Meeting in the narrow road

[Chapter 75]

A small pebble streaked across a distance of a hundred feet before falling rapidly.

With a thud, it hit the mountain wall and finally rolled down the mountainside.

Luo Zheng stared blankly at the small pebble that rolled down in front of him.

After circling around the mountainside, Luo Zheng still couldn't find Luo Yan's figure.

Where is he?

Luo Zheng frowned and looked up at the top of the mountain.

Could it be that Luo Yan was trapped in a higher place?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng continued to climb up.

But at this moment, several people walked down the mountain path leading to the top of the mountain.

Walking at the front was a young master wearing a purple robe. He was extremely handsome and had an extraordinary air of nobility. Even though the light was dim, his whole body seemed to be enveloped in a faint light.

According to Luo Zheng's knowledge, the Blue Cloud Sect was divided into three colors of clothing.

Among them, the outer white robe and the inner black robe were the most common.

But in addition, there was also a purple robe.

Disciples wearing purple robes were direct disciples who had a master to guide them. In the entire Blue Cloud Sect, disciples wearing purple robes were rare and had an extraordinary status.

"This person also has' Intent '! It's the Lotus Killing Intent! "

Luo Zheng noticed a lotus-shaped light behind the purple-robed young master. The "Lotus Killing Intent" on his body was very gentle, like a ball of thorns that made people relax.

This "Lotus Killing Intent" could also be called a kind of temperament.

But Luo Zheng still felt a threat from that gentle "Lotus Killing Intent". This gentleness was just an illusion. Once it exploded, the power of this "Lotus Killing Intent" would be unstoppable.

When these people came over, Luo Zheng prepared to retreat to the side.

But at this moment, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed. He found that Luo Peiran and Wang Hengzhi were following behind the purple-robed young master!

"Luo Peiran, where is Luo Yan!" Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and stepped forward to interrogate.

Luo Peiran was slightly taken aback, then a cold smile appeared on his face. "Luo Zheng! What a coincidence! I originally planned to let you jump around freely for a few days, but I never expected you to actually dare appear in Purgatory Mountain! "Luo Peiran said this. His entire body's true essence flickered, actually wishing to directly take action.

"Pei Ran, who is he?" Wang Yanmiao glanced at Luo Zheng indifferently. Given Wang Yanmiao's status and strength, he had no interest in Luo Zheng. But when he heard Luo Zheng mention Luo Yan, he asked.

Hearing Wang Yanmiao's question, Luo Peiran froze on the spot and stammered, "He, he is an unfilial son of my Luo Family!"

"I ask you, where is Luo Yan? Speak! "Luo Zheng came forward again and shouted angrily.

Wang Yanmiao frowned and asked softly, "What's the relationship between you and Luo Yan? Why are you looking for her?"

"Luo Yan is my younger sister. Of course I have to find her," Luo Zheng replied.

"Oh?" When Wang Yanmiao heard Luo Zheng's words, a smile appeared on his face. From his conversation with Luo Yan, he learned that Luo Yan had an older brother. Moreover, Luo Yan was extremely concerned about her older brother. "Pei Ran, Luo Yan's older brother is in the Blue Cloud Sect, and he is an outer sect disciple. I never heard you mention this before?"

Wang Yanmiao asked in an indifferent manner. Luo Peiran's forehead immediately broke out in sweat!

The reason he was able to climb up the Wang Family's great tree was because of Luo Yan.

Ever since he became friends with the Wang Family, not only did he easily become an inner sect disciple, he even borrowed the Wang Family's' Quiet Training Room 'and the assistance of several fourth grade pills to advance at a tremendous pace.

That was why Luo Peiran naturally wasn't willing to let Wang Yanmiao know that Luo Yan's older brother also entered the Blue Cloud Sect.

Just now, if possible, he even wanted to make the first move and kill Luo Zheng first.

"This Luo Zheng is the rebellious son of my family. Everyone has the right to kill him. That's why I didn't mention him to you," Luo Peiran explained.

Wang Yanmiao had no interest in these disputes of the Luo Family. He only knew that Luo Yan was extremely concerned about her older brother. Therefore, he actually extended his hand and bowed to Luo Zheng, saying, "This humble one is Wang Yanmiao, a disciple of the Blue Cloud Sect's Hall Master."

Wang Yanmiao actually bowed to Luo Zheng!

Seeing this scene, Luo Peiran and Wang Hengzhi stood in place, their mouths wide open.

Luo Zheng was also somewhat surprised. This kind of person actually bowed to an outer sect disciple. It was indeed unexpected. He didn't know what this guy was planning.

"Luo Zheng, Xiao Yufeng's outer sect disciple," Luo Zheng returned the bow.

"Luo Zheng, I've heard of this name. Yan 'er often mentions you. She misses you very much." Wang Yanmiao actually bowed again.

Wang Yanmiao was one of the most outstanding disciples of the Blue Cloud Sect. Normally, how many people were qualified to make him bow repeatedly? But Wang Yanmiao just did this.

At this time, not only was Luo Peiran's forehead sweating, his back was also dripping with sweat.

Seeing this person so courteous, Luo Zheng was even more curious. He only said, "You and I have just met. Why are you so polite?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Yanmiao actually bowed again. After bowing three times in a row, he smiled and said, "Luo Yan and I are fated to be together. In the future, if we become husband and wife, I will have to call you 'brother-in-law.'"

Hearing this, Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly rose. He finally understood. "You and Luo Yan? What a joke! In your dreams! What kind of thing is your Wang family? Are you worthy of my sister? "

In Luo Zheng's heart, Luo Yan was his only family. This person had only met him for the first time, but he said such words. He, Luo Zheng, absolutely could not accept it!

As the saying goes, don't slap a smiling face. Wang Yanmiao was so respectful, but Luo Zheng spoke so coldly.

Even if Wang Yanmiao's mental fortitude was very strong, when he heard Luo Zheng's words, his spring breeze-like face was smeared with a trace of coldness.

"Impudent!" Hearing Luo Zheng's words, Wang Hengzhi's face was immediately filled with anger.

"You don't know what's good for you!" Luo Peiran's voice was also stern, but in his heart, he breathed a sigh of relief. Luo Zheng, oh Luo Zheng, you really don't know the immensity of heaven and earth. Offending a direct disciple is the same as bringing about your own destruction.

Luo Zheng coldly snorted and said, "So what? Luo Peiran, other than being arrogant, what else can you do? "

"Luo Zheng, you think that just because you've become an outer disciple of the Blue Cloud Sect, you have the qualifications to speak arrogantly in front of me? Today, I'll show you what true strength is, what true suppression is! "After Luo Peiran finished speaking, streams of blood-colored true essence madly gushed out from his body!

During this period of time, his rapid progress, breaking through half-step Xiantian and becoming a Xiantian lifeform, was all thanks to the Wang family. He originally cultivated the "Red Sandalwood Fist", but now the condensed true essence was like blood. That was because he had changed his mind, cultivating the Wang family's Earth grade secret book "Blood Demon Divine Ability".

Facing Luo Zheng, who was only in the Refining Marrow Stage, Luo Peiran was completely confident that he could kill him in one move!

"Is that so?" Luo Zheng clenched his fists. His eyes were like two sharp knives, staring straight at Luo Peiran. "Since that's the case, I really want to exchange some pointers with you!"

Luo Peiran's entire body emitted a strong smell of blood. No matter how one looked at it, Luo Peiran had too many reasons to kill Luo Zheng. Therefore, before Luo Zheng finished speaking, he had already rushed towards Luo Zheng and punched at Luo Zheng.

"Blood Explosion Nine Styles!"

"Condense, Break, Kill …"

As Luo Peiran's fist came over, streams of true essence exploded like fresh blood.

The bright red blood splashed on the ground, immediately producing a sizzling sound. It actually had an extremely strong corrosive power.

Facing Luo Peiran's fist, Luo Zheng didn't dare to be careless. He quickly retreated, avoiding Luo Peiran's fierce attacks.

If it were anyone else, facing Luo Peiran would be very troublesome.

Not only would they have to carefully avoid Luo Peiran's fist, but they would also have to avoid the blood-colored true essence that emerged from his body. If they were stained even a little, their flesh would instantly be corroded.

However, Luo Zheng didn't have this taboo.

Although the blood-colored true essence on Luo Peiran's body had an astonishing corrosive power, Luo Zheng, who was already a spirit tool, didn't fear it in the slightest.

Occasionally, a few drops of blood-colored true essence would fall on Luo Zheng's body, corroding his disciple robe and leaving holes in it. However, when the blood-colored true essence dripped on his skin, it would only make a sizzling sound and only leave some black marks on his skin.

Luo Zheng's figure constantly dodged and moved around Luo Peiran's surroundings.

"Luo Peiran, you're just a piece of trash who relied on medicinal pills. You have a high cultivation base, but your strength is only so-so. Do you think you can crush me?" Luo Zheng said as he dodged.

"You're courting death! Blood Explosion Fist! "Luo Peiran roared.

"That day at the Luo Family, didn't you say that you were much stronger than trash like me? That you could crush me to death with one hand? "Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Yes, so what!" Luo Peiran used all his strength, but he couldn't cause any harm to Luo Zheng. He was both anxious and confused. Why was Luo Zheng so difficult to deal with when he was only in the Refining Marrow Stage? Why was my Blood Explosion Fist ineffective against him? And Luo Zheng's words made him angrier and angrier.

Red Sandalwood True Qi flashed all over Luo Zheng's body, and he found a flaw in Luo Peiran's defense. His Burst Fist hit Luo Peiran's ribs. "Then I'd like to see how a trash like you will crush me to death."

Luo Peiran was hit in the ribs, and he retreated a few steps. His face was deathly pale from the pain, but he clenched his teeth and threw himself at Luo Zheng again.

This time, Luo Zheng didn't dodge. Instead, he faced Luo Peiran head-on. A trace of a sneer appeared on his face, and a gray spike pierced towards Luo Peiran's head.

"Soul-Stirring Spike!"

Luo Peiran was originally rushing towards Luo Zheng, but under this kind of full-force attack, he was caught off guard and was hit by Luo Zheng's Soul-Stirring Spike. His whole body suddenly fell towards Luo Zheng in a daze.

Seeing this, Luo Zheng reached out and grabbed Luo Peiran's head. Purple True Qi flashed all over his body, and a Red Sandalwood Inch-Punch hit Luo Peiran's chest.

"We're both brothers with the surname Luo. I won't take your life, but I want you to see that when I, Luo Zheng, return to the Luo family in the future, I'll kill Luo Bingquan and Luo Junyi. I'll make them into statues and kneel in front of my father's grave for ten thousand years!"

As soon as Luo Zheng's voice fell, seven muffled sounds came from Luo Peiran's body. From his Dantian, his hands and feet suddenly burst out bloody holes. His vital meridians had been shattered by Luo Zheng's Inch-Punch. He had become a cripple.

Wang Yanmiao stood on the side. Seeing this scene, she didn't say anything. No one knew what she was thinking.

However, Wang Hengzhi couldn't bear it anymore. He was on good terms with Luo Peiran. He thought that since Luo Peiran was a Xiantian expert, it would only take a blink of an eye for him to deal with Luo Zheng. He didn't expect that the situation would take a turn for the worse. Luo Peiran was controlled by Luo Zheng in an instant, and his meridians were even destroyed.

"Big brother, why didn't you stop that brat?" Wang Hengzhi asked.

Wang Yanmiao shook her head, "The conflict between Peiran and Luo Zheng is their family matter. Luo Zheng is Yan 'er's brother after all."

This was the way of thinking of a disciple who had grown up in a great aristocratic family!

Wang Yanmiao was a very smart person.

When he had asked Luo Peiran a moment ago, Luo Peiran had stuttered. He had instantly guessed Luo Peiran's thoughts.

Luo Peiran didn't want to reveal Luo Zheng's existence to him because he had a selfish motive. He wanted to use Luo Yan to get more benefits from the Wang family.