In a cafe at El Moiz Street in Cairo.
Mahmoud could not discuss and frank with his wife Huda with the thoughts messing with his head; he sees that there is something happening in his life for the first time, he feels that he suffered a lot for them and accepted sacrifice for them and sees that he needs time off to re-evaluate his life, he needs a new love, another soul, a new life; he believes that the best person to accompany him at this stage of his life is his new colleague Aaliyah; but he didn't know whether to talk to his wife first about this or make sure of his feelings first, and his colleague's feelings and acceptance of this life, which will share only half of it, because he won't give up about his wife Huda and his three children.
Mahmoud decided to involve his best friend in his emotional crisis before entering this war, which will undoubtedly be a fierce war. Ibrahim Khairy is Mahmoud's close friend and works as a veterinarian, Mahmoud invited him to meet in one of the famous cafes at the famous Moaz Street in ancient Egypt, the two friends hugged warmly before Ibrahim said longingly:
- Oh, Mahmoud it's along time since we last met, my old friend.
- Yes, Ibrahim that's right, these cell phones made relations and contacting others so easy that we have been so lazy that we seldom go out with our old friends.
- To be honest this can't be the same, Mahmoud. To go out with friends or sit together with them on a cafe like this worths much, To feel happy and laughs with them on their jokes, feel their smiles or shake their hands is something different, something makes your day.
- You are right, my friend, I really miss you. How are you and your family?
- Thank God, as you know, our elder girl was married two years ago and the other is going to catch up.
- Thank God, Ibrahim, may our Lord makes them happy and keep you always happy with them.
- But what is wrong with you, Mahmoud? you are not looking fine.
- Nothing I am just tired of work, the responsibilities of the house and the child are big. life is filled with crisis.
- OK, it's always like this, it never changes but you were always strong and never looked as I see you now.
- I'm tired, Ibrahim; I feel my days have been stolen from me, it's like I'm stuffed.
Ibrahim felt how his friend suffers, his face was fading like fading plants missing sun and caring.
- What's really bothering you, Mahmoud? Your have struggled and fought for what you won, you are a bigger employee in your bank of a lot of respect and power and have a nice family, every thing you have is well deserved.
- I don't know, Ibrahim, I feel that I have no passion for life, I feel that I need to be born and live a new life.
Ibrahim looked deeply in his friend's eyes then said:
- I know this feeling, It's a new woman, Mahmoud, isn't it?
Mahmoud felt nervous, avoided looking into his friend's eyes and responded with concern:
- I am... I am... I don't know what to decide, Ibrahim.
- Decide what?
- I'm in love with that woman I lately knew at the bank, I feel like I need her by my side.
- What do you want to do with her?
- I don't know, I decided nothing till now.
- And what about your family, Mahmoud?
- What about them? they are my family and will remain like that.
- I just think if this new woman is going to compensate for your wife and children because...
- Because what?
- Neither your wife nor your children will be happy with your decision to leave them and go to another young woman, Mahmoud.
- I will not leave them.
- I know that you won't, but they will, you will feel it even if they are living with you, they will feel you left all of them for another woman and another life.
- But I'm not going to leave them or even make them feel it.
- How do you know that? How can you convince them with that?
- Is it reasonable to behave selfishly?!
I have done a lot to them, they all owe me what they are now; I have sacrificed my whole life for them; How can they forget it?
Don't I deserve to live the life I want?!
- They remain shocked, Mahmoud, and they think that their father is the selfish one, and they automatically pray for their mother, who sacrificed her entire life with all love, sincerity and dedication and without any demands or selfishness.
- You are making me frightened, Ibrahim. I don't want to lose any of them.
Mahmoud was very sad just thinking of losing any one of his family, but Ibrahim was realistic and said firmly:
- We are in a time that no gains without pain; And your children feel that you had wronged their mother and thought only of yourself and your new life.
- Should I hide this matter of marriage from them?
- This is a much bigger problem, my friend, being honest and discussing before what is permissible next is still better than hiding the topic that will be revealed for a moment or two, especially if our Lord gifts you another child of your new wife.
- You're making the story more and more complicated.
- No, my friend, it's already complicated. Are you sure about your feelings towards the second woman or it's just a fake feeling and the midlife crisis that is spreading these days?
- I don't know, believe me I feel dispersed.
- My advice to you is to try to forget and occupy yourself with any thing like your work, get close to your wife and children, play sports, the important thing is to occupy your time.
- Do you think it's working?
- May be. I hope you find peace, love and comfortability.
- Yes, Ibrahim, It's what I need; thanks for the advice.
Ibrahim's words were strong and realistic, but it was very heavy on Mahmoud, who felt very tight, almost suffocating him and squeezing his heart and breath, so his eyes were closing and opening as if fading and the scenes and atmosphere were absent from his unhappy reality. He tried to start a new page with his wife, he invited her to go together on a trip to Hurghada, but she was surprised by his proposal, which was a bit strange on the basis of Hadi and Toka's need to have her by their side always, especially Toka who needed continuous follow-up because of her exams at the high school level.
In one of the big banks in Cairo.
Mahmoud went to the bank where he works at eight in the morning, and he seemed very exhausted because he did not sleep long enough yesterday, he kept thinking carefully about his crisis – the crisis of his middle age – he believes that he has the right to live his life the way he likes, although his conversation with his friend Ibrahim raised in his mind some things that he did not see; however, he decided to proceed with making his decision, but there was one more thing left for him, which is a high opinion poll, for which he will endure everything that is coming to him, so he invited Aaliyah to his office and decided to start the adventure.
Aaliyah came to him with the same attractiveness and charming smile and knocked on the door of his office with a knock that sounded as if she was knocking on the door of his wandering heart, he allowed her to enter not only his office but to his heart, mind and all his being, she messed with her fingers with her silky hair and then said gently:
- Good Morning, Mr Mahmoud.
- Hi, Aaliyah... Good Morning.
- You asked me to come to your office.
- Tell me, Aaliyah, you remember the topic of my friend that we talked about a couple of days ago.
- Yeah... Your friend who lost his passion for life!!
- That is right. I met him a couple of days ago and he said that there is someone that can help him love life again.
- Really?! How nice!!
- He has known her for a short time ago and he thinks she is the life that he has missed for many years ago.
- That's really cool, but what about her?
- He hasn't known yet because he hasn't spoken to her till now.
Aaliyah wondered the whole matter and asked:
- Okay, but how am I related to this?
Mahmoud took a long breath then said:
- You're the one he needs to share his new life with.
- Me?!
- And I am the one who has the problem, I am the one who lost his passion for life until you came to our bank just a month ago.
Aaliyah looked very astonished and could not find appropriate words to speak with, she said:
- I am... I am very surprised by your words, Mr Mahmoud.
- I can assure you that I love you with a sense that we can remain a source of happiness for each other if you agree that we are getting closer to each other, getting to know each other and sharing our life problems, events, even every single moment.
- Would you... marry me?!
- Yes, Aaliyah it's all what I hope.
- But I know that you are married a long time ago even you have children that are at the age of getting married. Aren't you?
-Yes, Aaliyah I do have a family and I love them all that I can't stand moving away from them, but I love you to.
- And how can l be a part of this?!
- You will keep the beautiful second half of my life that was stolen from me and my life. You will be that flower emitting beauty and hope to my life.
- The truth is... I couldn't imagine how you could think I may.....
- I'm just thinking of... you always think of my mood, my psychological phase and life. You were very nice to me all the month since you have come to the bank.
- Huh... But... I mean... Actually, I'm just confused and surprised by what you just said.
- OK, well, I think you need some time to think well. I'm also still in need of a little while to prepare for my wife and children.
- Right... Okay, that means we both need enough time to make up our minds.
- Exactly.... Take your decision comfortably and I'm waiting for you.
- Okay.
Aaliyah didn't expect this big surprise that reached the point of shock, she couldn't concentrate on her work, she didn't know what just happened, Did it really happen? How did it happen? Why does he love her like this? How did he become ready to face his wife and children in order to marry her? Is it an opportunity she hasn't been waiting for or imagined one day? Even just thinking about it takes her breath away; Perhaps she showed some interest in him, but she did not expect that he is going to dispute his family for her, after all this old age, this love, memories, good and bad moments they have shared, it looked weird to her. Was his life stable before she appeared in it? Is she the reason for everything that will happen between him and his family? How will society and even the bank employees themselves accept this relationship if it happens? She does not know what awaits her yet.