22 years later....

A tall young man in his 20's, with long silver colored hair which touched his head, was sitting on his knees with his hands joined for prayer, near a grave situated close to a tall tree, it was day time and the rays of sun were falling directly on the grave.

His golden eyes with black eyebrows were filled with tears, he had long pointy ears and no beard on his face.

A long sword was kept near him, it was a neat sword which represented Royalty and legacy.

He then raised his head towards the sky and said "I am really thankful and grateful for your love, care and teachings, Grandma. I promise you, that I will fulfill my duties at all costs."

He then looked towards the grave and said "Please, look after me, Grandma."

He picked up his sword and stood up, he then placed his sword on his back and looked towards a small fairy. The tiny little beautiful fairy was of the size of a palm with wings on her back, even she had tears in her eyes, the young man said "fairy krishi, lead the way towards them, it's time I start fulfilling my duty and clean up my home."

Krishi was the name of the tiny fairy, she looked towards the young man and bowed her head with respect, and starts flying in a direction between the huge trees of the dense forest. The young man again looked towards the grave and bowed in respect and said "I am leaving Grandma, to fulfill my promise to you."

He started following Krishi, they were not in a hurry, the young man walked slowly while looking at everything that came in his path. Slowly the time passed, it was already past noon, he stopped at different points in his journey and inspected the trees that looked harmed, some of the trees had their branches cut off while some were completely eradicated with only their markings being left behind, he came across many different water bodies that were contaminated with wastes of wood and clothes and metals.

And now it was already the evening, he was standing at the edge of a cliff of a mountain seeing the beauty of nature, the sunset, it was a beautiful scene with the sun setting between mountains and a large forest of huge trees with huge creatures flying over them.

Krishi then flied of the cliff and the young man also jumped down from the edge of the cliff, it was as if he was just jumping over two or three stairs in his house, for him the huge cliff was not even a obstacle in his path, soon they reached the bottom of the cliff, Krishi again started flying in a direction as a guide.

Now it was complete darkness all over the Forest, with the only source of light being the two moons which was visible on the different ends of the sky, they kept walking for some more time and slowly some voices were audible to the young man.

Voices of men who were celebrating and enjoying something. The young man put up his hood, then he and Krishi erased their presence completely with concealment magic and walked near the men for better visibility.

As they came near, they saw a pond filled with water and some human soldiers near it with bottles of wine in their hands, there were twenty three human soldiers there.

As soon as Krishi saw the pond she turned towards the young man and spoke something which can only be heard and understood by the young man, he then said "so, that's the sacred pond of our Elfen Kingdom about which Grandma told me, and these men are the part of the Empire that has taken over us and has been killing and enslaving our people for the past 22 years."

The young man looked back towards the pond, he saw six wooden boxes which had very minute holes on it, as if the boxes were made to transport some kind of wild creatures. The head of one of the boxes was open, the young man looked around to see, and what he saw was heart wrenching for him, he saw a little Elven girl child around the age of twelve, she was handcuffed and a slave collar was placed on her neck, her feet was bleeding, it looked like she was made to dance continuously for hours near a fire and she was surrounded by many human men soldiers, tears were continuously hitting ground from her face, she was exhausted and in immense pain but she couldn't stop dancing.

The young man looked around more, and he saw a small metallic cage in which two fairies were locked.

The fairies were a being beyond the undestanding of humans, some years before, humans were not even able to touch these fairies or hurt them, but now they were capable of catching them and holding them in cages.

The fairy kind was only able to converse with the young man, on he was able to understand what the fairies spoke.

After seeing all this the young man looked towards krishi and said "and that is the cage about which, you told grandma."

Krishi nodded her head.

The young man was hiding behind trees and bushes at a distance from the human soldiers, he raised his hands and broke a long branch from the tree, it created some sound, to which the captain of human soldiers got alerted, he gestured to all his men to stop talking, he looked in the direction from where the sound came. 'Is it just my imagination' 'or maybe it's some wild animal'. 'But that is not possible, after hunting the Elves for more than twenty years I have never came across a wild animal near this place'.

But before he could wrap his head around what was the reason behind that sound, he heard something tearing apart the winds.

Six arrows directed from different directions pierced through the heads of six of his soldiers. He was shocked by this sudden attack, his men were no ordinary soldiers rather all of them were highly trained and experienced soldiers. And he was shocked, that his men of such caliber died, even before realising or reacting to the arrows that pierced exactly the head of his men.

All of the soldiers got alerted with this attack, they took out their swords and shields and their captain shouted "face in all directions, we don't know who or how many of these enemies are here. Stay alert."

The little Elfen girl was still dancing despite all the chaos, she was about to pass from exhaustion.

The young man he had six more arrows made up of only twig, in his hands he also had a full fledged bow made up of tree branch. The bow looked as if it was finely crafted by some experienced craftsman.

He then loaded the six arrows on the bow and directed them towards the sky. The human soldiers were covered in sweat, they were anxious.

The captain of the soldiers again heard the same sound, the sound of something tearing apart the air, he looked into the sky, he saw six arrows directed towards them from the sky, he shouted "look out", but even before the soldiers could point their shields in the direction of the arrows, the arrows changed their path mid air.

"AURA MANIPULATION" said the captain, all the soldiers and even the captain they were all shocked with how the arrows changed their path mid air, but even before they could decide what counter action to take, the arrows pierced six more soldiers head.

The captain walked upto one of the dead soldiers, he took out the pierced arrow from the dead soldiers head, he was stunned to see, that it was only a wooden piece of stick. 'This is impossible, taking down my armed soldiers with only a piece of stick as a arrow, are we being hunted by a Grand master rank warrior. No, even for a Grand master they would atmost be able to control only two arrows with Aura Manipulation. This is something beyond the feet of a Grand master.'

Fear took over him, he was shaken to his bone,

'I don't remember offending a Grand master or above rank warrior, could it be the Elves? No,no that is not possible we have been hunting them for more than twenty years, and it has already been ten years when a warrior of Elves of this caliber was last seen or heard.'

Even after running his thoughts as much he can, he could not think of a name on who was after them. He looked here and there, he saw the Elven girl child who was still dancing,

'I don't have much of a chance against someone of such high level, I have to throw this bait to see who is it that is after us'

He ran towards the Elven girl and grabbed her by her neck, he looked around to see any movements but there was nothing, he then placed his sword on the girls neck and shouted

"I know very well why you are here, it is to save these Elves, Right? Then throw your weapons and come forward, we can negotiate, if you let us go then I will also spare their lives and set them free."

He looked around, for sometime, but things remained silent, all the soldiers were highly alert to counter the next attack, after some time, a bow was thrown from behind the bushes, that sound was alone enough to scare them more.

But, the captain had a pleasure grin,

'haha, exactly like I thought, it's a Elf, now I only have to make him come forward, once he comes forward, with him being weaponless and we having advantage of hostages and numbers, we can easily take him down.'

"Alright, that's the first part of our deal, now come forward and take hold of these Elves and we will go away silently." Said the captain.

But his moments of pleasure was short lived, the moonlight was gone, the clouds have taken over the sky and rain drops started falling, all of a sudden, someone appeared right infront of him, as if that someone has comeout from thin air, he was fast enough that the captain was not even able to see his speed, the face of that person was not visible in the darkness but his pointy ears were shouting loudly that he was an Elf. The captain was taken over by fear he couldn't even move his fingers, suddenly he saw that the hand of his, which was holding the sword at the girl's throat was in air, his hand was gone, even before he could realise, the pain hit him "AAAAAAAAAA" He fell on his knees in pain, he saw a sword that was dripping in his blood in the hands of that tall Elfen man.

'Shit shit shit, He appeared infront of me and I couldn't even see him approaching, then even before I could react, he cut off my hand, just who in the world is this monster that I am so helpless, even though he showed his power openly, I underestimated him.'

The Elfen man turned towards the other soldiers, they were all standing close to each other, feared, with their swords raised to confront their enemy.

The Elfen man swinged his sword horizontally, a burst of horizontal aura slash, originated from his sword. All the soldiers were split into half even before they could react. Seeing this the captain lost all his hope.

'Someone, who can create a aura slash of such power, haha, from the beginning we were doomed.'

The captain looked towards the Elven man and said "Just who the hell are you?"
