Chapter 6: Rother's plans-2


All the ministers and high-ranking nobles who supported Prince Rother looked at Prince John with hatred and anger. Even before the evidence was presented and the witnesses were brought forward, the atmosphere in the courtroom suggested that John was already proven guilty, solely based on his brother Rother's words.

But John was a smart young man. He understood the politics behind these allegations very well. He also understood why these ministers and nobles, who were once supportive of him, were now so hostile. With a small smile, he said, "I understand everything my elder brother has said, and all of his pure intentions have reached me. But still, I request that this courtroom does not come to a conclusion based solely on verbal statements. As you have heard, I am accused of planning the assassinations of the Emperor, the Empress, and the other princes and princesses. These allegations are so serious that just a word of it outside can destroy my reputation and question my love, truthfulness, and loyalty towards my parents. So, I demand that my elder brother Rother bring forth the evidence and witnesses he claimed to have, which will prove these allegations against me."

A devilish smile appeared on Rother's face, as if this was exactly what he was waiting for. Rother stood up, wiped his tears, and said, "My younger brother, Crown Prince John, when the evidence came to light, I wanted to believe it was false. I believed these acts could never be done by my younger brother, but no matter how many times I investigated, all the evidence and witnesses pointed towards you."

"Bring in the witnesses," Rother commanded.

A man holding some papers walked past John and continued to walk towards Rother. He was a long-time personal servant of Rother. Upon reaching Rother, he kneeled and presented the papers with both hands, saying, "My lord."

Rother took the papers and said, "You may leave, Jack."

Jack stood up, bowed, and left the courtroom. As soon as he exited, several soldiers, surrounding a group of men, walked into the courtroom. The men's faces were covered with opaque bags, and their hands were tied with ropes.

Every person in the courtroom had their eyes on the six men who had just entered. Their curiosity was palpable. Some ministers and nobles whispered,

"Who are they?"

"Maybe they are from the Chaos Army."

"Really? So was Prince Rother able to catch the culprits within weeks, whom Prince John couldn't catch in months?"

Even John himself was shocked at the appearance of these people. He didn't know who they were. However, John thought this was where he would catch his brother Rother. He believed he could declare that he didn't know these people, claim this was a trap by Rother to portray John as a villain, and that Rother was trying to ascend the throne by stepping on his neck.

John believed that since he hadn't committed any of the sins mentioned by his brother, nor had he any connections with the Chaos Army, all the allegations made by his brother would crumble within minutes. He also thought that since all the nobles were in the capital for the Emperor's funeral, the news of these proceedings must have already reached his supporting nobles, so his supporting nobles could be here any minute now. His goal was to ensure the council didn't reach a conclusion before they arrived.

"I know every member of the council must be wondering who these men are and how I am going to prove the allegations I've made against my brother John," said Rother. Raising his hands high, holding the papers, he continued, "The papers I have here are evidence that proves John is the leader of the Chaos Army. These documents also reveal the names of those colluding with John and helping him assassinate the Emperor and other royals. I need your help to testify whether what I am saying is true."

A soldier walked up to Prince Rother and took the papers. One by one, the soldier handed the papers to the ministers and nobles present. All of them looked shocked after reviewing the documents. Confusion was evident on John's face.

'What do those papers contain for them to be so shocked? Was my brother really able to forge perfect evidence that could deceive high-ranking ministers and nobles?'

At this point, John was shaken. He feared these documents might destroy him, that he was just a pawn in his brother's plan, and today he might lose everything. But even after all this, John wasn't ready to let his brother have his way. He requested to see the papers himself.

The soldier handed the documents to John after bowing.

John started going through the papers. They were letters, sent by John to various people, detailing plans to assassinate the Emperor and other royals. All of these papers bore John's personal seal. There was no mention of the recipients.

John was completely shocked upon seeing his seal on all the documents. His world shattered, and his eyes were filled with anger. He couldn't understand how his brother Rother managed to get hold of his seal.

Rother said, "I know many of you will say these papers can be forged or someone is trying to frame John by using his seal. That is why I have prepared these witnesses. All of them, including John, are responsible for the assassinations."

Looking towards the soldiers standing next to the witnesses, Rother ordered, "Soldiers, remove their masks. This might be shocking for all of you, and many of you will refuse to believe it, but it is the truth."

The soldiers removed the bags from the witnesses' faces. Everyone in the room was stunned, and the sitting ministers and nobles stood up. But for John, he fell to his knees after seeing the witnesses' faces, he couldn't believe what he was witnessed.

All six witnesses were none other than the most supportive nobles of Prince John—the same nobles John was eagerly waiting for, believing that when they arrive, they would support him in the council.

To John, it was unimaginable that his biggest supporters would one day stand against him and give testimony against him.
