Before Martha could complete her sentence she saw an Elven man standing right next to them, she got scared because it was sudden, she asked to Jamica "who is this...?.".

Jamica looked towards the Elven man with a smile and said "Elder brother is the one who saved us, not only that he also punished all of the bad guys who captured us and were hurting us, if that wasn't enough he also cured us all."

"Elder brother....." The Elven man was shocked and delighted at the same time.

Martha walked to the Elven man and while bowing she said "Thank you, Elder brother, for saving us, if it was not for you we all would have either died or turned in to slaves."

Witnessing this Jamica also walked to the Elven man and while bowing she said "Thank you Elder brother, for saving us."

The Elven man stood still with no change in expression, 'Elder brother... huh.. once you get to know who I really am you will probably stone me to death. Such severe are my sins.'

He did not speak a single word. He walked towards the dead soldiers bodies.

After looking around for a while, He straightened his right hand fingers and with force he pierced them in to the ground.

He grabbed the land in his hands and pulled out a very huge piece of land in his hands. He was holding a very huge piece of land in his only one hand. He threw it in the side and walked to the bodies of the dead soldiers.

Martha and Jamica witnessed this, their eyes were going pop out in surprise. They couldn't believe what they had just seen. This was an act beyond any Elf or Humans capability.

The Elven man picked up the split bodies of the soldiers one by one and threw them in to the pit. After throwing all the bodies of the dead soldiers in to the pit, he again picked up the huge piece of land in his hand and placed it back in to the pit.

He put his hand on that piece of land and casted a spell over it, the damaged grasses grew back, and the place looked like it was before, with no evidences of the dead left behind.

He walked to the cage that was placed near the boxes under the tree. The cage had two fairies caught in it. He opened the gate of that cage, the two fairies flew out of the cage, and started flying near the Elven man. The fairies bowed twice to show respect and offer thank you to the Elven man for rescuing them.

Krishi arrives there, with a full bag in her hands, she saw the blood stains on the ground and the rescued Elves and the fairies.

She goes directly towards Martha and Jamica, she handed the bag in to Jamica's hand and smiled.

Jamica looked towards Martha with confusion, she opened the bag, it was full of different variety of fresh fruits.

Both of them were very happy, their cheeks got red, they started drooling, they looked towards Krishi and together asked "can we eat them?."

Since no one other than the Elven man was able to understand what the fairies said, krishi nodded with a smile. The two girls looked towards the Elven man, but he wasn't paying any attention to them.

They happily ate all the fruits in the bag, but there were still three fruits in the bag which they have left for Marie. Marie was the name of the youngest Elven girl, she was still unconscious.

The Elven man was standing at a distance by taking support of a tree, his eyes were closed, "if you want to eat more, you can, don't worry about her (Marie), I will provide some for her when she wakes up. She is just sleeping because of exhaustion."

Martha and Jamica looked towards the fruits in the bag, they closed the bag and walked to the Elven man and while bowing they both said together in a gentle voice "thank you for the food."

"I didn't do anything, it was Krishi who bought the fruits for you." The Elven man replied.

They both looked towards krishi who was sitting on the Elven man's shoulder, Martha took Krishi in her hands and said "so your name is krishi?."

Krishi nodded. Both Martha and Jamica kissed krishi on her little cheeks and said "thank you for the food, krishi."

Krishi got flustered and flew away from their hands with her blushing cheeks.

The Elven man walked to the pond and placed his hand near the land of the pond and casted a huge spell on the whole pond. The land started growing horizontally form each side of the circular pond. With in minutes the whole pond was covered by layers of land, and then in a blink of an eye the whole pond vanished, as if it was never there. Only a huge depression was left behind where the pond inItially was.

Martha and Jamica witnessed this miracle, they were speechless. Just with in hours Jamica had seen so many unbelievable miracles, that now she had started to enjoy these acts.

Jamica looked towards Martha and proudly said "see didn't I tell you that Elder brother is amazing." 

Martha was speechless, 'is this what you only call as amazing.'


Far away from where they all were, in a open space that was surrounded by tall trees, many tents were standing. Inside one of the tents that looked luxurious, a young Human girl around the age of twenty was seating on her chair. On the table many different types of tasty foods were placed in front of her.

"General Barbosa, it has already been more than Ten days since we entered this Damn forest, and after travelling continuously for every since day, we haven't come across a single Elf." The young said in a harsh voice.

A man who was armored and was in his 30's was standing on the other side of the table. His name is Barbosa, one of the Eighteen Generals of the Royal Army of Empire. He said "Princess please have patience, we are very close to them. I have found evidences that are leading to them, and I can assure you the Hunt this time will be very interesting and entertaining.

I believe that the group of Elves whom we are following are very large in number."

"Patience, patience, patience.. I have heard that from you for more than hundred times in the last two days. If your claim doesn't comes to be true then be prepared for what is coming for you."

Said the Princess.

She was a young lady, with beautiful long red hairs and a fair skin, the curves of her body was one of a kind. Her beauty itself spoke that she is a Princess.
