"Sir John"

"Sir john"

John, he was lost in his thoughts, remembering the days when he was proven guilty for the crimes he didn't even commit. He was completely covered in sweat, but now he was back to present.

John looked towards Markus and said "Lord Markus, I apologize for my rude behaviour of being lost in my thoughts while you have given me your precious time."

Markus was confused, he said

"It's fine. Lord John."

"But I would like to know the reason behind your sudden visit"

"Yes, yes. That's what I came here for.

It's something that has been constantly on mind for past several days" said John.

John with a look of seriousness said "Lord Markus, one of the most crucial part of our plan is something that can't be achieved without The Respected Queen. But in all of our meetings I haven't seen The Queen."

"Tomorrow is a very important day, as it will decide the future of people of both, The Empire as well as The Elfen Kingdom, and I don't want to let go tomorrow's opportunity from my hand." Said John

"Lord John, I understand all your worries, and please, believe in me, we will definitely win tomorrow's war against your Tyrant brother Rother." Said Markus

"Lord Markus, I have complete believe in you, and the plans we have made, but to accomplish what we need, The Queen's strength is a must, without the blessings, our whole plans might go to waste." Said John with a face of seriousness.

John continued, " we still have time on our end, if The Queen is unable to join us in tomorrow's war due to any reason, we can still make some changes in our plan."

Markus with a smile said "I really appreciate how much you recognise my wife's strength, but I assure you, we won't need her help in tomorrow's battle. The plan that Advisor General, Elder Malyva has come up with is already more than enough to crush our enemies in battlefield tomorrow. But, just for Lord John's peace of mind, I also assure you, The Queen of the Elves will also be joining us in tomorrow's war."

John continued to look towards Markus with confusion, his face also expressed that he had many different questions in his mind about the Queen, but before John could say anything Markus stood up from his chair and said

"Lord John, I request your pardon, but I am very tired after my long speech and after my such a busy schedule, also, tomorrow is the day when we have to work hardest in our life, but before that I also need some rest to be in my best shape."

John hurriedly stood up from his chair and while shaking his hands with Markus he said "I sincerely apologize for disturbing your night. I shall take my leave."

Then John and Markus walked out of the tent, followed by Malyva. John then looked towards the twelve Elven escorts of the Elven King and with a smirk he said, "Lord Markus, you are the King of the Elves, I believe that there is something you lack in your charisma."

John then looked looked towards his four soldiers amd then made a loud whistle.

In the darkness of forest with no moonlight, some men were seen walking out from the trees, they were thirty in numbers, some of them on their horses and each one of them was heavily loaded with war gears. They were human soldiers, to be more precise they were guards of John.

After seeing them, John again with a smirk, he said "haha, it has to be atleast this much to make sure the safety of their master"

Markus didn't react at all, instead he started looking towards the high braches of the trees around them, John felt disrespectful, he was planning to belittle Markus, but upon seeing no reaction from him he was frustated, but before he could speak anymore, he heard voices from the braches of the trees.

when he raised his head high to see what made that voice, he was stunned, and shocked, his throat dried, around three hundred elven warriors were ready to shoot their bows at any instant on the thirty soldiers who have just walked in, he was sweating buckets, he looked towards Markus with hatred, but couldn't say anything.

John's head was low, seeing this Markus said "Good night, Lord John. Let's meet tomorrow as scheduled."

John, he was trying to show his nobility to Markus, but he failed in his show off.

He was shamed to the point that he wanted to bury himself right their.

"Let's leave" John said with anger while looking towards his soldiers.

A soldier brought a horse to John, he then hopped on to the horse and they all left. Markus raised his hand, it was a signal to all the Elves from their King to stay down.

Some distance away from where the Elves were, John was on his horse, he stooped his horse and came down, every soldier following him also cam3 down from their horses.

John's eyes were red with anger, he looked towards one of his soldiers and said "Luther, I remeber giving you the task of looking after my escort, tell me, who is the second responsible for this task."

Luther, he was the right hand man of John, he walked upto John and said in a shaky voice "Master, I am very sorry for not being able to fulfill the task goven by you."

Luther then looked towards John, but John's eyes were still blood thirsty, he felt immense fear and pressure, he said "Master, it was captain of 1st battalion who was responsible for this."

The captain of 1st battalion walked upto John and John looked him in the eyes he was in so much pressure and fear that he couldn't speak a single word.

John said"put up your aura barrier."

The captain was shaken to his soul, he brought everything inside him out and made a barrier of aura which was surrounding his whole body. But before he could raise his head to look towards John,


With a huge sound of a slap, blood was painted all over the grass and on the faces of the other soldiers standing their.

The blood came from the shattered head of the captain, his body was still standing but his head has shattered to pieces, it was John who slapped the captain with such strenght that the captain's head shattered to pieces and he died even before his whole body could touch the ground.

"Irresponsible Bastard" said John.

John's hand was dripping with the captain's blood, he caught Luther's collar with the same hand and said in anger "Do not bring me such disrespect ever again."

"Yes, My lord." Luther said in a shaky voice.

John rubbed his hand on Luther's collar to clean his hands, and said "clean this up, do not leave even a single drop of blood here, I don't want the Elves to be suspicious of us in any way before tomorrow."

John then walked up to his black horse and while climbing on it he said,

"Elven bastards, just you all wait, tomorrow is when I will trample over your so called nobility pride. How dare you all look down on me, how dare you."
