Some place far away from where the Elves and humans were confronting, above in clouds, the young Elven man was flying on something, something that was hidden in the clouds, he was also accompanied by the three Elven girls and Krishi, they were flying through the clouds very fast.


[In front of the cave]

The Human soldiers were ready with arrows loaded to shoot, and some with swords to attack up-front, also there were mages with wooden staff for support. The Elven men also raised there swords.

"General, you said there will be around fifty of them but they are only twenty." Said the Princess.

"Your highness, I believe that the rest are women and children and are in hiding inside the cave." Replied the General.

"Fine, then kill all of them who oppose. The rest who are inside the cave will be a good enough hunt." Said the princess.

The General stood there staring at the Elves without replying for a moment. He then speaks, "Princess, I believe the best hunt is standing right in front of us." He pointed his finger towards the old Elven man and said, "Isn't that correct? THE GREAT ADVISOR GENERAL OF THE ELVEN KINGDOM, MALYVA ELVA."

Every Human there was stunned and surprised, it's because The humans believed that Malyva, who was the shadow of the Elven King has died years ago. The General acted as a lunatic and said "Hehehe, Who could believe That I BARBOSA, ONE OF THE EIGHTEEN IMPERIAL GENERALS, will get a chance to hunt two of the most infamous Generals of Elves."

He then respectfully said to the princess, "Princess, I suggest that we capture these two alive, it will not only make you the winner of THE HUNTING FESTIVAL, but instead you will become a Legend for centuries, A Princess who caught two Elven Generals with only fifty soldiers."

With these simple buttery lines, the princess was convinced, "Bring them to me, alive."

Both the sides took battle positions, while the Princess on the Humans side and Malyva on the Elves side walked back.

[Yelling and screaming.]

Nathan takes a single step one at a time and walks up to Barbosa, Nathan while staring in to Barbosa's eyes said "kneel."

Barbosa takes out his sword from his waist and aims it towards Nathan's face, and said "that's your thing to do."

Nathan throws his fist with all his strength towards Barbosa's face, to which Barbosa countered with his sword. The shock waves of the clash was so powerful that some of the soldiers lost their ground, Barbosa himself was overwhelmed by a single punch, that single punch brought him to his knees.

As soon as the shock waves died, Nathan took an instance to hit Barbosa again with a punch in his face, but this time instead of countering the punch, Barbosa jumped back a few steps, and Nathan's punch hit the ground, this punch was even more powerful than before, several meters of area was obliterated, the ground shook, the shock this time shook even the cave walls and several cracks appeared on that wall. The horse on which the Princess was mounted became restless ,and because of those restless movements the Princess fell of the horse, she got so scared that she couldn't even move, one of the guard soldiers helped her to move and she hid behind a tree while covering her ears with her hands and eyes closed.

The Human soldiers were stunned by witnessing such kind of strength and power, Barbosa standing several meters away, muttered, "such power, without any use of body aura." Even he was stunned with such strength.

Neither the human soldiers or Elves had the guts to jump in to a fight of such scale. They became statues standing their only as witnesses.

Nathan stood their with bloody eyes filled with anger, Barbosa raised his sword again but this time the sword had a greenish glow to it, it was aura. Soon Nathan's fist also stared to glow with a bluish aura covering his both fists as if he was burning in blue flames. The flames which brought light in that dark place.

Nathan runs towards Barbosa while pulling his fists back to create momentum and pack more power in his fists, Barbosa also started running towards Nathan, with a flash, Nathan threw his fists towards Barbosa, to which Barbosa countered by a making a slash towards Nathan's fist in an attempt to cut of his hand, Nathan noticed the movements of Barbosa's sword and hit his sword with his fists, it was a head on clash, with far greater shock waves that were powerful enough that even some of the trees lost their ground, some of the soldiers flew away like leaves.

Barbosa was overwhelmed by this punch, A crack appeared on his sword, but even before he could pull back, Nathan hit the cracked sword with his another punch, this punch shattered Barbosa's sword in to pieces, Barbosa fell meters away because of the shock wave with only his sword's hilt remaining in his hands.

When he fell on the ground he got wounded and there was blood dripping from his head, Even before Barbosa can pull himself together to stand back, Nathan started moving towards him with a bluish glowing fist.

But before Nathan could reach Barbosa, a cracking sound of stone was heard. Nathan's feet stopped moving, he turned back to look at the cave, it was the cracking sound of the cave's wall. Nathan shouted "Evacuate all of them from inside, fast."

The Elven soldiers standing near the cave's entrance rushed in, Nathan also ran back towards the cave, he entered the cave in a hurry, but stopped just near the entrance of the cave, he saw the cracking of the wall grow, instead of going further inside, he raised his hands and held the walls up as a supporting pillar, he yelled with all his strength, "hurry".

Soon Elven women and children and some old Elves came running out of the cave, they walked past Nathan who was still standing their supporting the cave walls. A young Elven man carrying a pregnant Elven woman in his hands was also running towards the exit, he was the last one to evacuate, as soon as Nathan saw him he yelled again, "hurry".

The Elven man increased his pace, the cave started felling apart, small part of stones were falling from above, the Elven man was only steps away from the exit where Nathan was holding up the roof wall of the cave, but it was already too late, The cave came crashing down with Nathan and The Elven man and The pregnant Elven woman buried under the huge debris of the cave.

The Elves and The Humans both witnessed it, Barbosa was already standing up, he was smiling.
