Chapter 2

In a restaurant in Cairo.

Omar finished his work at the company and took his mate Dalia to one of the restaurants in the downtown of Cairo city, he invited her to lunch after a hard day's work, so she accepted his invitation, they entered that place that Omar knows well, where he used to spend his salary lavishly on these invitations for food and drink to some of his very special acquaintances, of course, they sat down together at one of the tables and then said with a smile that seemed clear from behind the lenses of his precious glasses:

- What do you think of the place?

- It's... seems fine.

Omar thought Dalia was not happy with the place and asked:

- Hey, what happened?

- It seems that you are used to come here.

- Ah, yes. I mean, I go out with my friends here a lot.

- Your friends are girls of course, Isn't it?!

- No... Not always, most of them are boys and men, Are you jealous or something?

- I just want to know... how you see the future of our relationship.

- Our relationship!! yes, it's... I mean... Friends, co-workers; that's what it is.

- In your opinion, Is there a friendship between a boy and a girl?

- Come on, It is just an invitation to lunch and enjoying some time.

- You're dodging my question.

- No I'm not, but as you know, everyone is looking at the subject from their own angle, I think it's normal. I mean, you're my colleague and I have invited you to having lunch, What's the problem?!

- The problem is that friendship between a man and a woman is a basis for an engagement or marriage, or just two persons having a nice time, talking and going out, and their relationship grows and grows and reaches a dead end because they never think about what is the end or the fate of their relationship or what the goals of it are, they gradually fade and start searching a real relationship gives them love, happiness and satisfaction.

- Why can't it be just a friendship?!

- The truth is, I believe that there can not be a friendship between a boy and a girl; a man and woman, the girl is either your sister, or your fiancee or your wife, and of course your colleague if they meet at work, but the fellowship ends as soon as they get out of work.

- Really? but why ...?!

Dahlia interrupted him vehemently:

- I agreed to go out with you for the day, so that I can know how you really see me or what you exactly want from me.

Omar felt embarrassed and couldn't find words but could say:

- The truth is... I'm not thinking of any thing other than we're just having lunch.

- No problem, we're having lunch together this time, but I think we can't go out again.

- As you like, What Would you like to have?

Dalia's words were like a slap on Omar's face, he did not expect that she would say this to him after she agreed to go out with him for lunch at the restaurant; he even wished that she had refused his invitation when he asked her, but what happened has happened; there is no need to blame, self-reproach and overthink.


In the House of Mr. Mahmoud Hefzy in Cairo.

Omar was angry about what happened between him and his colleague Dalia in the restaurant; he had never been exposed to this shock and embarrassment before, as if all the girls were waiting for him to invite them to go out and have fun and spend their times; He also believes that this is normal among young men and girls these days; but it became clear to him that there are those who disagree with his expectations and personal considerations, but he didn't pay much attention to it; there are many other than Dalia who fulfill his wishes and meet his needs; he returned home and didn't expect that he was waiting for a trial of another kind, as his parents were waiting for him as he was late until midnight, as soon as he entered the apartment, his mother said with disapproval and anger:

- Welcome back, Mr. Omar, thank God that you finally ended your work at midnight.

- I am sorry, mom. I just went out with my friends and didn't feel...

- Okay, but you should have called us and checked on us, Omar.

- I am really sorry, dad, I sincerely apologize, time passed quickly that I didn't feel it.

- OK, forget it. Sit down because there is an important topic that we need to discuss.

- Okay, Mom.

- Your mother has found a good girl for you, I think it's time for you to get engaged.

- Who is it?

- It's Nouran, Anunt Salwa's daughter. I think you know them.

Omar thought for a while then asked:

- That girl studying engineering?!

Huda smiled and said:

- Bravo, Omar; It's her, What do you think of her?

- No, mom. I don't prefer marriage to engineers.

Mahmoud, his father wondered that and asked:

- Why, son? Do they bite or something?!

- I don't know about that, dad but engineers focus on every thing and like over thinking while I prefer other things.

- The girl is a good one, She is pretty, polite and we know her well.

His mom said that trying to convince him to change his mind.

- Frankly, mom, I'm not in favor of marriage right now, this is not the suitable time at all.

- Really?! Would You Rather Be happy living alone until you die?!

- Oh, dad None seeks marriage nowadays, even the one who gets engaged will break after a while, it's just headache and brainache.

Huda could not hide her anger at the words of her son Omar, who does not represent himself, but represents a whole generation of young people who are almost lost, living an empty life according to misconceptions that are alien to our religion and customs, so she protested with anger that reddened her face, saying:

- Oh, God... The marriage is not the fashion of these days, the companionship, forbidden relashionships and these acts that our Lord is angry with are the ones that are the fashion right?!

- Take it easy, calm down, Huda.

- It seems that you are following up these matters, mom.

- Of course, I do follow-up because I feel sorry for you, son from a weak fallen society, promoting all ideas, even if they are forbidden and defective, and demolishing homes and minds, and their slogan is "culture of difference", which is the promotion of satanic ideas.

- Are you doing those bad things that include companionship, son?

- No, Dad, I've never done this, I probably know girls or go out with them as friends or co-workers no more.

- This is not good, Omar, Would you be happy with your sister doing like this? I don't think so. We raised you as a man who can differentiate between the right and the wrong.

- Your mother is right, Omar, the only legitimate relationship between man and woman should be under one name, namely the marriage, so that our Lord gifts you with healthy children, coming out of a healthy home and a healthy environment, for a healthy society at the end.

- Even if society is not healthy or corrupted, your children resist its collapse and corruption with their common sense, which they are raised in your home through you and their mother.

Omar felt wandering and lost as no words can express his feelings so he said:

- I am... I don't know what to tell you.

- Think with your mind and conscience again in our words, and our Lord will guide you for good, my son.

- Well, dad. OKay, mom. I promise to think about it again.

- We wish our Lord guides you, your sisters and all the young men and girls for all the best, my son.

- Amin.