
[Chapter 78]

"Thump, thump, thump …"

Wang Yanmiao's strong and powerful heart was beating violently. Blood flowed out from the thin wound and dyed half of his face red. "Unexpected, really unexpected!" Wang Yanmiao stretched out his sleeve and wiped away the blood on his face. "Just now, Luo Peiran held his head and howled in pain. He must have been hit by your soul attack. No wonder Luo Peiran was defeated by you in just one move. A guy in the Refining Marrow Stage actually grasped the method of soul attack. It's really unexpected!"

After all, Wang Yanmiao was a famous expert. After walking back from the brink of death, he realized that it was absolutely stupid to treat Luo Zheng as an ant.

"You're just an assassin disguised as an ant. If I didn't have the protection of my family's heirloom treasure, and my soul is also very strong, I'm afraid I would have died under your flying knife." Wang Yanmiao said neither quickly nor slowly. He stretched out his hand and wiped the blood on his face. "This wound is the price I have to pay for underestimating you. You've already done very well to injure me. It's enough for you to be proud. But you also have to pay the price, even if you're Luo Yan's brother!"

As Wang Yanmiao spoke, a string of lotus flowers floated out from his hand. These lotus flowers were suffused with a pink glow and had a strange charm. They were extremely powerful killing weapons.

"I'll crush you into pieces!"

Facing those dense lotus flowers, Luo Zheng had no way to dodge. His whole body was instantly covered by the lotus flowers.

Each lotus flower had the strength of ten ding.

At this moment, there were more than a hundred on Luo Zheng's body.

Although Luo Zheng's body was desperately absorbing the pressure, turning it into a warm current, desperately washing Luo Zheng's body, this pressure was too terrifying.

However, the pressure was too great and terrifying. Even though Luo Zheng was a Spiritual Weapon, he could not withstand it!


A crack unexpectedly appeared on Luo Zheng's body. Blood gushed out from the crack. His body was already on the verge of collapse. At any moment, he would be crushed by these lotuses that weighed ten ding.


When Luo Yan saw this scene, tears fell from her eyes like pearls from a broken necklace.

She glared hatefully at the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation that enveloped her. Then, she suddenly stopped crying.

Luo Yan's eyes were full of despair. In the midst of despair, she suddenly had a trace of decisiveness!

A stream of True Yuan condensed in the girl's right hand. Then, the True Yuan scattered around her right hand, forming six small runes that slowly rotated around her right hand.

"I must break this barrier!"

The six tiny runes began to emit tiny purple lightning bolts.

Those lightning bolts were extremely small, but the power they contained was frightening.

"Forbidden Art, Annihilation Thunder!"

The purple lightning connected the tiny runes together and spun faster and faster.

The color on Luo Yan's face quickly disappeared and became deathly pale.

To be able to be called a forbidden technique, it was an extremely powerful cultivation technique. At the same time, one had to pay an extremely heavy price to learn it.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Luo Yan would never use it.

However, right now, she couldn't just watch as her brother died in front of her eyes.

No matter how powerful the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation was, she still had to break through it.

Right at this time, an aged voice suddenly sounded.

"Stop, stop! Stop! Luo Yan, don't use the forbidden technique! " A completely white haired elder appeared at Luo Yan's side. That elder floated in midair, about a zhang from Luo Yan. Right now, his face was full of helplessness.

Luo Yan's hand movements slowed down. She looked at the elder with her clear eyes, pointing at the sky reaching pillar of light and saying, "Then just undo the Six Sides Heavenly Star Formation and let me go down. Don't worry, I won't leave Purgatory Mountain, I am only going there to settle a matter!"

When he heard Luo Yan's request, the elder said with a bitter smile, "This Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation was arranged by Divine Formation Child, how can I undo it? Moreover, this great formation isn't only trapping you, there are five other people on Purgatory Mountain's peak. If this formation is truly undone, I believe Luo Yan you won't escape Purgatory Mountain. However, it is hard to say what will happen to the other five. "

The elder's words were extremely reasonable.

There were a total of six people trapped on Purgatory Mountain's peak. Apart from Luo Yan, the other six were also extremely powerful.

Moreover, the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation was extremely exhausting to set up. Apart from Blue Cloud Sect's number one illusion formation master 'Divine Formation Child', no one else could undo it.

Luo Yan pursed her lips. Her eyes stared blankly at her brother's figure covered by lotus flowers. "It's fine if I don't destroy this formation, but you have to go down and save my brother!"

The elder laughed and said, "This … there is no need for me to take action. It seems like there is already someone who wishes to save Luo Zheng."

"Who?" Luo Yan asked.

The elder pointed into the distance. A flying chariot sped over from not too far away.

"Her? Her highness Lingyun? " Luo Yan's expression flickered with a hint of confusion. Luo Yan couldn't understand why her highness Lingyun would come to save Luo Zheng. There was no way she had any relationship with her brother.

"Luo Zheng is Teacher Su's disciple." When he saw Luo Yan's confused expression, the elder explained, "With her highness Lingyun appearing, nothing will happen to Luo Zheng."

"I hope that is the case." Only now did Luo Yan's mood calm down a bit. She calmly observed the changes taking place at the mountainside. If there were any strange movements, she would definitely break through the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation!

If it was an ordinary Marrow Refinement Realm disciple, after suffering several hundred cauldrons of pressure, they might have already been crushed into a lump of meat paste.

Even if it was an Xiantian expert, they similarly wouldn't be able to endure this type of terrifying pressure.

Luo Zheng bore this pressure, but his body was also on the verge of collapse.

That kind of heaviness was like carrying a mountain on his back. Even breathing was a very difficult thing to do.

"The Divine Reflection Realm is actually so powerful. There is simply no chance to fight back!" Unable to move, Luo Zheng didn't give up thinking. After entering the State of Selflessness, even if he was on the verge of death, Luo Zheng was still able to remain calm.

Even if his body was constantly cracking and spurting blood, and would completely collapse at any time.

Because after entering the State of Selflessness, Luo Zheng had completely separated his body from his soul. It was as if the body was someone else's body, and not his own.

What other trump cards did he have?

Broken flying daggers …

Dragon scales …

Soul-Frightening Spike …

These methods were no longer of any use.

If he had to rely on something, the only thing he hadn't put to use was the Divine Devil Fist, a Saint Class secret book.

Even in the entire Blue Cloud Sect, he was the only one who had obtained the Divine Devil Fist. Although its power couldn't be underestimated, the difficulty of practicing this Saint Class secret book was really too high. During this period of time, whenever he had free time, he would try to comprehend the Divine Devil Fist, hoping to condense a trace of Heavenly Devil Qi in his body.

But after many attempts, he still didn't get any results.

This made Luo Zheng wonder whether he was unable to practice this Saint Class technique.

Obtaining a divine technique, but not being able to practice it, was indeed something that made Luo Zheng vexed.

But the repeated fruitless practice also dampened Luo Zheng's enthusiasm. Therefore, these days he temporarily put the Divine Devil Fist aside.

Now Luo Zheng was walking on the verge of death.

Perhaps in just a few breaths, his body would be crushed into pieces, and he would die for good.

"I don't want to give up like this! The path of martial arts is endless, but I've only seen the light of the Thousand Zhang Peak. I want to see more! "

"I want to try again and see if I can cultivate Heavenly Devil Qi!"

At this moment, his whole body had been pressed down, and this movement happened to be one of the movements of practicing the Divine Devil Fist.

Following this movement, Luo Zheng began to operate his power.

"The remaining power in the front, the surging power in the back, the remaining power floats up, up and down, without beginning or trace, the cycle goes back and forth …"

Luo Zheng was very familiar with this method of operating his power. He had used it many times.

But he didn't succeed once.

This time, he still didn't succeed.

Disappointed, Luo Zheng still didn't give up. Instead, he practiced again according to the method.

The second time, there was still no response.


At this moment, two more cracks appeared on Luo Zheng's body.

There were seven or eight cracks all over his body, and blood was gurgling out.

Luo Zheng had no time to care about other things, so he operated it again.

Under this operation, Luo Zheng felt a strange feeling coming from his Dantian!

"Success?" Luo Zheng was shocked.

He felt that in his Dantian, a True Qi that was completely different from the Purple Sandalwood True Qi appeared.

This was the Heavenly Devil Qi!

At the same time, Luo Zheng found something even more strange.

When the Heavenly Devil Qi was produced, it began to devour the Purple Sandalwood True Qi in his body.

What a tyrannical Heavenly Devil Qi, it could actually devour other True Qi.

A person's body could only contain one type of True Qi. Under normal circumstances, if a person practiced other methods and produced a second type of True Qi, the former type of True Qi would be released.

But the Heavenly Devil Qi actually devoured the Purple Sandalwood True Qi directly.

The Purple Sandalwood True Qi in Luo Zheng's Dantian was rapidly decreasing, while the Heavenly Devil Qi was rapidly increasing. Under this situation, the Heavenly Devil Qi quickly filled Luo Zheng's entire Dantian.

"The Heavenly Devil Fist is a holy method. Presumably, the Heavenly Devil Qi's power is much greater than the Purple Sandalwood True Qi! Let me see how powerful this Heavenly Devil Qi is! "Being able to comprehend this Heavenly Devil Qi, Luo Zheng still couldn't feel happy.

He also knew that his strength was too weak.

In front of Wang Yanmiao, who was in the Illuminating God Stage, he was completely worthless.

But in Luo Zheng's dictionary, the word "give up" absolutely didn't exist. As long as there was a trace of a chance, he must fight to the end!

"Hiss …"

Just as Luo Zheng operated the Heavenly Devil Qi, a strange scene appeared.