
[Chapter 79]

There were countless types of true energy in this world. Every type of true energy had different abilities.

Some types of true energy could greatly strengthen the body, making one's strength boundless, able to tear apart tigers and leopards, push mountains and crush rocks.

There were also some types of true energy that could make one's speed reach the extreme, able to cross a thousand li in an instant.

Everyone's cultivation methods were different. The color, shape, and effects of their true energy were also completely different.

However, the Sky Devil true energy Luo Zheng condensed right now not only devoured Luo Zheng's Red Sandalwood true energy, when that Sky Devil true energy spread over the surface of Luo Zheng's body, it actually began to devour Wang Yanmiao's true essence.

After becoming an innate life form, true energy would turn into true essence. Then, one would be able to carry out true essence transformation.

Wang Yanmiao was at the Divine Reflection Realm. Because she cultivated a heaven ranked cultivation method, the 'Lotus Treasure Mirror', her true essence could turn into pink lotuses one after another.

These lotuses looked bright and beautiful, but they could erupt with fatal and terrifying power.

However, right now, the Sky Devil true energy that surged from Luo Zheng's body actually continuously devoured the lotuses formed from true essence one after another.

The devouring speed of the Heavenly Devil Zhen Qi was extremely fast. When the dark purple Zhen Qi gently touched the pink lotus, the pure and flawless lotus suddenly had a dent. More and more dents appeared, and soon, the entire lotus was devoured with many notches. In a short while, the lotus was completely devoured and disappeared.

The lotuses that were originally densely packed all over Luo Zheng's body were already completely devoured by the Sky Devil true energy in just a few breaths of time.

When all of the lotuses disappeared, Luo Zheng's horrifying injuries were also exposed.

When those Purgatory Mountain cultivators saw the injuries on Luo Zheng's body, they all couldn't help but suck in a cold breath of air.

They couldn't imagine just what kind of method could actually make one's skin break apart.

In reality, there were many reasons for this type of injury. The pressure from Wang Yanmiao's lotuses was too great. If it was anyone else, they would have been directly crushed into a meat patty by those incomparably heavy lotuses. However, Luo Zheng's body was as sturdy as a spiritual artifact. Even though he had such a terrifying weight added to his body, in the end, he still couldn't endure it, and that was why his body broke apart like this.

At this time, Luo Zheng had no time to care about other things. He didn't care about his injury. He clenched his right hand into a fist and spread out the five fingers of his left hand, gently pressing it against his right arm.

"The first style of the Heavenly Demon God Fist, Demon Moves the World!"

Before this, Luo Zheng did not have the Heavenly Demon Genuine Qi in his body, so no matter how hard he practiced, he could not exert the power of the Heavenly Demon God Fist.

However, Luo Zheng spent every day in his spare time trying to comprehend it. He read through the secret manual, Fists of Gods and Devils, and memorized it by heart.

When he used the move "Demonic Moves the World", all the Heavenly Demon True Qi in his body flowed through his meridians, and he understood all the subtleties of the move. It was almost at his fingertips. This was what it meant to be well-prepared!

Streams of Heavenly Devil Zhen Qi crazily gathered in Luo Zheng's hand. Then, Luo Zheng took a step forward. With this step, the mountain shook and the ground shook. The black gravel in the area with him as the center was instantly shaken into fine powder.

Then, Luo Zheng lightly punched out.

A punch through the air.

A dark purple shadow of a fist appeared out of thin air in front of Luo Zheng. When the shadow of the fist appeared, it quickly grew bigger. The shadow of the fist was as tall as a person, and it rushed towards Wang Yanmiao.

Seeing such a huge shadow of the fist, Wang Yanmiao's face became unprecedentedly serious.

Even though Luo Zheng had used the means of soul attack to disturb Wang Yanmiao's mind, and then shot the broken flying dagger at his head, almost taking Wang Yanmiao's life, Wang Yanmiao was still not serious.

Although Luo Zheng's means of attack were sharp, in Wang Yanmiao's view, this kind of sneak attack was not good enough. In front of an absolute gap in strength, Luo Zheng's means were not worth mentioning.

But now, when Wang Yanmiao saw this dark purple shadow of the fist, he finally understood that this young man could reach this step without relying on external help!

To be able to swallow his own lotus, transform it into Genuine Qi for his own use, and even counterattack at the last moment, just this steady and uncompromising mind was far beyond the vast majority of people in this world!

What made Wang Yanmiao even more shocked was the power of this fist.

Luo Zheng was only in the Refining Marrow stage, and could only condense Genuine Qi. But with Genuine Qi, he could exert such power in this fist. What kind of fist technique did he use? If he became a Xiantian lifeform and could control Genuine Qi, wouldn't the power of this fist be unstoppable?

There was not much time for Wang Yanmiao to imagine.

The performance of this weak little ant in front of him had repeatedly exceeded Wang Yanmiao's expectations. This made Wang Yanmiao feel a trace of danger. Even he himself felt this sense of danger was absurd, but it was the reason for him to be serious.

The blazing white pillar of light exploded with an even brighter light in an instant.

Wang Yanmiao neither dodged nor evaded. He also punched out.

Wang Yanmiao did not hold back in this punch.

What kind of power was this when a Divine Reflection expert used all his strength?

His fist just happened to hit Luo Zheng's huge shadow of the fist in the air.

"Bang! Honglonglong! "

At the point where the two fists collided, a terrifying whirlwind was formed. Then, the whirlwind spread at an extremely fast speed, sweeping up all the black gravel and smashing it heavily against the mountain walls on both sides of the mountain.

All of Purgatory Mountain shook a bit at this time. Many giant rocks tumbled down from the mountain walls, smashing into the mountain stream, releasing loud noises.

When the bitter cultivators of Purgatory Mountain saw this scene, their expressions all changed.

Some buildings that were built against the walls were even smashed to pieces by the giant rocks. Fortunately, those bitter cultivators' strength was not bad. Even though their residences were destroyed, they weren't injured.

Only, these bitter cultivators couldn't understand at all. This was clearly a Refining Marrow brat, so how could he exchange a blow with a Divine Reflection expert?

This battle had completely exceeded their imaginations.

On the mountain peak, Luo Yan's eyes were similarly full of shock. "The power of big brother's fist just now was actually so shocking, actually forcing Wang Yanmiao to take action!"

The elder nodded. "However, Luo Zheng's strength is still too weak. That fist should have already exhausted all of the true energy in his body, so he shouldn't be able to take action a second time. However … Wang Yanmiao doesn't have a chance either. Su Lingyun has already arrived!"

Not far out, Su Lingyun's flying carriage already quickly reached the waist of the mountain, quickly approaching Luo Zheng.

"This fist's power isn't bad." Wang Yanmiao laughed. "Being able to release this fist means that you have the qualifications to be my opponent. Even though … I know that this fist has already exhausted almost all of your true energy, that you already cannot release a second fist, for you to be my opponent, moreover die under my fist, this is already enough to make you feel extremely honored!"

A person's body was just like a cup.

The higher one's cultivation level, the larger this cup would be, the more true energy it could hold.

Only after entering the Xiantian realm would the body, this vessel, be qualified to hold true energy.

As for the Divine Reflection realm, Wang Yanmiao's body was almost equivalent to a lake, the amount of true energy it could hold was almost immeasurable.

After releasing this fist, Luo Zheng had already drained all of the Heavenly Demon's true energy from his body. At this moment, Luo Zheng was only an empty cup. His true energy was exhausted, his face was pale, and he was already an arrow at the end of its flight.

"Die!" Wang Yanmiao smiled and swung his fist again, the image of a pink lotus blossoming on his fist.

Luo Zheng faced this fist head-on without sorrow or fear.

Since childhood, he had read countless books and understood that no matter what it was, as long as one reached one's own limits, then one would not let oneself down.

For the current him, Wang Yanmiao was still a powerful opponent that he could not defeat.

In the face of this fist, Luo Zheng closed his eyes.

"Stop, Wang Yanmiao!"

The galloping Su Lingyun had no time to save him, so she could only shout.

Wang Yanmiao glanced at the rapidly approaching Su Lingyun on the Flying Chariot and heard her voice, but his fist did not pause in the slightest, still smashing toward Luo Zheng.

"Wang Yanmiao, do you want your clan to be wiped out?!" Su Lingyun shouted again. This time, her voice was clearly colder, and her words were rather threatening.

Do you want your clan to be wiped out?

It was true that Wang Yanmiao was powerful, and he was already at the Divine Reflection realm at such a young age. One could imagine that his future prospects were limitless.

But the Wang Clan was not destined to be one of the seven major landowning clans.

If Su Lingyun truly wanted to wipe out the Wang Clan, it was not impossible, and she also had the Son of Heaven's Medallion.

This was by no means a threat.

Wang Yanmiao himself did not have much misgivings about Su Lingyun. To Wang Yanmiao, Su Lingyun was just an unfavored princess.

But Su Lingyun's threat hit Wang Yanmiao's weak spot.

The Wang Clan was a landowning clan, and it had many assets. If the clan was wiped out because of this, it would not be worth it.

Just as the fist was about to smash toward Luo Zheng, the fist abruptly stopped in front of Luo Zheng. The seriousness on Wang Yanmiao's face disappeared without a trace, and he regained his calm appearance. At the same time, he said to Su Lingyun casually, "Your Highness Ling Yun, I was just joking with Luo Zheng, exchanging pointers. Why would it cause the clan to be wiped out?"

Su Lingyun released a cold snort. "I actually thought that it would be best if you really delivered that fist. Let's see if your Wang Family can still stand in the capital!"

Wang Yanmiao laughed in embarrassment, but she didn't show any weakness. She said to Luo Zheng, "You are quite good, but I still have to say those words. Right now, you don't even have the qualifications to meet Luo Yan, let alone the qualifications to stop me!"

"Three years." Luo Zheng reached out three fingers.

"What three years?" Wang Yanmiao's brows furrowed slightly.

"Three years, I can defeat you, and I can even bring Luo Yan out of Purgatory Mountain!" Luo Zheng said.

Wang Yanmiao laughed again, moreover in a rather deranged manner, as if he heard the funniest joke in this world. "Hahaha, three years … good, you have guts, you have boldness. I will give you three years of time. If you cannot defeat me in three years, then you naturally cannot bring Luo Yan down from Purgatory Mountain. At that time, I will take your life!"

He pointed at Luo Zheng. After saying this, he floated away. Behind him, the pink lotuses on the ground quickly turned into specks of true essence, disappearing into this world.