Your Creditor

[Chapter 80]

The reason Wang Yanmiao was willing to leave so quickly was because Su Lingyun was here.

In terms of strength, Wang Yanmiao didn't fear Su Lingyun. What he feared was Su Lingyun's identity.

The others picked up Luo Peiran from the ground, and then followed behind Wang Yanmiao, quickly leaving.

"Why was there a need to make this type of agreement with him?" Su Lingyun jumped off the Flying Imperial Chariot, walking up to Luo Zheng and asking.

When it came to Luo Yan's matters, Luo Zheng was just as stubborn as before. When he heard Su Lingyun's words, Luo Zheng thought for a bit, and then replied, "I don't wish for this type of person to get close to Luo Yan."

"Wang Yanmiao is currently the target of the entire Blue Cloud Sect's nurturing, a direct disciple. Moreover, he is the landowning Wang Family's only child. Is he that bad?" Su Lingyun asked.

"Not good!" Luo Zheng came to this conclusion extremely quickly.

Su Lingyun laughed. "Perhaps he is only bad in your eyes. However, in the eyes of those unmarried girls in the capital, Wang Yanmiao is someone they hate to marry …"

"My younger sister is naturally not a match for this type of outstanding person. He can find anyone, but he shouldn't be looking for Luo Yan!" Luo Zheng said coldly.

When she saw Luo Zheng's appearance, Su Lingyun's heart also jumped lightly. Previously, she really did misunderstand Luo Zheng. She indeed didn't expect Luo Zheng to actually be Luo Yan's older brother. Meanwhile, the biggest reason why Luo Zheng was so eager to earn points was precisely to ascend Purgatory Mountain and rescue Luo Yan.

Luo Zheng's way of thinking was correct, but Su Lingyun still sighed inwardly. He was too naive, treating Luo Yan's matter too simply.

"Mentor Su, I'm going up the mountain to see Luo Yan," Luo Zheng said and walked towards the top of the mountain.

Su Lingyun, who was behind Luo Zheng, couldn't help but shake her head and say, "You can't see Luo Yan."

"Why?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows stood up like sharp swords. He didn't expect that Wang Yanmiao and Mentor Su would say the same thing.

Qualifications? What kind of qualification was that? Since I entered Purgatory Mountain, why are you still not allowing me to see Luo Yan?

"The one imprisoned at the peak of Purgatory Mountain is definitely not an ordinary person. You are nothing more than an outer sect disciple, so how can you easily meet her? There is a large formation at the top of the mountain called the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation. Without permission, you won't be able to enter this formation with your strength, "said Su Lingyun slowly.

When he heard Su Lingyun's words, Luo Zheng's expression immediately became extremely ugly.

For the sake of entering Purgatory Mountain, he actively took on missions, stirring up so much trouble, yet he couldn't even meet Luo Yan. This result was something Luo Zheng definitely couldn't accept.

As such, Luo Zheng still stubbornly walked up the mountain. However, he forgot that right now, his entire body was covered in injuries. Even though the ghastly wounds on his body already stopped bleeding, when he moved, he touched those injuries. His face immediately became deathly pale, the pain almost making him faint.

With a putong sound, Luo Zheng fell onto the ground.

"Why bother?" Su Lingyun said in a daze. This fella didn't listen to her words at all.

Luo Zheng who was lying on the ground gasped for a few breaths of air. He still tried to climb up Purgatory Mountain's peak. After his movements, the wounds that were originally already closed now had blood flowing out again.

When Su Lingyun saw this scene, she shook her head. In the end, she released a sigh. She reached out her hand, sending three streaks of true essence towards Luo Zheng. With this sweep, she moved Luo Zheng's body onto the Flying Chariot. Then, she also jumped onto the Flying Chariot, continuously ascending towards Purgatory Mountain's peak.

When they were about a hundred zhang from the peak, a streak of bright blue radiance suddenly shone, surrounding the entire mountain peak within.

"This is the Six Directions Heavenly Star Formation. We can't cross it anymore." Su Lingyun said.

Luo Zheng sat on the Flying Chariot, widening his eyes, trying to search for his younger sister's figure on the mountain peak.

Even though Luo Zheng's eyes and ears were renewed after entering the Marrow Refinement Realm, able to see further, this distance was still a bit too far. How could it be that easy to find Luo Yan's figure?

However, right when Luo Zheng was completely focused on finding Luo Yan, a streak of resplendent radiance suddenly shone to his right.

Luo Zheng looked over.

He saw that on the distant stone platform, a young lady was slender and elegant, standing at the edge of the stone platform. Her entire body was currently burning with true essence. Extremely dazzling radiance rushed into the sky from her body, forming a purple pillar of light. That pillar of light was even a bit brighter than the one on Wang Yanmiao's body.

Luo Zheng carefully looked over. Because the distance was too far, the young lady's appearance was blurry, but Luo Zheng could still recognize her clearly!

That was precisely Luo Yan.

The brother and sister looked at each other. Even though the distance was too far, the two of them were extremely calm right now.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng stood up from the Flying Chariot, making a hand gesture towards Luo Yan.

When they saw this hand gesture, Su Lingyun and the elder at Luo Yan's side all had a bit of confusion on their faces. They didn't understand the meaning behind this hand gesture.

However, Luo Yan instead revealed a smile.

He knew the meaning behind his brother's hand gesture, and he also understood what his brother wanted to say to him.

"I will protect you!"

This hand gesture was something Luo Yan had seen many times when he was young.

Even though Luo Yan's current strength was far more valiant than Luo Zheng's.

That past weak and helpless young lady already didn't need Luo Zheng's protection.

However, right now, it made her heart feel extremely full. Only at this time would she feel that she was safe …

"Let's go …" Luo Zheng said indifferently.

"Don't you need to stay a bit longer?" Su Lingyun asked quietly.

Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "There's no need."

Then, Su Lingyun turned the Flying Chariot around, flying down Purgatory Mountain.

Only when they left Purgatory Mountain, after ensuring that Luo Yan's vision couldn't see that far, did Luo Zheng collapse on the Flying Chariot in disappointment.

Just now, Luo Zheng barely managed to stand up, almost exhausting all of his strength.

When she saw this scene, Su Lingyun curled her lips. This fella really liked to show off. "Your injuries are quite serious."

"I won't die." Luo Zheng stared at the stars in the sky in a daze. There were no clouds tonight, the starry sky exceptionally bright. The scattered stars in the horizon formed a fine silver river.

Pa ta!

A blood red pill fell next to Luo Zheng, rolling down the Flying Chariot's deck, landing by Luo Zheng's ear.

Luo Zheng reached out his hand, picking up that red pill. When he saw that pill, he immediately took a deep breath. "It's entirely scarlet red, five cloud pill patterns. If I didn't see incorrectly, this is a fifth grade pill, Scarlet Cloud Pill."

"I thought that you were blind. I never expected you to be able to recognize it." Su Lingyun controlled the Flying Chariot and said quietly.

"Fifth grade Scarlet Cloud Pill, after taking it, it can immediately improve blood circulation and regenerate flesh. As long as one doesn't die, even the most serious injuries will recover within an hour. It is known as a sacred grade injury medicine. In the eyes of martial artists, a single Scarlet Cloud Pill is equivalent to a life. This type of pill is priceless. If it is converted into points according to market price, it would cost around a thousand points. I can't afford this type of pill," Luo Zheng said.

"Just treat it as if you owe me." Su Lingyun suddenly said with a smile.

Luo Zheng still shook his head. "I'm very poor, and I need to save up a lot of points … I'm afraid I can't pay you back."

Just as Luo Zheng was speaking, Su Lingyun suddenly turned around and quickly grabbed the Scarlet Cloud Pill in her hand. Then, she reached out and tapped Luo Zheng's jaw. Luo Zheng felt pain and opened his mouth. Taking advantage of this moment, Su Lingyun stuffed the Scarlet Cloud Pill into Luo Zheng's mouth.

"Don't worry. This young lady will earn back the investment I invested in you sooner or later. In the future, what you owe me will definitely be more than this. So, as your creditor, you'd better listen to me!" Su Lingyun said with a smile and a serious tone. Then, she turned her head and continued to control the Flying Chariot.

After swallowing this Scarlet Cloud Pill, Luo Zheng immediately felt as if there was a raging flame burning in his stomach. Then, the cracks on the surface of his body released waves of comfortable and numb feeling.

A fifth grade pill was miraculous and extraordinary after all. Luo Zheng's injuries were this serious, yet they were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The intense medicinal effects quickly spread throughout Luo Zheng's entire body. Gradually, Luo Zheng felt as if he was in a bit of a daze. Drowsiness slowly overwhelmed him, and then he finally fell asleep.

This night might be the best sleep Luo Zheng had in these past few years.

In Luo Family's underground cellar, Luo Zheng had long developed the habit of reading. Every day, before the sky even brightened, he would naturally wake up.

However today, when he woke up, he saw that the sun was already high up in the sky.

"I actually slept for this long!"

Luo Zheng stretched his body in an extremely surprised manner. He sized up his body. The injuries he received in Purgatory Mountain yesterday were already completely healed. The Scarlet Cloud Pill's effects were extraordinary after all.

He jumped out of bed, and then sat down with his legs crossed. He began to circulate his strength according to the [Sky Devil God Fist]'s mental cultivation method.

This Sky Devil True Energy was something he cultivated for a long time, but he still couldn't succeed. Yesterday, under Wang Yanmiao's pressure, he actually forcibly succeeded.