The rain stopped, The sky became a bit clear, the moon light fell on the bodies of dead soldiers of Empire, their blood was mixed with rain water and it colored the ground red. The captain's heart was beating fast due to fear, he was anxious.

The Elven girl stood up on her legs and ran towards the wooden boxes which were kept under a tree. She started to put all her strength in to opening the wooden boxes, but since they were all nailed and packed, her efforts amounted to nothing.

The Elven man standing near the captain witnessed this, he raised his right hand towards the tree, and casted a spell. As soon as the spell was casted, the branches of the tree started to move on their own, the branches elongated miraculously and reached to the boxes.

Witnessing the branches elongate and move, as if it was a hand of some being, The Elven girl and The captain were shocked.

A scene of 22 years ago flashed in front of the captain's eyes, he recognized that it was the same spell that was used by the Queen of Elves, to raise a wall of 30 meters high, made up of only branches of trees which elongated to form a net to block entry or exit from the forest.

'Even though the spell casted by the Queen of Elves was on a different level in comparison, but no doubt that he is also using that same spell. An Elven man who looks like the previous Elf King and uses the same spells as the Queen of Elves, could it be that he is.....'

The captain panicked with fear taking over him,

'No, no that's impossible, there was not even a rumor that I heard about them having a child, but wait a second, if I remember correctly then the sword this Elf is holding is the same sword that the King of Elves had 22 years ago. Does that mean that he really is.....'

The branches of the tree embedded their ends in to the upper face of the wooden boxes, with a huge force the branches tore apart the wooden boxes. The torn boxes revealed two more Elven girl child of around the same age as the previous Elf girl.

The Elven man witnessed that these bastards had two more kids captured, who were in similar health conditions as the previous one, his anger was unmeasurable, he turned towards the Human captain, the captain was already in fear after discovering the identity of the Elven man standing in front of him, but after witnessing the look in the Elven man's eyes, the captain urinated in his pants.

The captain fell on the ground with his head bowed at the feet of the Elven man, he started crying and said "please, please, please. Don't kill me, I can explain this. I was forced to capture these Elven kids, the count I am serving is a tyrant, if I didn't followed his orders then he would have executed me along with my family. I had no choice but to accept and follow his orders. Please, please, let me live, I have three small children waiting for me at home, please sir, show mercy."

These sentences were followed by a long silence, the captain was eagerly waiting for the Elven man's reply but he didn't hear word. After a long while he slowly raised his head to look at the Elven man, but what welcomed him were the angry and cold eyes of the Elven man that has turned red from Golden due to his extreme anger.

As soon as the captain saw this he again fell on his head on the ground and gave a last shot at persuading the Elven man, the captain continued "sir, please let me live, I can be useful to you, I have information about the Empire's actions.

Just a day ago, the 7th child of the Emperor, the Third princess has entered the forest with a group of soldiers, to hunt the Elves, they must not have reached that far, I know which directions they have taken.

Please, let me live, I can act as a guide for you."

'The princess is accompanied by a General of the Royal army, one of the Eighteen Generals of The Royal Army of Empire.

No matter how strong this bastard is, he is still just an inexperienced kid, who has learnt some spells and a few movements of the sword, but at the same time the General is someone who has a lot of experience and has similar powers to this kid.

Now, all I need to do is just persuade this bastard, once I bring him to the General, I am sure this bastard wouldn't stand a chance against the General.'

The Elven man said in a cold voice, "and who the fuck gave you the right, to act as a guide, in my home."

This definitely was not the answer that the captain was expecting, he thought that the Elven man will ask about the numbers of soldiers that are following the Princess, or may be he would ask about the princesses capability.

He was shocked with this answer, he slowly raised his head, but again, he saw the Elven man still staring at him with red eyes.

The Elven man stood, as if he was about to leave but all of a sudden he kicked on the shoulder of the captain dislocating it. The captain again screamed in pain.

The Elven man said "You want me let you live.... right..?

Fine, then answer this, did that master of yours ordered you to torture these kids until one of them bleeds from their feet and falls unconscious out of exhaustion."

The captain stopped screaming, because fear took over him, 'fuck... I should have known that he will not let me live, after witnessing the conditions of the Elven Children. After all I am the captain here, responsible for all the actions that are being taken here'

"Sir, please have mer..."

Even before The captain could complete his sentence, the Elven man slayed him with his sword, by splitting his body into two.

Blood gushed and reached to the foot of the Elven man, he said "ask for mercy, from the dead Elves."

All of this was witnessed by the Elven girl whom the Elven man has cured, she was standing near the boxes, in fear after witnessing this cruelty. 'What should I do now? Even though he looks like an Elf, I have never seen an Elf who is so cruel.'

The Elven man cleaned his sword on the grass and walked back to the pond, he again took a handful of water from the pond, and casted the same spell on the water, the water had a yellowish glow it.

The Elven man walked to the other two Elven girls in the boxes. One of the girls had burnt marks all over her body, and the other one was even younger than these two girls, she was covered with bruises, they looked malnutritioned from ages. He fed half of that water to one of the girl and other half of that water to another girl.

The Elven girl who was standing there witnessed this act of kindness and she got relaxed a little, but still she was acting cautious. The Elven man turned towards her and asked "when was the last time you all ate something."

She remained silent for a bit, but after that she said in a crooned voice "I don't remember when We last ate something, but they would give us a cup of water every two or three days."

The Elven man looked towards the dead soldiers with anger, but then turned his face towards the Elven girl and said in a gentle voice, "don't worry, you will not have to be hungry anymore. Just wait a little."

She nodded her head in happiness, one of the Elven girl who had burnt marks all over her woke up, she was completely cured with no burnt marks left behind, she also looked healthy.

As soon as she woke up, she saw the other Elven girl standing in front of her, "Jamica".. she had tears in her eyes.

Jamica jumped on her to hug her, with tears in her eyes she said, "Martha, you are completely fine."

Martha was the name of the girl who woke up later, she said "so you are. But how did..."

Before Martha could complete her sentence she saw an Elven man standing right next to them, she got scared because it was sudden, she asked to Jamica "who is this...?.".
