The captain looked towards the Elven man and said "just who the hell are you, why are doing this to me."

He still hasn't realized that the person in front of him is an Elf, he was confused that why would someone who has already reached the 'ultimate rank' would target such small group of people.

Amidst the rain, wind blew up the Elven man's hood, he was looking towards the slaughtered soldiers of Empire. Only the back of the Elven man was visible to the captain, but as soon as he saw the long pointy ears of the Elf he was shocked, "an Elf" . 'It really was an Elf, but an Elf of ultimate rank, that is impossible, could he be one of the remenant Generals.'

The young Elven man turned towards the captain with cold eyes. He was young and a handsome Elf with silvery hairs and Golden eyes, as soon as the captain saw the Elf's face he said "Markus".

"THUD" it was the sound of the captain being hit in his face. The Elven man kicked the captain's face with such force that the captain was thrown meters away.

As soon as the captain came to realization, his face was completely covered in blood, with his jaws shattered, he was crying with extreme pain, but couldn't utter a single word because his whole mouth was filled with blood.

The Elven man said in cold voice, "Do not dare to take that name again without respect."

The Elven man walked up to the pond and took a handful of water from it. He chanted a spell on the water, and the dirty water looked fresh and it had a unique yellowish glow to it. He walked to the captain and again said in a cold voice, "you are only allowed to speak about what I ask."

The captain didn't knew how he was supposed to speak with a broken jaw but in desperation he nodded his head for a yes. The Elven man only let a single drop fall of water in his hand fall on to the captain's head. But miraculously all the wounds on the captain's body healed itself, except his hand that was severed, but the bleeding got stopped even there.

He was stunned with this act of healing, 'only the highest level of priest would ever be able to heal the type of wounds that I had on me, but just a single drop of water on which he has casted the spell can cure it.'

But above all this he was happy for being healed and for being freed from that painful experience, without a second thought he fell on his knees and said "very thankful for your mercy, sir."

But even before he could look towards the Elven man, "THUD", the captain was again kicked, but this time in his belly, this was also not a light kick, instead the captain again threw blood from his mouth, and got laid on the ground while holding his belly and screaming in pain.

The Elven man again said in a cold voice "Do not speak, until I tell you to do so."

The Elven man walked to the unconscious Elf girl child who has already fallen on the ground after being exhausted by dancing for who knows how many hours. Her feet was already bleeding, she covered in bruises all over the body, she was also bleeding from her nose, she looked skinny as if she hasn't eaten anything from weeks. Her fingers were pointing towards the wooden boxes that were kept at a distance, as if even while she was getting unconscious she wanted to reach those boxes.

The Elven man got on his knees, and poured the rest of the water in his hand in to the Elf girl child's mouth. All the bruises on her body started healing themselves and within minutes she regained all her mass. The change on her was so evident that it looked like she wasn't even skinny to begin with. She looked healthy.

Moments later, she regained her consciousness, as she opened her eyes she saw an Elven man in front her. She soon realized that she was laying on that Elven man's lap. 'Huh.. what happened ?the pain all over my body has vanished. And who is this man.'

But even before she could fulfill her curiosity, the Elven man said in a soft voice "rest assured, I will protect you."

He then moved back to the captain who was still screaming in pain, he again let a drop of water from his hand fall on the captain, and soon he was already healed. He looked towards the Elven man with anger in his eyes, 'Just what type of psycho did i ended up crossing path with, In the end, what does this bastard wants with me.'

The captain saw the Elven girl completely healed and in good health, 'what kind of spells has he learnt to be able to heal someone in seconds, someone who was going to die any moment into a healthy person.'

The Elven man looked in the captain's eye, and asked "how do you know that name?"

The captain was anxious, because he did not know how to reply, 'if I mess up again in speaking who knows which bone of mine is he going to break this time.'

He was in fear, so after thinking a lot he replied "I heard that great name 22 years ago during the war of expansion, it was the name of the Elf king of that time."

"Why did you take that name as soon as you saw me?" The Elven man asked.

The captain started pondering on how to answer this so this Elf doesn't gets offended, but before he could reply "THWACK" a slap landed on his face and again his jaw broke, he again coughed blood and while plucking the grass on the ground he wanted to scream, but he couldn't.

The Elven man walked back to the pond and again took a handful of water from it, he casted a spell on it, and the water started to give a yellowish glow. He walked to the Captain, and let a single drop of water from his hand fall on the captain's head and he was healed. 'I didn't even speak a word and he hit me again, just why is this happening with me.'

The Elven man said with a cold voice "when I ask something, then reply immediately and truthfully, without taking time to make up a story."

'Just what type of a psycho is he, if I say something that offends him then he beats me up, if I take time to prepare a reply so that he doesn't gets offended, he still beats me up.'

The captain replied anxiously, "22 years ago, during the war I got a chance to witness how the king of Elves looks like, and as soon as saw sir's face, I subconsciously ended up co-relating the two faces."

"Why have you trespassed in to our home". The Elven man asked.

This time without stalling for any time the captain replied immediately "At present, I serve under count Viscota, I was ordered by him to catch and bring some young female Elves, who could be used as a slaves."

After hearing this answer the Elven man's eye were red, filled with anger.

Witnessing this the captain thought 'now I am definitely fucked, I shouldn't have spoken about being used as slaves.'
