves.

Even though these people were locked up in Purgatory Mountain, they didn't give up on cultivation. Most of them were extremely focused. Even if Luo Zheng walked past them, they didn't feel like giving him a single look.

He strolled along the mountainside, his eyes flitting past one after another, searching for his younger sister's figure …

Purgatory Mountain, mountain peak.

Above the giant ring-shaped volcano, layers of lava continuously surged, bubbling, releasing tremendous heat.

At the end of that ring-shaped volcano, there was a platform that protruded outwards.

At the edge of that platform was a pink clothed young lady. Her pair of long and slender legs were suspended in the air, as if she didn't fear the several thousand meters of altitude below.

The young girl's features were picturesque, and she was naturally beautiful. She possessed a peerless appearance, but at this moment, she was gazing at the crescent moon that hung upside down in the distance, and the space between her brows contained boundless loneliness.

Right at this time, a figure rushed over from the edge of that ring-shaped volcano.

That figure already left the ground. With every step he took, a pink lotus would appear beneath his feet. Those lotus flowers were like a dream, elegant and refined.

That figure actually stepped on these lotus flowers as he rushed through the air.

He was truly like a deity, lotuses blossoming with every step!

Not long after, the figure stepped onto the platform.

The young lady didn't turn around, still staring blankly at the crescent moon in the distant horizon. She didn't even turn around, only using a clear and cold voice to ask, "Didn't I say that I didn't need you all to come see me? What are you still doing here? "

The figure behind the young lady slowly walked closer.

It was a young man in his early twenties. This young man was dressed in purple robes, his brows sharp and his eyes bright, heroic and imposing. When he heard the young lady's rather cold tone, he didn't feel the slightest bit of annoyance, only saying with a smile, "Your older brother cares about you, but he doesn't have the qualifications to enter. He could only instigate me to come see you in his place!"

"Luo Peiran is only my older cousin, when has he ever cared about me like this? Could it be that you think I don't know that you are using him as a cover to come here? "The pink clothed young lady's words weren't polite in the slightest, as if she didn't want to give this young talent the slightest bit of face.

The purple-robed young man still had a hearty smile on his face. However, he took out an item from his bosom and said, "That's not it. Indeed, Peiran asked me to come here to give you something. I heard that you will naturally be overjoyed after seeing it."

When the pink clothed young lady heard that, she turned her head and looked over. When she noticed the item in the purple-robed young man's hands, her eyes suddenly emitted a bright and beautiful light.

Even as her eyes moved, her face suddenly bloomed like a flower, devastatingly beautiful.

The purple-robed young man's cultivation was extremely high and his composure was also extremely strong. However, when he saw the pink clothed young lady's appearance, he was stunned on the spot.

The pink clothed young lady left the edge of the platform and her figure drifted over. With a gentle wave of her jade-like hand, the item somehow landed in her hands.

In the pink clothed young lady's hands was an extremely ordinary item – a slingshot cut from elm wood.

The slingshot was a little old and the cow tendon tied to it had fallen off. However, the pink clothed young lady held it in her hands like a treasure.

"Peiran already told me that you would be happy, Yan 'er, but I never expected you to be this happy." When the purple-robed young man saw that she was this happy, his expression also became extremely excited.

This pink clothed young lady was precisely Luo Zheng's younger sister, Luo Yan who was locked up in Purgatory Mountain to face the wall.

Meanwhile, the purple-robed young man was Wang Hengzhi's older brother Wang Yanmiao, also a member of the landowning household Wang Family's direct line of descent, even more so the number one personal disciple of Blue Cloud Sect's Hall Master!

That was why he had the qualifications to wear the purple robes, the qualifications to ascend Purgatory Mountain's peak.

"This is the slingshot my older brother made for me when I was young." Luo Yan stared blankly at this slingshot and then asked, "Cousin Peiran didn't mention anything else to you? For example, news about my older brother … "

The last few times Wang Yanmiao came, Luo Yan didn't feel like saying even a single word to him. However, today, he took the initiative to ask about these things, so he was naturally happy to reply.

"Peiran only said that Luo Family is doing well, your older brother is also doing well. However, he didn't return home after coming to Blue Cloud Sect, only sending letters." Wang Yanmiao said with a smile.

Luo Yan pursed her lips, but her eyes were unwilling to leave the slingshot. However, she said quietly, "Cousin Peiran's strength isn't enough, he doesn't have the qualifications to ascend to the peak. If he has any news, I'll have to trouble you to pass it on."

"It's just a simple matter, how can you call it trouble? Yan 'er, you are treating me like an outsider! " Wang Yanmiao felt like his heart was about to jump out. He did everything he could to get close to Luo Yan, but he never expected Luo Yan to actually take the initiative to mention this. How could he not be happy?

Luo Yan nodded. Those slender jade-like hands tightened the leather band around the slingshot. Then, her finger lightly tapped the stone platform, removing a small stone from the incomparably sturdy rock, placing it on the leather band in a decent manner. With a light tug, she narrowed her eyes, aimed at the moon in the horizon, and then loosened her grip.

That stone suddenly bounced out, but in the end, it still couldn't reach the moon, drifting down the mountain in a parabola.

Despite this being the case, her eyes were still narrowed into crescent moons. Anyone could tell that this young lady who was always cold and silent was extremely happy right now.

When Wang Yanmiao saw this, he took advantage of Luo Yan's temperament to find a few topics to talk about. Only after chatting for a while, did he leave in a satisfied manner.

From the side of Purgatory Mountain's sea of flames, there were already several people waiting on the mountain ridge.

"Big brother, did you see her?" The one standing at the very front was Wang Hengzhi, while Luo Peiran followed closely behind.

Wang Yanmiao was like a cool breeze, walking around his own disciple. He reached out his hand to pat Luo Peiran's shoulder and said, "Peiran, not bad, this is the first time I've seen Yan 'er smile!"

Luo Peiran nodded and said, "Of course. My younger sister is locked up here, so of course she misses her family. If big brother Yanmiao can visit her often, accompany her to relieve her boredom, it will definitely make her mood better."