22 years earlier...

In the depth's of the forest, in the little hut, surrounded by huge trees,

"My Queen, you need to push harder."

"Aaaaaah, aaah"

"Just a bit more, My Queen."


"Yes ,yes I can see the head of the child, just a little more, My Queen, I know you can do it."


"Haaah, haah."

Voices of a baby crying inside the hut were heard, every time the baby cried it was accompanied with the cries of the thunder, the heavy rain fall became even more violent, the winds became more wilder, it was as if everything was announcing and celebrating the birth of their new King.

Inside the hut, the old lady was holding the child in her lap and then with a smile she looked towards the Queen who was laying on the bed, but not as before, now she has become a complete mess, her face had marks of tears that have flown from her eyes, even her hair was a complete mess.

The old lady said "My Queen, the next King is born."

She laid the baby next to the Queen and sat on her knees on the ground, closed her eyes and joined her hands and prayed, "O, great Goddess of DEVAN, we are thankful to you for your mercy and for giving us our next King, no amount of praise can express my gratitude towards my Goddess."

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw her Queen smiling and looking towards the baby, the old lady said "The Prince looks exactly how you looked when you were born."

With tears in her eyes the old lady continued "even though I knew you were growing, I never realized that one day I will see you as a mother, My Queen."

"Aunt, after my mother passed and while my father was busy looking after the kingdom, it was always you who has taken care of me, I might have grown to be a mother today, but I am still the same old princess who would often call you as my mother, I know you can't call me by my name anymore but I wish you would always call my son as your Grandson." Said the Queen

The old lady broke up into tears, tears of happiness, she picked the baby in her laps and said "My Queen, I swear, until my last breath I will treat your son as my Grandson."

The Queen smiled after hearing those words, she was happy, that her son will be cared by the same person whom she considered an equal of her mother.

The old laid then laid the baby boy next to the Queen and after clearing her tears she said "My Queen, should we inform the King about the birth of his son."

"NO, Aunt you are not allowed to do that, he sent me so far away from himself, so, I am angry from him, so, I need him to worry a bit more , and to regret his decision of sending me away. I want him to be troubled whole night today that is the punishment I have decided for him." Said The Queen

The old lady smiled on this childish act and said "My Queen, you know it well that the King made this decision for your safety and for the child's safety."

"Hmmm, whatever, I don't care, all I know is I am angry with him and this is the punishment that I have decided for him."


It was early morning, the sun hasn't risen up completely yet, in the royal tent of the Elfen King, Malyva was standing near Markus, he was sitting with his leg crossed and his eyes closed with his hands joined in prayer. Three fairies were flying around him and speaking in a language which Malyva couldn't understand.

After a while, the fairies left. The king opened his eyes filled with tears, and he looked towards Malyva, who was anxious and scared, Markus stood up and walked up to Malyva and hugged him and said "Congratulations Elder, now you are a grandfather, I have been blessed with a son." Malyva's eyes got filled with tears, he hugged Markus tightly and said "Congratulations my King, a heir to the throne is born."

Markus started moving within the tent with extreme excitement, he said "Elder I want to rush to my child right at this moment, hold him high in my hands and tell him that I am his Father, that he is the son of MARKUS ELDIA DEVAN, his mother said that he looks exactly like me and has blue eyes like her mother, that he is so handsome and beautiful that I just want to...."

"My King I can really feel your excitement, and I also feel the same, I also want to hold him in my hands and tell him that I have raised your father since he was just a newborn, and so, you will have to call me as Grandpa, but my King as the Advisor General, I want to remind you that your Army is ready to leave at any moment, and we have to win today's war at all cost, so that we can secure the future of our prince, The next King of The Great Elfen Kingdom." Said Malyva.

Markus's excitement cooled down a little he got serious and said "I will definitely win this war, for my people, for my son, for the children of Eldia."

More than Forty Thousand Elven soldiers were standing at a distance from the King's tent, every single one of them were heavily armed with different weapons.

One Fourth of the army were mounted on fierce horses, some with swords and shields and some with spears. They all stood behind an old Elven man, The Elf who was the third best with swords and shields in the Elfen Kingdom, the only Elves from whom he would ever be bested to, are The King of Elves and The Chief General. He is 'The Eastern General, one of the six Generals of the Elven Kingdom, RAGNAAR ELDINA'.

One Fourth of the Army, were on foot, comprised of only Elven Men of huge build, with their chests unclothed, and heavy weapons like huge axes and hammers in their hands, their sight alone was enough to intimidate the Enemies, they all stood behind a middle aged Elven man, The man who was second best in the Kingdom when it came to strength, The only Elf to whom he would ever lose to is The King of the Elves. He is a Huge man, with long beards and hairs, the tallest Elf in the entire kingdom with the most heavy build, he is 'The Western General, one of the six Generals of the Elfen Kingdom, NATHAN ELDINA'.

One Fourth of the army, it was comprised of both Elven men and women, with white robes on their shoulders and long wooden staff in their hands, they were the best of the best Magicians of the Elfen Kingdom, they all were mounted on horses. Standing behind a beautiful Elven women who looked young, she was the fourth best magician in the kingdom, she didn't lack in talent to be the fourth, it's because the other three, The Queen, The King and The Chief General were just excellent when it came to manipulating Magic. 'The Southern General, one of the six Generals of Elfen kingdom, she is also the daughter of the Advisor General and the Chief General, MARTHA ELVA'.

One Fourth of the Army, long range attackers, The Archers, comprised of both Elven men and women, all of their faces were covered with black masks, they were standing on the branches of the huge trees, they were led by a young Elven man, he was the best Archer of the Elfen Kingdom, even The Queen and The King lacked in front of him when it came to archery, 'The Northern General, one of the six Generals of the Elfen Kingdom, and the one and only disciple of the Chief General, EINAR ELVA'.


Malyva walks out of the royal tent, he looks towards the magnificient lineup, he smiled 'finally it's the day when we will show our Enemies, that why did their Ancestors warned them to never disturb the peace of Elves'.

An Elven shoulder standing near the entrance of the tent announced "The King is arriving."

Markus walks out of the tent, he looked towards the Forty thousand Elven soldiers.

"LONG LIVE THE KING". Malyva was on his knees with his heads down.


Every single Elf there was on their knees with their heads bowed down with respect, the praises of The King and The Kingdom echoed loud and far...
